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Envoyé par denpanosekai


Oh god, I'm trying to think of an angle where this view is possible... What the hell is that behind UQAM? Some of the weirdest marketing this far.


En effet! Il semble super haut en plus d'être pas du tout au bon endroit. On dirait une vue à partir de quelque part entre Sainte-Catherine et René-Lévesques!


That view is completely impossible, and like all the other images of this building, is a total fantasy fabrication. First, the view of the building is the south facade, so the camera is south-west, looking north-east. This makes the view of Place des Festivals in the photo also completely wrong, because you'd have to be south-west of St. Catherine and Jeanne-Mance to see the festival stage which has its back to Maisonneuve. Furthermore, the view of the bridge, while possibly correct from the POV of the building, is not correct in relation to Place des Arts.


Anyway, all that to say it's complete BS.

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That view is completely impossible, and like all the other images of this building, is a total fantasy fabrication. First, the view of the building is the south facade, so the camera is south-west, looking north-east. This makes the view of Place des Festivals in the photo also completely wrong, because you'd have to be south-west of St. Catherine and Jeanne-Mance to see the festival stage which has its back to Maisonneuve. Furthermore, the view of the bridge, while possibly correct from the POV of the building, is not correct in relation to Place des Arts.


Anyway, all that to say it's complete BS.


Are we still talking about the render of the precedent page ? Because that shows the northen facade of the building, which will be partially hidden by the Hilton Garden. The render is perfectly corect. The background shows the correct angle and view of the Quartier des spectacles. I suspect that some of you looks at the gesu and confuse it for the Musée d'art contemporain. The black tower is the 500 Place d'Armes. On the left part of the render, we can see the UQAM building on President kennedy. Everything is where it should be. You people need to learn how to read an image.


Philastic, we don't even see Place des festivals on the render, because it is directly behind the petersen on the render. We don't see Place des Arts neither for the same resson. Look carefully. Also, how can you confuse this for the south facade of the building when we all know that the south facade is where there are all those wavy balconies ?

Modifié par MartinMtl
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Ah cool. For some reason, C-Loft was completely under my radar ;)

Il était aussi passé sous le mien. Je viens d'aller voir dans la liste des projets en construction et aucune trace du projet (faut dire qu'on ne trouve pas non plus l'Icone, le Roca, la TDC, etc dans la liste), je suis donc allé dans «approuvés» et toujours rien. Donc j'ai utilisé le moteur de recherche et le seul lien trouvé m'a ramené... dans ce topic.

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Merci à TroisRivières pour le lien. Pas étonnant que je n'aie jamais vu le topic du projet C-Loft car je n'ai jamais le réflexe d'aller dans les sous-forums QDS ou GriffinTown.

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