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Pont Samuel-De Champlain


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Transport 2000 president Robert Dubé said a new bridge should have four lanes in each direction. In each direction:


One lane should be reserved for buses and carpoolers with more than three occupants. During rush hours, this lane would be reserved for buses.


A second lane should be for a higher-capacity mode of public transit such as light-rail transit.


The other two lanes –for cars and trucks – should have tolls such as those on the new Highway 25 bridge.


So, this guy wants to reduce the number of lanes for cars and trucks. I swear that some people just don't get it!


I'm fine with having a bus lane and another lane dedicated to Light Rail transit, but to reduce the number of lanes for Cars and trucks from 3 to 2 is simply asinine! Talk about taking 2 steps back.

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J'ai déjà parlé du viaduc de Millau sur un autre fil mais je n'en avais placé qu'un close-up




We got a winner! Don't get me wrong I like Dubai's, but this city not that futuristic yet and a bridge like that would be an eye-sore, but that is just me.

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