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Sir Charles - 2 x 25 étages


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il y a une heure, MtlReal a dit :

The prices will be ridiculous for a longeuil condo next to nowhere. 1bedroom 550sqft with parking and taxes included on lowest floor, 380k. 525k for 2 bedroom. 

The market will decide.  The asking price is one thing, the actual selling price will be another.   

I do not however agree that the location is "next to nowhere".  Proximity to a metro station is a big plus.  So will be the views of downtown Montreal and the St. Lawrence River from a fair number of units.  As I wrote in a previous post, I expect that those who elect to live there would have their eyes and interests turned towards Montreal, nearly as if they lived in the city (and not in Longueuil); their jobs would be in Montreal, and so would their cultural and social life.  In that sense, it can be superior to many alternative sites located within the limits of Montreal but without the views and  proximity to a truly thriving environment. I would not of course compare this Longueuil site to many others in downtown or within walking distance of it.  Preference also depends on one's lifestyle: some other Montreal sites are interesting in their own rights, such as the Plateau Mont-Royal, the Mile-End, etc.  But it's for different tastes.  Tell me, how do you compare this Longueuil site to Nuns Island for example, or to Solar Uniquartier in Brossard.   

I am not attempting to sell this project, but just to outline that it is not withtout some merits. If asking prices are exagerated, they won't sell. If prices are OK for some buyers, they will.  If not, prices would have to go down.  A project, any project, does not need to seduce everybody.  Just a sufficient number.        

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Il y a 4 heures, Rocco a dit :

Well prices have to follow the fact that we are dealing with Monarchy here. Sir Charles indeed. 

On devrait plutôt parler de noblesse plutôt que de monarchie !! Rigueur !! Rigueur !! 

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Il y a 9 heures, Né entre les rapides a dit :

II me semble qu'il y a mieux à "discuter" concernant ce projet, que le nom et sa signification.  C'est de la rigueur dans le vide que de poursuivre dans cette voie.

Je l'attendais avec impatience celle-là !! C'était prévisible. Étonnement cela a tout de même pris du temps avant de venir !!

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  • 2 semaines plus tard...

Ground broken...(not breaking).

2 minutes ago, lebanonsaid said:

Would be groundbreaking if the 800m referred to metres and not millions.

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Il y a 19 heures, Rocco a dit :

Quelle horreur architecturale! Longueuil et les alentours du métro vont continuer dans le laid. Coudonc c'est tu si difficile de faire beau M. Goulet?!?!

Vraiment pareil comme  Brooklyn je comprends la comparaison dans leur pitch de vente.....🙄


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