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Gramercy - 6, 8, 10 étages


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Nice boutique project. 3,000 SF units and up, really catering to the westmount elite superset of buyers with limited options for new construction and superior amenities.


Sherbrooke street keeps getting more attractive and is the marquee address for prestigious residences.

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Membres prolifiques

Nice to see they got the inspiration from the one in NY. At least that area going to be redeveloped over the next 13+ years. They will get some nice views and some very not nice views of really horrendous buildings.

Modifié par jesseps
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Updated w/ horrible cellphone pictures to show the banner. In the future I'll try to use a real camera.


Update 2: The catwalk is being taken down as we speak. Pictures to come unless someone beats me to it.

Modifié par denpanosekai
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  • 1 mois plus tard...
De la densification! Et de la belle architecture en plus! Excellent!


Merci pour cette trouvaille!



En effet Gilbert, belle trouvaille sauf que....sauf que tu avais fait cette trouvaille il y a de ça.......3 ans !!! je suis certain que tu ne t'en souviens même pas.

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  • 4 mois plus tard...

Looks like my thread was deleted instead of being merged...


Anyway, Reliance will be in charge of construction. They have a banner and container on site as we speak.


I though for sure Gramercy would fall prey to Oro/Victoire/Avenue/etc but looks like it might just happen after all!

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Looks like my thread was deleted instead of being merged...


Anyway, Reliance will be in charge of construction. They have a banner and container on site as we speak.


I though for sure Gramercy would fall prey to Oro/Victoire/Avenue/etc but looks like it might just happen after all!


Il a été fusionné. Ton premier message est à la page 2 de ce fil.


Merci pour la mise à jour!

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