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Could Montreal's real estate market be the next target for foreign investors?


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Could Montreal benefit from this? Sure, but will it, time will only tell. Some people may see Quebec as unstable, it is usually 1 election away from always falling. \\


If I was an overseas investor, I would look into buying a building near UdM. Only reason being, if Quebec did leave Canada. You would still have students going to UdM from within the province and from France. The property value may go down, but you will still have a steady flow of income.

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La question que je pose: à qui profite un marché spéculatif? Quand la baloune pète tout le monde pâtit.

À ceux qui sont assez intelligents pour vendre avant que la balloune pète?

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Canada wants more Chinese workers, students and tourists, says immigration minister

'The last thing we want is every immigrant goes to either Toronto or Vancouver,' says John McCallum

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