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Stade Olympique et site adjacent - Discussion générale

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The Gazette has never cared for the greater interest of Montreal. It has singled out the Anglo community as its constituency, and works from a perspective on Montreal demographics as they existed in the 1950`s. As a result, they don`t care less what happens east of St. Laurent and they literally believe that the big O is in the middle of nowhere.

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The Gazette has never cared for the greater interest of Montreal. It has singled out the Anglo community as its constituency, and works from a perspective on Montreal demographics as they existed in the 1950`s. As a result, they don`t care less what happens east of St. Laurent and they literally believe that the big O is in the middle of nowhere.


Say what you want about the evil anglo gazette but they ran a story recently which seriously questioned the bullshit figure of 700 million for demolition, they included an interview with Jack Loizeaux of CDI (who's probably the world's greatest demolition expert) and he found the figure ridiculous, unlike the so-called Quebec expert who the gazette showed didn't know his ass from his elbow

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Yeah the English media is full of crap. They don't care about Quebec they just push their own evil Anglo agenda. The Peladeau clan with the Journal de Montreal, well now we're talking real journalism, pure unadulterated logic with no slant in favor of one group or another.


Damn Anglos with the Gazette and those French hating fear mongers and Quebec bashing traitors like MacLean's which published the story of Quebec being the most corrupt jurisdiction in Canada. The nerve of those hateful Anglos.


I bet if all the Anglos and all the Allophones were to instantly disappear from every corner of Quebec, the Pur-laines Quebecois would be in Shangri-la. Wow imagine no Hijabs, no black people, no Italian Mafia, no big nosed Jews with Curls , no Arabs, no smelly curry slinging Punjabi no annoying Greek Pizza joints. Wow let's imagine a Pure Quebec where no American tourist or any Damn Anglo Canadian would dare step into. A Quebec so pure that the birds would only sing and chirp in French and where names such as Trudeau and Martin, Charest , Bourassa would be illegal and stricken from the historical registers of Quebec. Imagine a Quebec so French that it replaces France as the center of the Francophonie. Imagine Quebec where Air Canada, US Air could not fly into it's airspace without taping over the word Air. Imagine a Quebec where all non Francophone people buried in cemeteries are dug up and all traces of the grave markers are destroyed. Imagine a Quebec where all the Indians ( Inuit, Iroquois, Hurons etc etc ) are shipped out to Manitoba. Let us pause for a moment and think about this way of thinking. Is it far fetched or is it the type of thinking that leads to tragedies such as Rawanda, Sri Lanka or dare I say Nazi Germany.............. When a people cannot accept criticism without bringing out their hate of a certain group, we have, dare I say the beginning of organized racism. When a group believes that they cannot do any wrong and that their way of thinking is the only way, then my friends we are at the top of a dangerous slippery slope. Call me an alarmist call me a fool, it' ll be just another label to brand me a Quebec hater!!!!

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Yeah the English media is full of crap. They don't care about Quebec they just push their own evil Anglo agenda. The Peladeau clan with the Journal de Montreal, well now we're talking real journalism, pure unadulterated logic with no slant in favor of one group or another.


Damn Anglos with the Gazette and those French hating fear mongers and Quebec bashing traitors like MacLean's which published the story of Quebec being the most corrupt jurisdiction in Canada. The nerve of those hateful Anglos.


I bet if all the Anglos and all the Allophones were to instantly disappear from every corner of Quebec, the Pur-laines Quebecois would be in Shangri-la. Wow imagine no Hijabs, no black people, no Italian Mafia, no big nosed Jews with Curls , no Arabs, no smelly curry slinging Punjabi no annoying Greek Pizza joints. Wow let's imagine a Pure Quebec where no American tourist or any Damn Anglo Canadian would dare step into. A Quebec so pure that the birds would only sing and chirp in French and where names such as Trudeau and Martin, Charest , Bourassa would be illegal and stricken from the historical registers of Quebec. Imagine a Quebec so French that it replaces France as the center of the Francophonie. Imagine Quebec where Air Canada, US Air could not fly into it's airspace without taping over the word Air. Imagine a Quebec where all non Francophone people buried in cemeteries are dug up and all traces of the grave markers are destroyed. Imagine a Quebec where all the Indians ( Inuit, Iroquois, Hurons etc etc ) are shipped out to Manitoba. Let us pause for a moment and think about this way of thinking. Is it far fetched or is it the type of thinking that leads to tragedies such as Rawanda, Sri Lanka or dare I say Nazi Germany.............. When a people cannot accept criticism without bringing out their hate of a certain group, we have, dare I say the beginning of organized racism. When a group believes that they cannot do any wrong and that their way of thinking is the only way, then my friends we are at the top of a dangerous slippery slope. Call me an alarmist call me a fool, it' ll be just another label to brand me a Quebec hater!!!!


