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Une lettre parue dans la Gazette hier d'une jeune femme qui est allé à l'opéra:





Numbskulls ruin much-anticipated night at the opera

To the operagoer who burps every time a tenor sings to show off to his girlfriend how easy it is to resemble the singer's voice; to the gum-chewing teenager who is more mesmerized by the gum she is twirling around her finger than the genius of Verdi; to the Blackberry-addicted chap who needs thumb stimulation every 1.75 minutes; and to the one moron behind me who tried to slowly, painfully, torturously unwrap a Kit Kat bar because watching Leonora drink poison to save her love suddenly gave him a chocolate craving: What is wrong with you?


They have just ruined the greatest opera I have ever seen in my 19 years on this Earth. I worked my butt off saving the money needed to get a ticket to this amazing show. I was looking forward it for weeks. And they, thinking that they were watching NASCAR, have nonchalantly ruined it for me and the other spectators around them with their selfish immaturity.


If they would rather watch a marathon of the mind-numbing Jersey Shore with some friends and a couple of beers on a Saturday night, that's their preference and I wouldn't ruin it for them.


But what is waltzing in their minuscule minds that made them think that the opera is the right place for childish nonsense? Like burping!


To those who know, who truly, utterly know that they don't like the opera: Stay at home. Not only are you embarrassing yourselves, but you are an utter embarrassment to the art of opera.




Read more: http://www.montrealgazette.com/Numbskulls+ruin+much+anticipated+night+opera/6047214/story.html#ixzz1kbNPxVla


Voyez la réaction rapide et brillante de l'Opéra de Mtl:




Journée ''Chocolat : hors de l'Opéra''!

''Keep your chocolate bar out of Opera hall'' day



UN APPEL À TOUS : Suite à la lettre parue dans The Gazette sur l’expérience en salle d’une jeune étudiante en cinéma à Il trovatore, l’Opéra de Montréal a répondu à l’étudiante su...r les ondes de CJAD en s’excusant et en a profité pour lancer l’appel suivant : vendredi, le 27 janvier, de 9 h à 17 h, APPORTEZ UNE BARRE DE CHOCOLAT À LA BILLETTERIE DE L’OPÉRA ET OBTENEZ UN CERTIFICAT CADEAU DE 25 $. Aidez-nous à garder le chocolat en dehors de la salle d’opéra!


Certaines conditions s’appliquent. Détails à la billetterie de l’Opéra de Montréal.


Nice euh?


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