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Péréquation - Ottawa versera moins au Québec l'an prochain


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Imagine if every province in Canada, and every state in the USA thought this way, and all the countries in the EU.


Unity would never exist.


economical unity isn't the same as political unity.


Try telling a spaniard that a German will tell him what to do and how to spend his tax money :P

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All things being constant, other provinces are still getting royally screwed relative to Quebec..this doesnt change


Oh puhlease!!!:rolleyes:


I feel absolutely no pity for Alberta and Ontario, who are supposed to be the only provinces who pay into equalization(B.C as well, but they vary from one year to the other). Alberta gets all it's money from Oil, and Ontario has always been the darling of the Federal gov't. How much money did they get with the Auto pact? What happened to our auto industry in Québec. We had 2 large plants, and they magically disappeared!?

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Apples and Oranges Malek... until im proven otherwise, more than half of Quebeckers want to be part of Canada :relieved:


I know this is a sore spot..but...


That's all good. 40 years ago, only 30% of Québeckers wanted to separate, 30 years ago it was 40%, 15 years ago it was 49.4%. It's going in the right direction.


In case you decide to use the argument that separation is not an issue today, i'd just like to remind you that in the mid 80's, separation was on the back burner and almost it's proof that it can and will come back even stronger. It's just a matter of time!

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And how much money did Canada put into Bombardier? Subsidizing aircraft purchases from all over the world.


You canT even begin to compare both. The Auto industry was subsidized by the feds wayyyy more that the aerospace industry.


Look, i'm not saying that Québec is an economic powerhouse, but what I am saying is that if the feds are holding back our own money, and if they are making us beg for our own money....then that is unacceptable.


You have your way of playing with the numbers, Malek has his. Who is right? Nobody seems to know? Until then, I will keep a healthy skepticism with anything that has to do with the Federal gov't. The backstabbers!

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Même Jean Charest a admit candidement que le Québec avait les moyens d`être souverain donc l`argument économique utilisé par les fédéralistes ne tient plus la route depuis 15 ans.


Comme le disait si bien Parizeau, le canada-anglais n`est plus vraiment le marché prioritaire au niveau des exportations, les USA sont de loin notre plus important partenaire économique donc un Canada-Anglais en colère aurait que peu d`impact.

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Quebec did benefit from the Auto-pact, the plants closing here are just part of a north american trend. You can't blame that on the federal gov'nt. Well, I guess you could, you could recycle the same signs from 1976, 1980, 1995 "la faute du federal" because we live in a bubble. We could have poured a billion dollars into the GM plant in Boisbriand and lost that investment now with the plants that are being shuttered in Ontario. There is also a huge auto supply industry in Quebec that supports the Ontario plants - Spectra Premium and Uni-Select being very large corporate examples of that among many others.


Also the argument that jobs are being created in Ottawa by having a federal gov'nt is false too. There are proportionally more federal jobs in Quebec and the fact that we opt out of certain programs (i.e Hema Quebec etc..) means that those programs are run exclusively in Quebec, while other programs (tax canada etc..) are regionally managed.

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Also the argument that jobs are being created in Ottawa by having a federal gov'nt is false too. There are proportionally more federal jobs in Quebec and the fact that we opt out of certain programs (i.e Hema Quebec etc..) means that those programs are run exclusively in Quebec, while other programs (tax canada etc..) are regionally managed.


i'll get you the numbers for public servants in each province. We do get a good share of federal public servants, but all the head offices and higher paying jobs are in Ottawa.

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C'est ça qu'on dit, on envoit 44 milliards, pour recevoir 20-30 milliards, avec des jobs crées à Ottawa. C'est ça qu'on veut?


tu dois payer ta part de la dette fédérale, ton armée fédérale, tes députés fédéraux, ton pont champlain fédéral, ton pont jacques-cartier fédéral, etc.


je vois pas où il y a de la crosse.

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Si le Québec devient indépendant:


  • On augmente la dette du Québec d'environ 100 milliards de $
  • La cote de dette du Québec est automatiquement décotée, elle passe à BB
  • Conséquence de la décote, les frais d'intérêts augmentent en quelques mois de 5-6 milliards par année
  • On doit investir des milliards afin de se créer une diplomatie, des ambassades, le personnel à l'étranger
  • On ajoute un fardeau de plusieurs dizaines de milliards en infrasctructures vieillissantes: Pont Champlain, Pont Jacques-Cartier, tronçons routiers
  • On doit acheter un jour où l'autre les terrains appartenant au Canada ( plusieurs milliards)
  • On perd quelques centaines de milliers d'anglophones qui s'en vont au Canada
  • On perd des sièges sociaux ( Air Canada, CN, Power Corp, Standard Life)
  • On perd plusieurs milliers d'emplois
  • On perd des revenus d'impôts de plusieurs milliards
  • Les impôts rappatriés du fédéral sont moins importants que prévu à cause du ralentissement économique du à la souveraineté
  • On perd tous les contrats de l'armée canadienne ( CAE, CGI, Héroux-Devtek, Bombardier)


ça a vraiment l'air d'une bonne idée !!!

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