Yo buddy! Where the hell did this come from. The only thing I said was the Gazette always mentions they rather see the stadium torned down and all of a sudden, you're in Rwanda??? Wtf?


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Soyons sérieux, ce monument appartient aux québécois et particulièrement aux montréalais. Ce sont eux qui ont droit de regard sur le sort de cet édifice qui leur a couté une fortune à construire. Seuls les gens qui n'ont aucune imagination, ni aucun respect pour les énergies colossales mises en commun pour le réaliser, voudraient le voir disparaitre stupidement.


The Gazette est le porte-voix d'un empire médiatique anglophone contrôlé à partir de Toronto. Ils n'ont donc aucun intérêt dans le bien-être de Montréal, ni vis à vis de sa communauté. Pas plus d'ailleurs qu'envers le Québec pour lequel ils n'ont jamais accepté (comme certains sur ce forum) l'existence d'un parti souverainiste pourtant totalement légitime et élu démocratiquement. On peut d'ailleurs affirmer, sans risque de se tromper, que c'est grâce à l'existence de ce parti québécois, que toutes les forces indépendantistes ont réussi à se canaliser et que la violence terroriste des années 60s-70s s'est définitivement tari.


C'est ici la plus belle preuve du bien fondé des valeurs démocratiques dans une société. Donner une voix à ceux qui n'en ont pas, permettez-leurs de jouer le jeu politique et ils se responsabiliseront eux-mêmes. Le Parti Québécois a permis à plein de gens de rêver à une nouvelle définition du Québec et même à tenter d'en créer un pays. On peut très bien vouloir maintenir le statu-quo, mais on ne peut pas ignorer 40% des électeurs qui souhaitent le contraire, pas plus que le 20 à 30% d'hésitants selon le type de formule proposé.


Alors on n'attendra pas de sympathie de la part d'une équipe extérieure, qui conserve une antenne en "pays ennemi" et qui tire aveuglément sur tous les dossiers qu'elle juge contraires à ses propres intérêts. On pourrait même considérer ce comportement compulsif, d'agression, puisqu'il ne vise aucunement le bien-être de ceux à qui ils s'adressent.


Pour revenir au Stade, une des icônes de Montréal, il fait partie de notre histoire et est le témoin le plus éloquent d'un des moments forts de notre société. Pour beaucoup il est un symbole de fierté et même de réussite, en dépit de toute l'adversité qui s'est manifestée, du début jusqu'à sa réalisation finale. Il appartient à notre patrimoine, au même titre que d'autres édifices emblématiques de la ville. Il fait aussi partie du paysage urbain qui distingue Montréal, et dont il est devenu un phare, véritable point de repère identifiable à des kilomètres à la ronde.


Ne lui manque plus qu'un toit adapté à ses besoins, pour enfin pouvoir l'utiliser pleinement toute l'année durant. Il faut admettre que les gigantesques structures tout autour ont longtemps intimidé ses gestionnaires. Mais lentement et sagement, un élément à la fois, on est en train de réaliser un des pôles touristiques parmi les plus complets et les plus excitants d'Amérique. Un site qui s'adresse à toute les clientèles, dans des installations modernes, où les sports, les activités scientifiques ou ludiques, offrent une foule d'événements sans cesse renouvelés.


On a aussi réunis sur un immense périmètre, quelques exemples de notre plus belle architecture, de nos plus beaux parcs et de nos aménagements urbains parmi les mieux réussis. Pas de doute, l'ensemble du parc Olympique, du jardin botanique et son environnement immédiat, ont un potentiel d'attraction indéniable, autant pour la population locale, que touristique. Il faudra donc en faire la promotion comme une destination en soi, au même titre que les Disney de ce monde. Avec la différence qu'ici tout le monde y trouvera son compte, adultes comme enfants et pour plusieurs jours si on veut tout voir.


Nous sommes assis sur un trésor encore sous-exploité, un ensemble unique dans le monde, autant par ses dimensions, que par la variété de ses activités. (Pas étonnant qu'il fasse des envieux qui voudraient bien le saboter). Osons en faire la promotion avec fierté. On a plus qu'une chute d'eau à montrer, on a tout un monde à offrir dans une sorte de parc permanent d'expositions qui en met littéralement plein la vue. J'ai envie moi aussi de dire: "ravivons la flamme" et vendons au monde entier une attraction, non seulement de grande qualité, mais surtout de classe mondiale.

