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I have to agree wiht ToxiK on this one.. stating flatly that something is a myth is equivalent to saying flatly that you know something to be absolutely true, when in reality, holding an opinion and believing something doesn't mean you know it.


I'll let AronRa explain the difference between believing something very very very very very much and knowing something:


This video deals with creationism but the same principles of knowing -vs- believing apply.


For global warming to be a myth, it would have to be an established fact that it's a myth. A fact that must accepted by everyone and supported by evidence. However, many (most) people believe in the existence of global warming and there's a large body of evidence to support it. Therefore, it's not (yet) possible to state correctly that you know global warming is a myth.

Modifié par Cataclaw
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You are the propagandist! Using the word "myth" every time you talk about global warming just because you don't like the conclusion of scientists is propaganda in itself.

I am perhaps guilty as charged. Although Steven Guilbeault is still a propagandist of something that is far from universally accepted. There is no scientific consensus on global warming! The reasons behind so-called global warming are not entirely known. The fact is that it remains a controversy.


I don't believe in God, but I have the respect not to use the word myth when every time I talk about religion. And what about the myth that lower taxes are better for the economy? Or the myth that Stephen Harper isn't a extremist? Or the myth that the Toronto Maple Leaf suck? (I often use the Maple Leafs as an example as a way to fight divisiveness. Despising the Leafs is something that unites us all :silly: ).

All those issues can have people finding defendable arguments for both sides (as well as much rationalization) and using the word "myth" instead of "I disagree" is borderline offensive.

However, it is pretty important to note who we are talking about here. Your average "global-warming is caused by humans and will lead to catastrophe" people call those of us who disagree with them "global warming deniers" and the things we say are apparently myths (even though many reputable scientists are saying them!). Some people like David Suzuki even think that global warming deniers should be thrown in prison! (source:


Another thing: you have to know who is making the comments when you listen to arguments. I would not to many credits on comments about the economy from Québec Solidaire, comments about the suburbs from Projet Montréal or comments about the environment from the Republican Party.

I agree with the first two. But you are aware that George W. Bush's house is much more green and energy efficient than Al Gore's? (source: We can't forget how "un-green" T. Boone Pickens is either! I completely agree with finding sources of alternate energy This is the main reason to find altnerative energy, IMO. I'm tired of sending our money to 3rd world dictators!

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I have to agree wiht ToxiK on this one.. stating flatly that something is a myth is equivalent to saying flatly that you know something to be absolutely true, when in reality, holding an opinion and believing something doesn't mean you know it.


I'll let AronRa explain the difference between believing something very very very very very much and knowing something:


This video deals with creationism but the same principles of knowing -vs- believing apply.


For global warming to be a myth, it would have to be an established fact that it's a myth. A fact that must accepted by everyone and supported by evidence. However, many (most) people believe in the existence of global warming and there's a large body of evidence to support it. Therefore, it's not (yet) possible to state correctly that you know global warming is a myth.

I'm really tired of the creationism debate. I know full well that it'll be me vs. everyone else, so I won't comment on your video!


Regarding global warming being a myth: I believe that most North Americans are in the skeptics category. Recent polling shows that most people don't buy what climate change scientists are selling!

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Regarding global warming being a myth: I believe that most North Americans are in the skeptics category. Recent polling shows that most people don't buy what climate change scientists are selling!


Sure, but 55% of people having doubts doesn't factually make it a "myth". You can't say "it's a myth" because that would imply "knowing" which as I stated above you just can't do at the present time. You can personally believe that it's a myth but you can't know that. At least, not at the present time. Believing even very strongly does not equal knowing.

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While you have a tendency to turn everything political, I don't mind it much because I know you contribute to other aspects of the board.


Les deux premiers exemples de personnes que Aurélien pourrait viser qui me viennent à l'esprit sont GoMontreal et mark_ac. Ils semblent être ici pour des raisons obscures qui n'ont rien à voir avec le développement urbain. 95%+ de leurs messages sont hors-sujets ou politiques.


Il suffit d'aller voir leurs messages pour bien comprendre.


Évidemment, je ne dirai pas qui je vise. Or, je peux dire qui je ne vise pas, et MTLskyline fait partie de cette catégorie.

Et évidemment, je suis aussi pire que eux, puisque j'embarque dans leur débat politique.


Bon, en même temps, j'ai pas l'impression que mon message changera grand chose.

Bonne soirée (ou bon matin?) à vous.

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