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Tout ce qui a été posté par swansongtoo

  1. Je sais qu'il y a une phase a l'Ile des Soeurs quoi que je ne me souviens plus si elle s'appelait phase 6. Mais en gros même concept que 4 et 5 dans la mesure qu'il s'occupe des locations vs. la phase 7 où le proprio s’occupe des locations.
  2. True. Mais le Devimco risque bloquer Brivia !
  3. Look townhouses around Victor Hugo just to the south as well as those in Little Burgandy just to the west (right off Griffintown) are in the high 700s to 800s ... those just east of Atwater market are 1M. Yes sizes vary but are roughly in the same vicinity for these three neighbourhoods. With the shiny new builds for this project with a bit of a smaller footprint price seems right.
  4. Si on calcule 8 a 10 condos par étage on parle de 100 - 125 étages en tout donc 50 a 60aines étages si deux tours sont construites.
  5. Va magasiner dans Total Wine au E.-U. and then tell me how well our state run liquor stores fare. C'est deux planètes pas dans le même univers.
  6. Nothing more to say is there ... the picture doesn't lie.
  7. Si les trois tours se construisent en même temps ce coin risque d'avoir une allure des voisins Roca, l'Avenue et TDC l'hors de leurs constructions. Serait impressionnant.
  8. I think there's an existing thread but do we know what project is to the left of that lonely house ?
  9. Si rien d'autre on a un contraste vif du vieux et le nouveau.
  10. You know what I didn't even notice I was there to see The Grinch with my kid.
  11. It will soon be time to raise those cranes by January I'd think.
  12. Was there too last week went to A&W which opened a little while ago on Atwater. Meanwhile Mandy's is opening up on Ste. Catherine's side. This place can only raise from the dead it has nothing going on besides the theater.
  13. And we're not even talking of the old Children's site ... in five years we will have a Downtown West.
  14. Si assume les 1500 appartements (je n'aime pas le terme logements) sont tous louer et on assume disons 1.5 habitent par appartement en moyenne on parle de 2250 personnes au moins ce qui est assez impressionnent pour un coin de rue. J'imagine que les commercent a l'ouest de Bleury doivent se réjouir et on risque même de voir un rehaussement de l’offre commerciale vis a vis ce que l'on a aujourd'hui.
  15. If nothing else Devimco is ambitious ! This project, MAA Children's, Griffintown ... that's a lot of work in progress.
  16. Wow spectacular. Throw in a hoped for QDS project and, as I tell my 8 year old son, this city is finally starting to look like a big city
  17. 2.4M sq feet means approximately 2 1/2 1000 de la Gauchatieres under construction. Most of the new construction is then rather discreet since looking downtown nothing jumps at you screaming new office construction. But good news nonetheless !
  18. Slurry Walls 101. Been meaning to look this up for a while.
  19. Well then we best ignore a good number of members and their comments since many have a bias one way or another. In the end it's about getting to the heart of the comment and in this case it's not a question of bias but facts. Yes the city is doing well economically true but it is also true it does not yet rival its competitors in some areas. In the end though we all agree (I think!) increasing Montreal's economic performance and raising its importance are worthy goals.
  20. He's not a denyer rather he's simply calling out that despite positive economic news these last years we don't yet rival cities we compete with. And Habsfan is right too many people have rose colored glasses. We're on an upswing let's hope we continue the trend for the foreseeable future.
  21. Richmond coin Notre Dame.
  22. Taken Saturday afternroon. Second picture shows guys cutting 2x4s not sure if this is for sales office.
  23. That's great news adds still a little more density in the area. Thanks for the update.
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