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Fiat Lux Library - Université McGill


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The reimagined McLennan-Redpath complex is highly flexible yet flowing. The architectural design places two activity poles at the north and south ends of the complex linked by a new multi-functional structure that replaces the former 1950’s Redpath Library. The redeveloped Redpath Library Building, a transparent modern space open to the campus, would house a new double-story entrance and ground-level light-filled café on McTavish Street. The building’s volume would be set back from the adjacent Redpath Hall, revealing the elegant south-facing façade that has been unceremoniously blocked for the last 60 years. Its floors would be perfectly aligned with the renovated McLennan Library Building to facilitate movement of people and books. The entire library would be linked by a generous grand staircase, spanning from the Cyberthèque and café on the street level; through bustling 24/7 teaching, learning, collaboration and study spaces adjacent to the popular outdoor terraces; past a stepped forum where lectures and projections would punctuate a McGill day; and up to an iconic reading room with views to Redpath Hall, the campus and Mount Royal. The new building’s north end would feature a new multi-functional hall and exhibition space, imagined as a light filled atrium adjacent the restored façade of historic Redpath Hall, inspiring all users of the Library. In keeping with the spirit of the historical architecture, a rare books reading room would be located adjacent to this space. The renovated McLennan Building would offer a variety of reconfigured study and work spaces, and a browsable three-storey, 500,000 book collection. Between the new Redpath Library and McLennan Buildings would be the linear Hub, which concentrates stairs, high-speed elevators, and library services, including the retrieval desk for documents ordered from the Automated Storage and Retrieval System.

















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they just spent millions of dollars and several years to renovate the redpath library annex and that plaza in front/between it and mclennan. this would surely run 150+ million dollars at a time when this money is probably better spent on routine maintenance and the royal vic plan. plus, it would see the demolition of the annex itself, a stately (though not particularly lovable) deco mainstay, one of only three lower campus buildings in the style (along with the grim otto maass and the stately but minor pederson hall). i like many of the ideas here but surely there's some less costly middle ground, some major reservation, perhaps.

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  • 3 années plus tard...

Moi aussi j'aime bien ce projet mais comme je n'ai pas une bonne relation avec le brutalisme, je verrais d'un tr`s bon oeil le ravalement de la façade des années 1960. Toutefois, c'est tout à fait personnel. Le brutalisme est le style mal-aimé de l'architecture du vingtième siècle et je ne crois pas que la réflexion sur la conservation de ce style a été fait. On arrive de peine et de misère à préserver notre patrimoine Art Déco. Alors, imaginez la situation du brutalisme.

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Il y a 2 heures, yarabundi a dit :

Moi aussi j'aime bien ce projet mais comme je n'ai pas une bonne relation avec le brutalisme, je verrais d'un tr`s bon oeil le ravalement de la façade des années 1960. Toutefois, c'est tout à fait personnel. Le brutalisme est le style mal-aimé de l'architecture du vingtième siècle et je ne crois pas que la réflexion sur la conservation de ce style a été fait. On arrive de peine et de misère à préserver notre patrimoine Art Déco. Alors, imaginez la situation du brutalisme.

C'est tout à fait légitime de ne pas aimer le style brutaliste, moi non plus je n'aime pas. Cependant il représente tout de même un courant architectural international du 20è siècle. Dans le cas particulier de la bibliothèque de l'université McGill, il fait partie de son patrimoine contemporain et m'apparait bien intégré à son campus. Il est clair que dans la présentation vidéo du projet d'agrandissement, qu'il n'est pas question de transformer l'extérieur du bâtiment existant, mais plutôt de l'intégrer au nouvel ensemble. 

De toute façon l'immeuble remplit bien sa fonction, il est solide et ne semble pas poser de problème d'entretien ni de détérioration. Pourquoi alors l'institution devrait-elle dépenser des sommes importantes pour en changer l'apparence? Comme dit l'expression: if it's not broken don't try to fix it. De toute façon il fait partie du décor depuis si longtemps que la majorité des gens ne le remarque même plus. 

