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This piece of crap is so filled with bigotry against Quebecers and Montrealers.


You'd think the JEWS would have learned something from the past. For some reason they can't stop reminding the world and themselves how badly they were treated (they even complain to their underpaid filipino cleaning lady!!!)


I have nothing against one religion or another - but I have no respect for people who post shit like that.

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Update: Some Montrealers prefer to exhibit denial.. Who Us!?


A local Montreal message board (MTLURB) picked up the post with some interesting conversation, of course the message board put the post in almost in its entirety, except for the links at the bottom with the NUMEROUS examples, news articles, & sourcing of the endless tirade of Montreal incidents involving terrorism in order to generate some unfounded rage. Which of course, caused one local to lament in french how this is the 1st time a Montreal area person has been associated / arrested regarding radical Islamist inspired terrorism - Convenient, but unfortunately factually quite incorrect.





quite honnestly, i have no idea what the guy is on, what links? there was none of them.

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These are their "links" - both internal sources:


Whoever these people are they seem to have something against freedom of speech and the city of Montreal.

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how can I ignore him, he's pointing to my website, it'll attract friggin losers of his type.


The worst is that he's registered on this site because only registred users can see the thread content!

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Mr. Saus, I invite you to create an account on this forum so you can debate your point with us.


I am a jewish man living in Montreal and find this article highly misinformed and biased.


You forgot to mention that the worse terrorist plot in Canada happened in the GTA ( you already forgot?) with people recruited in the GTA. The scheme planned killing Stephen Harper, and bombing several canadian landmarks.

Also, several extremist muslim organisations(tamouls, shiks, pakistanese expats, etc) are located in the so-called Gorden Horse Shoe area (ontario).


None of these organisations are significantly present in Montreal or Quebec.


Since the FLQ events in the 70s, no terror plot was organised in Quebec in the scale of what was planned in Toronto, THE real terror capital of canada. I could also mention organised jamaican gangs, asian mob and such.






Also, I wouldn't pay attention to anything coming from a stagnant country like Israel. While Canadians and Quebecers have been able to live in near total peace for the past 300 years, his country is stuck in an ideological and religious nightmare from the middle-age. While here we invest money to build roads, hospitals, museums or libraries, his country invests money to build security walls, buy weapons and tanks.

While our youth enjoys freedom, parties, high quality education and a secure city(Montreal), his youth enjoys military service, arranged weddings, religious propaganda education and a warzone city.

Talk about a great country!



I think we should give him a break and understand why he lacks so much judgement. This blog is all he has to share with the world what his deceiving education tought him as 'good' . religion, religion and religion.

While we enjoy skycrapers, economic growth, urban design and such, this guy enjoys mythical characters from the bible and takes their parole for truth.


I am afraid to admit it, but this is a direct consequence of the dying jewish culture.

How many people speak Hebrew nowadays? a few millions? how many of the jewish in canada or usa still use hebrew on a regular basis? For comparison, more than a billion people speak english and 400 millions speak french.

How influent is the jewish lobby on the US government anymore?

Is Dubai or Tel-Aviv a booming megalopolis?

Jewish kids in Canada don't go to synagogue anymore neither do they give a fuck about religion.


When a culture becomes menaced, it becomes extremist and replied on itself. This is the problem with the middle east conflict: both parties are religious extremists. On one side, you have ready-to-blow-themselves muslim extremists, and on the other side an army of fanatic jews.

This conflict will badly end for both sides and they will be both responsible.

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Mr. Saus, I invite you to create an account on this forum so you can debate your point with us.


I am a jewish man living in Montreal and find this article highly misinformed and biased.


You forgot to mention that the worse terrorist plot in Canada happened in the GTA ( you already forgot?) with people recruited in the GTA. The scheme planned killing Stephen Harper, and bombing several canadian landmarks.

Also, several extremist muslim organisations(tamouls, shiks, pakistanese expats, etc) are located in the so-called Gorden Horse Shoe area (ontario).


None of these organisations are significantly present in Montreal or Quebec.


Since the FLQ events in the 70s, no terror plot was organised in Quebec in the scale of what was planned in Toronto, THE real terror capital of canada. I could also mention organised jamaican gangs, asian mob and such.






Also, I wouldn't pay attention to anything coming from a stagnant country like Israel. While Canadians and Quebecers have been able to live in near total peace for the past 300 years, his country is stuck in an ideological and religious nightmare from the middle-age. While here we invest money to build roads, hospitals, museums or libraries, his country invests money to build security walls, buy weapons and tanks.

While our youth enjoys freedom, parties, high quality education and a secure city(Montreal), his youth enjoys military service, arranged weddings, religious propaganda education and a warzone city.

Talk about a great country!


I think we should give him a break and understand why he lacks so much judgement. This blog is all he has to share with the world what his deceiving education tought him as 'good' . religion, religion and religion.

While we enjoy skycrapers, economic growth, urban design and such, this guy enjoys mythical characters from the bible and takes their parole for truth.


I am afraid to admit it, but this is a direct consequence of the dying jewish culture.

How many people speak Hebrew nowadays? a few millions? how many of the jewish in canada or usa still use hebrew on a regular basis? For comparison, more than a billion people speak english and 400 millions speak french.

How influent is the jewish lobby on the US government anymore?

Is Dubai or Tel-Aviv a booming megalopolis?

Jewish kids in Canada don't go to synagogue anymore neither do they give a fuck about religion.


When a culture becomes menaced, it becomes extremist and replied on itself. This is the problem with the middle east conflict: both parties are religious extremists. On one side, you have ready-to-blow-themselves muslim extremists, and on the other side an army of fanatic jews.

This conflict will badly end for both sides and they will be both responsible.


OUCH! What a post ladies and gentlemen!:eek::applause:


I don't think he has the balls to reply to your arguments!

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