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Membres prolifiques

Well since we don't have a thread for the ... whatever-it-is that's being built, I'll just leave this here. They've completed the Lasalle-facing wall and it's not too too bad. You can clearly see the stones from the church and maybe some other decorative elements on the first floor. Then it's red brick for the remaining stories and boring beige on top. It kinda looks like that ecolo condo building across the street. S'alright. Sorry no pics.

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  • 1 mois plus tard...

July 28th 2015


Wouldn't have been too bad of a project if it wasn't for that lame beige brick on top. Looks somewhat better in person (i.e. not exactly eye-level). Are they bringing back pink brick while we're at it? Anyway reminds me of this boring building at Crawford and Churchill. This is all our architects are capable of anymore.







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Édifice superbe en ce qui a trait aux services offerts, mais ultra moche au niveau de l'apparence. Style institution en pleine austérité avec des matériaux disparates glanés aux Surplus de l'Armée. :yikes::yikes::yikes:

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