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Je suis prêt à m'en mettre pas mal sur le dos en tant que québécois-nationaliste-de-gauche, mais aucun souverainiste n'a pris une semi-automatique pour tenter d'assassiner Charest les 3 fois qu'il a été élu.


Un moment donné, il est normal de questionner le ton et le propos d'une couverture peut-être trop parano et inutilement alarmiste de certains médias du west island.


Pas obligé de partir une tirade débile comme celle d'en haut.


Je n'ajouterai rien de plus à cette discussion, sauf si on retourne au sujet principal.

Mais j'ai mes limites.

Modifié par UrbMtl
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Je suis de "l'école" de ceux qui veulent garder le Stade Olympique intact et le revitalisé. Alors cette vidéo représente bien mon point de vue.

Je sais que plusieurs Montréalais préféreraient le voir démoli, surtout dans The Gazette et CJAD.



Great video, thanks for posting.


I’m all for re-investing in Olympic Stadium and helping it become a source of pride for Montrealers. However, the project has to make sense. The RIO claims they’re running a deficit because the stadium cannot be used throughout the year, however if it was… what would happen? Would it simply cannibalize events from Palais des Congres and Place Bonaventure? Or would it truly bring NEW spending/money to the city? How many shows could realistically occur between December and March that aren’t already taking place somewhere else in Montreal?


If it comes down to spending $300 million on a new roof to allow for additional tradeshows and concerts vs. $300 million of public money to help build a new baseball stadium downtown/Griffintown (with an agreement for MLB baseball), then I think it’s a no-brainer.


At $300 million at Olympic Stadium all you have is a new roof – so basically a safer version of what we have now. And the interior of the Stadium is just awful – it has barely been renovated at all in nearly 40 years and it really shows. We’re not talking paint and new tile to spruce it up to new standards, it would need a lot more than that. If we’re talking MLB in Montreal, forget Olympic Stadium. This is 2013, not 1980.


So it’s a tough question – I don’t think the answer is to tear it down, but I don’t think the answer is to invest hundreds of millions of dollars at the expense of NOT spending that money on new growth opportunities such as a MLB ballpark.

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Yes let's discuss architecture and the good things that we love about this city and province and country that we share.


First of all BRUB I was not responding to your comments but those of MontRoyal.


The Gazette has never cared for the greater interest of Montreal. It has singled out the Anglo community as its constituency, and works from a perspective on Montreal demographics as they existed in the 1950`s. As a result, they don`t care less what happens east of St. Laurent and they literally believe that the big O is in the middle of nowhere.


However allow me the opportunity to respond to these rather harsh attacks that were not warranted and totally insulting. But alas the anonymity of the internet makes us brave to insult and belittle anyone who does not share our opinion. Yes, Vanatox I am simply nuts and I Blah Blah Blah, Why would I even attempt to compare my limited intellect to your enormous wealth of knowledge and your complete understanding of the universe. As for ACPNC, yes all of English Canada is just waiting to pounce on any opportunity to bash Quebec....Yes those goddamn Canadians are so aggressive and they are definitely the enemies of Quebec....................Stupid Alberta Anglos that send us $8 billion dollars in equalization payments every year. I guess every Person in the Rest Of Canada is just waiting for the day that Quebec crashes...Oh yes the Parti Quebecois is the salvation of Quebec......Mme Marois Poo poos any opinion that is contrary to hers...why that senile old politician Parizeau is just a citizen now and Lucien Bouchard who was the poster boy for the Independence Movement in the 80's and 90's should shut up and mind his business now that he is in favor of staying in Canada..... What did I say in my original post?.....When people disagree with their opinion they are traitors and simply should go away.



Oh and as I said in may previous post I was going to labelled ...and I am , I am now known as NUTS and whatever I say should be disregarded!!


And finally ACPNC, Yes the Olympic Stadium is a Monument to Quebec Know-how.....Designed by a French architect, finished well over a Decade after the 76 Olympics were held. Botched workmanship, Initially pegged at $125 million dollars and finally costing over $2 billion Dollars....Billion with a B....Hundreds of millions being spent over the last 25 years to keep it standing. More hundreds of millions in the planning to remake the roof.

I totally agree it is a GREAT Monument to Quebecois Savoir Faire!!!


Merry Xmas to all.......or should I be politically correct...Happy Holidays!!

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