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Tout ce qui a été posté par swansongtoo

  1. Une première usine pour Canada Goose au Québec Le fabricant de manteaux Canada Goose inaugurera officiellement sa première usine au Québec la semaine prochaine. Située sur la rue de la Vérendrye à Boisbriand, elle emploie déjà 150 personnes. Un nombre qui doit doubler d'ici 2018, affirme l'entreprise. La superficie des installations québécoises de l'entreprise canadienne est de 95 000 pieds carrés. La somme investie n'a pas été dévoilée. «Dans le cadre de son expansion globale, l'entreprise s'est engagée à investir de façon importante dans la reconstruction l'industrie manufacturière au Canada, avec des installations à Toronto, à Winnipeg, et maintenant, à Boisbriand», souligne Canada Goose dans l'invitation à la conférence de presse qui aura lieu le 29 juin. Rappelons que l'entreprise a récemment fait son entrée à la Bourse de Toronto.
  2. What's cool is Roca, YUL, Ogilvy expansion each have different hardware (cranes) and methods of pulling up their respective buildings.
  3. Interesting how Toronto and Montreal rates are quite similar however Toronto vacancy is half Montreal's. **** Naheed Nenshi was first elected mayor of Calgary in 2010 when the iconic Bow tower was rising to re-top the city’s skyline, new companies were opening their doors, established ones were expanding and luxury retailers were setting up shop. Office vacancy in the city’s bustling core was so tight, “You couldn’t get space downtown for love or money,” Nenshi recalled. To fill the gap, skyscrapers were rapidly built — 10 million square feet between 2007 and 2016 — all underpinned by confidence in the future of Alberta’s oilsands and a business-friendly climate. But the expansion of Calgary’s commercial core, home to Canada’s second-largest concentration of head offices after Toronto, came to an abrupt halt when oil prices collapsed in late 2014. The fallout worsened as new governments muscled in with policies to accelerate the transition to green energy. Massive layoffs, bankruptcies, consolidation and an efficiency drive at the oil and gas survivors reduced the downtown workforce by 40,000. Put another way, one in four Calgary office workers — and their workspaces — were no longer needed. Related Commercial rents in Toronto could soar as much as 50% in the next three years as market tightens Rachel Notley says moving part of the National Energy Board to Ottawa would be ‘dumb’ Allied Properties REIT target price boosted with Toronto office market showing “strong fundamentals”: Desjardins analysts Calgary’s office vacancy rate is so large that it’s become an albatross with implications for developers, city finances and, ultimately, taxpayers. “We went from essentially zero to almost 30 per cent (vacancy) in about 18 months,” Nenshi said. “I love roller coasters, but this is too much. The recovery will not be that quick. It’s going to be more slog work.” Both Barclay Street Real Estate and Avison Young put the vacancy rate at 24 per cent, but it’s closer to 30 per cent for older buildings and projected to rise to 27 per cent later this year and remain high in 2018. It’s estimated there is 13 to 14 million square feet of vacant space within Calgary’s striking cluster of glass towers. That’s equivalent to all the office space in downtown Vancouver. Many skyscrapers, including the Bow, have completely empty floors. In others, just a handful of people occupy space where hundreds used to toil. It will take such a long time to refill that space and Calgary may not see a new tower constructed until 2029, according to a study by the Conference Board of Canada. Click to enlarge As bad as it is, the vacancy rate is expected to swell even more in the next two years as three new buildings under construction are completed: a 564,000-square-foot building by Manulife is nearly ready; Brookfield Place, at 1.4 million square feet, is due to open this summer; and Telus Sky, at 430,000 square feet, is scheduled for 2019. “The decisions to build these building at the time were the right decisions,” said Greg Kwong, regional managing director, Alberta, at CBRE Inc. “We needed the space.” Then, he said, oil prices collapsed, government priorities changed, “and the music stopped.” Although office space is increasingly pricey in other Canadian cities, particularly Toronto, lease rates in Calgary have plummeted by 75 per cent at some places to $10 to $15 a square foot on a five-year lease for the highest-quality space, from a peak of $40 to $45 in 2013, Kwong said. Landlords are offering bargains galore, such as free rent for a year in exchange for long-term commitments and free upgrades at the most luxurious addresses such as new carpets. One landlord, Aspen Properties Ltd. executive chairman Scott Hutcheson, inspired by Silicon Valley campuses, is renovating one of the emptiest buildings — Encana Place, with a vacancy rate of 62 per cent — to attract more tech companies that employ millennials by adding a dog park, basketball courts, gym facilities and a putting green. There was a time when Hutcheson wondered “if we were just too risky” in spending millions to renovate during a period of high vacancy, but he said the strategy is paying off. New tenants are moving in because “this building is uniquely positioned in the market.” Darren Makowichuk/Postmedia NetworkNaheed Nenshi was first elected Mayor of Calgary in 2010 when office space was a scarce commodity. Another landlord, Centron Group, paused construction of an office tower just outside downtown on 10th St. and is considering redesigning the building to house condos. And Brookfield Asset Management Inc. put a second planned tower for Brookfield Place on hold. No one expects the remaining energy companies, including the handful that have become giants by acquiring the assets of competitors who left the city, will need more room in the future because they want to keep their costs in check. You will see companies that take 50,000 square feet right now (that) might take only 45,000 because they will become more efficient as technology takes over,” Kwong said. “I have been told by people in the industry, ‘We don’t need 10 engineers to drill a well any more, we only need five and a software program.’” TransCanada Corp. and MEG Energy Corp. have put large blocks of space up for lease. Cenovus Energy Inc. has also tried to sublease space as it concentrates multiple locations into two towers. The company leased 71 per cent of Brookfield Place