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Tout ce qui a été posté par SameGuy

  1. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    Don’t get your hopes up. The province will never cede power to the city ever again. If they do that, Dollarama Homeless’ statements from this campaign will become reality and the regions will lose control of the economic engine of Québec. Nah gone happen.
  2. SameGuy

    Expos de Montréal

    Oh I have no doubt either, I’m just saying that whoever threw together this article based on unconfirmed information didn’t even bother to mention REM.
  3. SameGuy

    Expos de Montréal

    CLC still owns the land and neither Claridge nor Devimco have any advantage at this point. A joint venture to build a whole new precinct with the stadium and entertainment as its focus (à la South Beach/Mission Bay in San Francisco, or Navy Yard in DC) would be the best possible development for the Bridge-Wellington area.
  4. SameGuy

    Expos de Montréal

    Looking at it, that’s a very crude illustration that somebody likely threw together in MS Paint just before publication. None of that picture makes much sense at all.
  5. SameGuy

    Expos de Montréal

    Lol no mention of REM in the article nor on the illustration. Bassin Wellington could be renamed “Kid Carter Cove.”
  6. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    Maybe Martin could post some more of those sad photos of families about to be evicted (and whose homes would be soon destroyed) in the implementation of the “visionary” mayor’s grandiose plans for expressways and parking lots…
  7. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    Mass transit = metro lines. Zero say.
  8. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    How many elections will it take for Montrealers to learn that municipal mayors have zero say in mass transit decisions since the early 1970s?
  9. 1 October, 2021 It looks like the permanent guardrails are being installed, from Boul. St-Charles towards the west. Interesting. We’ve not had any detail about this in any of the artists’ renderings before.
  10. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    I’ve been saying this since the initial announcement was floated. It’s a $10+ billion automated people mover. The more you look at the facts (instead of the fantasies), the more ridiculous the idea seems.
  11. Wait I’m confused. Isn’t the stairway (“escalier” on the CCU decision) on the “parc” side of phase 4?
  12. A tall foyer? N’est-ce pas un sapin de Noël là-dedans?
  13. That looks harder to replace than a super beam
  14. Exactly! Ces commentaires m'ont vraiment marqué.
  15. Will the ventilation tower be incorporated into the new project? Or will it be a wart just two metres to the north?
  16. SameGuy

    Quinzecent - 37 étages

    Well, they’re hogging construction resources that could be used by other projects and developers!
  17. Can anybody tell me what’s going on in this picture? Bizarre…
  18. Lol that’s definitely something new for the neighbourhood!
  19. Yes indeed. The parents of one of my besties were going to sell their Westmount house and were looking at the Sir George Simpson, but held off and are likely going to sign for a mid-level at Le Sherbrooke.
  20. Teachers’ owns 100% of Cadillac Fairview.
  21. CF also has vast holdings outside of city centres across the continent, many of which are being (or planned to be) redeveloped much more profitably than the typical 120m condo plot. They can comfortably sit on the 600/750 properties while exploiting all their shopping centres along the Trans Canada Highway. Teachers are smart.
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