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Le Carré Saint-Laurent / Le Central - 10,20 étages


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9 minutes ago, JFrosty said:

J'ai souvent croisé des prostituées quand j'étais petit. J'en suis pas mort, et même que maintenant, comparativement à d'autres, ça a contribué à me permettre de les considérer comme des humains, et non comme des déchets.

Mois aussi j'ai eu de belle rencontre avec des prostituees dans le bon vieux temps. Des moments tres agreable! Alors, vous avez tous raison. Mes excuses. Bon, retour au sujet!!

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Il y a 13 heures, JFrosty a dit :

J'ai souvent croisé des prostituées quand j'étais petit. J'en suis pas mort, et même que maintenant, comparativement à d'autres, ça a contribué à me permettre de les considérer comme des humains, et non comme des déchets.

En effet. Il y a ## années, j'emmenais mes enfants manger au Mtl Pool Room certains soirs. Jamais eu peur de les faire croiser les prostituées du coin. Ils trouvaient ça "bizarre", mais ça ne les a pas traumatisés pantoute. C'est une réalité qui existe et ce n'est pas en la cachant ou en déshumanisant ceux qui la vivent (je ne parle pas des pimps, pour qui j'ai peu d'estime, mais des filles qui sont souvent victimes d'un engrenage vicieux) qu'on en réduira les effets pervers.

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Je suis tellement heureux que le Old Montréal Pool room a répliqué son setting crasseux de l'autre bord de la main. C'est vraiment triste de voir cette Mickey Mouse-isation à outrance du centre-ville. On perd le cachet "gritty" de ville du North East qu'on avait d'antan. Pas tout à fait rust belt, mais au moins un tantinet de rust. :P

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It is very unfortunate but again shows most people on this forum are incapable of having a discussion. Just mob mentality that is prevalent in all social media. Their answer is an ignorant generalization and a meme. "Oh look, a funny meme, let me jump on the band-wagon! Bring out the pitch-forks!"

Too bad. 

If some of you all still believe that the red light district is still in that area, you are wrong or don't even live or pass by that area anymore (most don't) .

Aside from the mentioned Cleopatre theatre, it is soon becoming a northern "Times Square" which was completely gentrified in the last century.

The older folks might remember how shaddy Times Square was with hookers and pimps and shady people everywhere. No family would bring their kids there! It is becoming obvious (again only to those that frequent the area) that they want to get rid of the shaddy area and history of st-laurent/ste catherine area as well. They want to make it more family friendly. Well, no normal parents of small children would want to bring their kids there!..yet. Seriously, places like that exist, which is fine, I don't care. But it is a weird contrast and the transition to a more family friendly area requires that Cleopartre has to close down.

That was the point. 

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33 minutes ago, peekay said:

It is very unfortunate but again shows most people on this forum are incapable of having a discussion. Just mob mentality that is prevalent in all social media. Their answer is an ignorant generalization and a meme. "Oh look, a funny meme, let me jump on the band-wagon! Bring out the pitch-forks!"

Too bad. 

If some of you all still believe that the red light district is still in that area, you are wrong or don't even live or pass by that area anymore (most don't) .

Aside from the mentioned Cleopatre theatre, it is soon becoming a northern "Times Square" which was completely gentrified in the last century.

The older folks might remember how shaddy Times Square was with hookers and pimps and shady people everywhere. No family would bring their kids there! It is becoming obvious (again only to those that frequent the area) that they want to get rid of the shaddy area and history of st-laurent/ste catherine area as well. They want to make it more family friendly. Well, no normal parents of small children would want to bring their kids there!..yet. Seriously, places like that exist, which is fine, I don't care. But it is a weird contrast and the transition to a more family friendly area requires that Cleopartre has to close down.

That was the point. 

I agree. It boggles my mind that some people on this board think its ok for young children to meet with such social scum but then again im not surprised given the low social moral of our society lately. In regards to your point on social media mob mentality, you are spot on. Just look at the amount of thumbs down I get on my post which is intentionally orchestrated by a mob segment of the MTLURB community. Not that I care for this or that it will deter me from giving my opinion, but it just shows how sad social media, and this forum for that matter, has become. 

Modifié par wellz
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