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Mon hypothèse, c'est que Gainey refusait d'échanger Price (puisque ce serait reconnaître qu'il a gaspillé son choix de 1ere ronde, 4e choix au total, en sélectionnant Price à l'époque). On lui a donc montré la porte, en lui permettant de garder la tête haute en présentant le tout comme une démission. Tout ça aurait pour but de parvenir à échanger Price (dans un package deal) d'ici la date limite des transactions. Price a plus de valeur qu'Halak, et on pourrait obtenir plus qu'un choix de 2e ronde en l'échangeant.


Ce n'est qu'une hypothèse bien sûr...


exactement la même que la mienne... Gainey était solidement derrière Price.:stirthepot:

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J'aimerais voir Pierre McGuire (TSN) devenir Directeur Général. Il serait le candidat idéal!


Habsfan, in my world and yours it would be ideal. A candidate who's exceptional in all facets of Hockey. But we live in a discriminatory environment where it is a MUST to have a GM, Coach etc etc speak to french and put a mediocre team on the ice instead of looking elsewhere for a true ble GM. If Ken Hollands and/or Lou Lamoriello's of the worlds were available, we would pass them by. Can't speak the lingo. If Sam Pollock at his prime was living today, we would have never given him a chance because he did not speak the language. This is discrimination pointe finale!

I kept hearing the word continuity in the press conferences yesterday and that spoke volumes for me. A continuity of mediocrity for another 5 years because I'm assuming that's how long Gauthier is signed up for. Gauthier had already control of the team for almost two years, although silent he remained, he had control...look at the transactions the habs committed. Are you prepared to live another 5 more years with this type of management?

The Molsons should have CLEANED house from top to bottom, not an inkling of the old regime and go younger. Hire people who understand todays hockey. Hey people if you thought Gainey was quiet and never demonstrated emotion nor see him, Gauthier is worse. He is the mirror image of Jacque Martin. What a comedy act this organization has become.

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