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On 2016-02-23 at 1:38 PM, orages lointains said:

they just spent millions of dollars and several years to renovate the redpath library annex and that plaza in front/between it and mclennan. this would surely run 150+ million dollars at a time when this money is probably better spent on routine maintenance and the royal vic plan. plus, it would see the demolition of the annex itself, a stately (though not particularly lovable) deco mainstay, one of only three lower campus buildings in the style (along with the grim otto maass and the stately but minor pederson hall). i like many of the ideas here but surely there's some less costly middle ground, some major reservation, perhaps.

Tu soulèves de bons point.

Toutefois, il est bon de savoir que ce projet est en planification depuis 2014, c'est quelque chose de réfléchi, il y a eu de nombreuses consultations, et c'est entièrement indépendant du Royal Vic. Cette bibliothèque est la principale du campus, elle est overcrowded, il faut réserver les salles de meeting longtemps d'avance, et c'est sombre. Ici on double l'espace d'étude, en plus de créer un lieu lumineux. 

Dans la FAQ, concernant le financement, voici la réponse de McGill: "We will be looking to all avenues for contributions for the project, including federal and provincial funding, partnerships, loans and philanthropic donations. The project will also require the engagement of the entire McGill community, including students, faculty and alumni."

Et pour ceux qui se le demande, non, Fiat n'est pas un commanditaire du projet, en fait, "Fiat lux" a une saveur de latin et de religion. Ce serait la première parole de Dieu, ordre donné lorsqu'il a créé la lumière au jour 1 de la création du monde, traduisible en français par « que la lumière soit ». (Wikipédia) 

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  • 2 mois plus tard...

Juste un petit mot pour dire que McGill est actuellement en train d’embaucher un directeur/directrice pour ce projet qui est toujours en cours:

Director, Planning and Development, McGill Fiat Lux Library Project (MR1272) 

Post Date: 

Friday, February 21, 2020

McGill University - Human Resources


Position Title: 

Dir Planning & Development (LOG4C)

Position Summary: 

McGill University is proceeding with a major redevelopment of the McLennan-Redpath Library complex to create the new Fiat Lux Library Project.

With the planning, design and development of the Fiat Lux Library Project, McGill seeks to create a new vision for the university library, scholarship and dynamic modes of learning. Located on a high profile site on McGill’s downtown campus, the Fiat Lux Library Project will create a future-oriented model for learning and scholarship, accommodate the needs of McGill’s increased student population, showcase McGill’s unique rare and special collections, respect sustainable campus planning and urban integration objectives, and contribute an enduring architectural legacy for McGill and broader communities. The multi-year project is anticipated to encompass an area of 43,000m2.

Reporting to the Executive Director, The Director, Planning & Development will be responsible for planning, management, coordination and oversight of activities relating to all phases of the project. In particular, he/she will coordinate the work of outside professional teams, lead in the planning and development of project activity schedules, organize groups for functional and technical programming, planning and design phases, coordinate with other McGill departments, internal and external stakeholders, and projects related to the achievement of Fiat Lux. He/she will also develop and oversee activities related to equipment planning, procurement and information systems. The incumbent will direct teams of internal and external project managers with expertise in architecture, engineering, construction, support services, Facilities Management and logistics, as well as in IT planning and implementation.

The incumbent will play a leadership role with the Executive Director in providing direction of a third party Project Management Team and the Prime Consultants, made up of a team of architects, engineers and specialty consultants. The Director will also play a leadership role in the planning and coordination with infrastructure and civil works and in meetings with the City of Montreal and other prime external stakeholders, such as the Ministry of Education (MEES), the Ministry of Culture, and “Arrondissement Ville-Marie”. Other key constituents that must be consulted throughout the project include, but are not limited to: Amis de la Montagne, Héritage Montréal, Table de concertation du Mont Royal. The incumbent will assist the Executive Director in the management of various project governance committees. The incumbent will work closely with representatives of the Société Québécoise des Infrastructures (SQI), as well as internal stakeholders.

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