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Tout ce qui a été posté par SameGuy

  1. Some of your evening strolls are better than others, more interesting. This was a good one. 👍🏼 Oh come on! That’s so cool!
  2. The site is unclear about the road closures. Is it day and night?
  3. The Downside to Life in a Supertall Tower: Leaks, Creaks, Breaks 432 Park, one of the wealthiest addresses in the world, faces some significant design problems, and other luxury high-rises may share its fate…
  4. Extending the REM 12 km across farmland to serve a tiny population at a cost of more than a billion dollars is nonsensical. The new bridge will have dedicated bus lanes, which will be more than adequate to serve transit needs for the Vaudreuil area — an area that already has exo train stations. A billion dollars could completely revamp the entire exo1 line to modern standards, with two-way, all-day, electrified service, to the benefit of a basin of over a million people.
  5. Also known as “getting married.”
  6. I don’t think there was any implication of crews and engineers not working with alacrity, just that “it’s taking forever.” A face-value comment based on linear time.
  7. What’s going on with the exterior of the vespasian? I thought the ink cartridge recyclers were getting the boot and it was going to be restored?
  8. Now they should put red on all the arches of the cheese grater windows, and it would be like a vertical De Wallen.
  9. I’ve had Apple Pay Suica on my iPhone since I got the XS Max three years ago, and the (now-obsolete) SuicaEng app on the 6S Plus before that. So convenient, especially as it uses Express Transit and reserve power (Express Transit doesn’t need FaceID or TouchID to work, and it will still allow transit use even five hours after one’s phone battery is dead).
  10. Lol you mean I can finally bring that piece of junk dongle to the Ecocentre, the crappy thing never worked. It was like the old Apple Mac commercial with the dinosaurs, every time I tried to get the stupid dongle to work I felt like the father trying to show his kid the dinosaurs on the Windows PC…
  11. SameGuy

    Édifice Rodier

    Typical exo delays, those poor suckers just sat there for what must’ve seemed like years.
  12. We need fewer malls, not more. Our airport does not get enough traffic to warrant spending $2 billion on a shopping mall or entertainment center. As @acpnc has already mentioned numerous times, our city has plenty to offer without resorting to gimmicky indoor water parks and tacky attractions and megamalls. Les 2,5 G$ pour la phase 1 de la modernisation de l'aéroport avaient très peu à voir avec la modification de l'offre au sein de l'aéroport, il s'agissait uniquement de moderniser l'infrastructure et l'accessibilité à l'aéroport. Tout finira par être construit, mais la phase 1 n'inclura pas de parc aquatique, ni de sanctuaire de papillons, ni de boutiques chics.
  13. Pissy timing, the cruise industry has been decimated.
  14. Really does draw the eye directly towards the patrimonial beauty that is the PdJ… 😏
  15. There’s nothing comparable to Changi Airport. There are good airports — Seoul-Incheon, Hong Kong, Detroit, Tokyo-Haneda — and then there’s Changi. It’s in another universe.
  16. Les seize ans disent “that’s so meta”. 😜
  17. And, as mentioned, the airports they’re flying from around the world are already high-end malls. Only Dorval has such a shitty retail offering. Worst retail of any international airport I’ve ever seen.
  18. Who am I kidding? Even in Asia and the Gulf, the high-end malls are very close to the main attractions of the cities they’re in, not out on some enclaved industrial land at a major freeway interchange.
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