when times were good and is due to move in sometime in 2019, but the building likely won’t be full when it opens. In response, the city has launched a multi-pronged effort to attract new companies before it falls behind like a rust-belt city. “My job is to continue to win back that business one square foot at the time and see how we do,” Mayor Nenshi said. “In Alberta, when times are good, we sometimes lose the discipline to be creative and innovative to solve our various business issues.” Nenshi, who is up for re-election this fall, said future tenants of Calgary’s office towers will likely be smaller firms such as Nubix, a local tech startup that would have been priced out of the city’s centre in the past but which recently signed a lease for 2,000 square feet. There are also new junior oil and gas startups subleasing space from exiting oil majors on the cheap, as well as educational institutions such as SAIT Polytechnic that are moving classes downtown. “In the listings that I have, and the tenants that I have looking, there are a ton of guys looking for space under 5,000 square feet,” said Dan Harmsen, vice-president of Barclay Street Real Estate. “That has historically been the beginning of new growth.” Calgary Economic Development chief executive Mary Moran is leading the charge to re-populate the downtown, which she believes will require a “conversion” from a major oil centre into a more diversified hub of clean tech, financial services and Internet-related companies attracted by the city’s unique network of indoor bridges known as the Plus15 system. The bridges connect most of the skyscrapers downtown and were built to address the Canadian oil and gas sector’s practice of having frequent meetings. Moran and her team have been to Silicon Valley six times this year, pitching companies in growth mode on Calgary’s more affordable office space, available workforce, proximity to the Rockies and the two-hour-long direct flights. In addition, U.S. President Donald Trump’s policies that make travel difficult for some employees mean there is demand for “a safe haven to put people, particularly coming from India, the best engineers in the world, who can’t get in and out of the U.S. very easily,” Moran said.
  4. Egalement deux stations coin Notre Dame / Atwater.
  5. Crane was put up late Friday afternoon for the additonal floors on corner RL Mackay. Je croyais avoir vu un fil pour ça ?
  6. Just walked by there incredibly the pieutage has commenced. I suppose this can move to En Construction.
  7. I read the store's hours will be 8AM - 12AM daily.
  8. Je me souviens a ce temps la je finissais mon bac a Concordia et un de mes cours était en immobilier (real estate in general). Un jour il avait un invité de, je crois, Marathon Realty qui avait le contrat pour construire le Centre Molson. La ajd je ne me souviens plus de tout ce que j'ai appris au printemps '91 but what I do remember very vividly is the presenter explaining that the new arena could support a 50 story tower.
  10. This is excellent news and 32 stories ... look it's a start and will put a lot of people in a part of downtown that needs it. Businesses on Ste. Cath on both sides of Atwater will be quite pleased and we can maybe look forward to a rejuvenated Forum (me semble a Jack Astor's la dedans serait cool) with the added residents. 1400 dwellings at say 1.5 per is potentially approx. 2100 people so if about 75% is occupied we can be looking at about 1500 - 1700 as conservative base. Pas rien quand même. Preval to the east and closer to downtown should have been able to 30 - 40 stories easy but I digress.
  11. Les nouveaux peuvent être pires encore.
  12. Me semble c'est un peu plus le genre de look j'aurais imaginer voir dans les nouveaux bâtiments Griffintown. Nice, subdued, fits well in the area.
  13. Bleue pas trop foncé serait également tres bien.
  14. Agreed! Ane the lights are turned up at the Peterson penthouse some Christmas cheer in the VIP
  15. Pourquoi cette brique pâle ... gris, rouge circa 19e siècle serait plus agréable.
  16. Bof c'est plutôt comme un bin gros village mais bon I get what you're saying. But this coop is not BAD comparer aux autres projets habitation sociale a jeter de pierre. Hell it looks better than the Devimco stuff growing around. Pour la clientele visée c'est pas pire.
  17. This is indeed great news. What I look forward to is how the STM will react to the inevitable comparisons between public vs. private mass transit. Also would a large number of riders using this service affect frequency of service on parallel metro or bus corridors. This is the first real competition public transit faces.
  18. Stretching up Bleury to RL and in the immediate vicinity this area must now rank as one of the most dense hotel areas in the city. This will be an even more dynamic and visually pleasing area for visitors and Montrealers alike. I suspect the large facade up Bleury will have a substantial impact when driving west along Viger perhaps as does the Manuvie building under construction. Agree with others on the 120m ... manque cruellement d'ambition cette limite.
  19. swansongtoo

    Square Viger

    Viger revamp delayed. Viger Square revamp won’t happen before Montreal’s 375th anniversary | Montreal Gazette The City of Montreal has decided to postpone the revamping of Viger Square for a year because of concerns about the state of the structure covering the Ville-Marie Expressway. Changes to Viger Square were supposed to have been done in time for Montreal’s 375th anniversary celebrations in 2017. There has been no work done at the site since August.
  20. That's the kind of tower (s) I'd like to see where l'Univers was to be.
  21. She's a bit late ... not really news since we knew about this since this past spring/ summer in a post from jerry. Site of burned Franciscan church could be turned into condos
  22. Hello all, Saw a sign on Crescent this morning for this project : Centra Condos - Montreal condos for sale, new condo downtown Montreal. 1190 is the site behind Maharaja buffet I know there's a thread for the old project but couldn't find it.
  23. Bonjour a vous, Suite a la démolition d'un bâtiment au 408/410 Des Seigneurs il y a du pieutage depuis au moins hier sur ce terrain. Pas d'indication du type de bâtiment je vais prendre des photos et essayer d'avoir plus d'infos des que possible. Pas techniquement Griffintown mais pour les gens du coins c'est considérer comme tel. Google Maps
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