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Voici ce qu’a projeté Frank L. Wright en 1956, cela peut sembler utopique, pour cette époque c’est certain!




Toutefois 50 ans plus tard, ça devient sérieux. Voici un article provenant de la revue Techniques & Architecture publié dans le numéro d’avril-mai 2004




Je vous invite à le lire, c’est trippant! :)




Hé oui! Nous en sommes rendus là !:D

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Séoul possède la plus grande île flottante artificielle du monde




L'île a été construite pour mettre en valeur le fleuve Han qui traverse la ville de Séoul.


Afin de pouvoir recevoir différents évènements et aussi pour mettre en valeur le fleuve Han qui la traverse, la ville sud-coréenne de Séoul peut désormais se targuer de posséder l'île flottante artificielle la plus grande au monde.


Selon les responsables du projet, l'idée était de posséder de nouvelles structures culturelles dans la capitale, mais aussi de diriger l'attention des visiteurs vers le fleuve Han qu'ils jugeaient délaissé.


Jo Deokhyun, responsable touristique de la ville, croit fermement qu'un plus grand nombre de visiteurs seront ainsi attirés à venir dans la capitale.


«Aucun site comme l'île flottante n'existait le long du fleuve Han pour accueillir des sommets internationaux, alors que le fleuve est l'un des lieux préférés des Coréens, mais aussi des visiteurs étrangers.»


La construction de cette île artificielle, qui couvre plus de 20 000 mètres carrés, a nécessité un investissement de 88 millions de dollars et est composée de trois parties interconnectées entre elles et pesant au total 4000 tonnes.


Un centre des congrès de 700 places fait partie des structures qui y ont été construites.


Le tout tient à flot uniquement avec l'aide de bouées géantes et d'une série d'amarres pour éviter que le courant ne l'emporte.

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A stage upon a stage. This was the motto Daniel Libeskind used for his concept of the Grand Canal Theatre at the Dublin Docklands.


A new landmark is what the Dun Laoghaire Harbour Company (DLHC) wanted when they launched an international competition for the Grand Canal Theatre at the Carlisle Pier of Dublin harbor. A cultural attraction of high architectural quality, paving the way for new life at the Dublin Docklands. Daniel Libeskind was the winner, since his clever design made the Grand Canal Theatre itself play to the gallery. He plays with levels, with acute and obtuse angles, with open and closed areas, and he created stages integrating the visitors into the artful play as if that was taken for granted.


The red Carpet


This concept already begins on the forecourt, the Grand Canal Square, the design of which Martha Schwartz Partners were responsible for. The landscape architects continued Libeskind’s idea and also designed the square like a stage. A five-star hotel and residential buildings on one, and an office building on the other side border the stage to the right and the left, the Grand Canal Theatre serves as a backdrop and appears like a stage itself.

A network of paths crosses the Grand Canal Square, the main theme of which is a red carpet. Realized with cobble stones and decorated with red light steles, it reaches far beyond the stage into the harbor basin. Here, on the water surface, the visitors start their play, visitors who wish to celebrate their visit to the theater in Dublin: arriving from the water, landing, disembarking and pacing the red carpet up to the Grand Canal Theatre.

The façade oriented towards the Grand Canal Square was given the concept of a theater curtain by Daniel Libeskind. It consists of two overlapping, oversized glass walls, so the visitor gets the impression as if he was entering the theater through a stage curtain.


The red Heart


The heart of theGrand Canal Theatre is the deep red theater hall. Here, Libeskind has deployed maritime elements as a homage to the location. “Sails” hanging from the wall hide the technical equipment, large rib-like projections at the side walls remind of the ribs of a hull.

In front of the theater hall, Libeskind has arranged a number of galleries on which the visitors can stroll about during breaks and look down on the harbor basin. At the very top you will find a roof terrace, providing a gorgeous view across Dublin harbor.

Towards the city at the back, the façade of Grand Canal Theatre with its large-area façade facings of stainless steel appears more closed. Understandable, since here, the side rooms, the stage with stage tower and the fly loft are located. Nearly 2,100 visitors can have a seat at the Grand Canal Theatre, adding one more remarkable attraction to the lively capital of Ireland.


cultureDublinDaniel Libeskind


Ramford Limited


Daniel Libeskind, New York, USA


Completion: 2010


Floor area: 137,650 m²




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Marathon span


World’s longest over-water bridge is a 26-mile wonder in China


Monday, July 4, 2011

A bridge too far? Not in China, where the Jiaozhou Bay Bridge opened to traffic yesterday. The world’s longest cross-sea span stretches 26 miles between the port city of Qingdao and the island of Huangdao. It breaks the record held by the Lake Pontchartrain causeway in Louisiana by 2½ miles.



Credit: Zhou Kun Qd/AFLO/

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Toronto (playground)



As much as I dislike Toronto, this area that they are building around the Rogers Center and what not is quite impressive. It is around 0.3 It seems many cities are going this route: Las Vegas (CityCenter), L.A (Live), London (Canary Wharf) and there is probably others I left out.


Not sure if this part of Toronto has an official name.

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Tourisme: un méga complexe de 3 milliards (!!!!!!) futuriste ouvrira à Miami


Les développeurs de l'immense Resorts World Sentosa de Singapour ont annoncé qu'ils avaient choisi la ville de Miami pour accueillir un nouveau complexe de 3 milliards de dollars l'année prochaine.


Resorts World Miami, qui investira le très prisé front de mer de Miami, devrait être inauguré l'année prochaine, logé entre l'aéroport international et Miami Beach, selon le développeur malaisien Genting.


Il couvrira près de cinq kilomètres de côte, remplissant ses cinq hectares de nombreux gratte-ciel au design futuriste.


Ce sera le plus grand chantier jamais réalisé à Miami, l'une des destinations de vacances les plus prisées des États-Unis. Il comprendra quatre hôtels, 5200 chambres, ainsi que de nombreux immeubles résidentiels.


À l'ombre des gratte-ciel, un bâtiment de huit étages accueillera plus de 50 restaurants, bars et boîtes de nuit.


Genting a aussi confirmé qu'il prévoyait la construction d'un casino, mais attend l'aval des autorités de Floride.


Sur le toit du bâtiment de huit étages, un lagon de un hectare et ses plages permettront aux clients de nager sur près de 300 mètres de longueur.


Genting a déjà conçu le Resorts World Sentosa de Singapour, qui, tout comme le Marina Bay Sands, était le premier complexe véritablement intégré jamais conçu.





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Tourisme: un méga complexe de 3 milliards (!!!!!!) futuriste ouvrira à Miami


Les développeurs de l'immense Resorts World Sentosa de Singapour ont annoncé qu'ils avaient choisi la ville de Miami pour accueillir un nouveau complexe de 3 milliards de dollars l'année prochaine.


Resorts World Miami, qui investira le très prisé front de mer de Miami, devrait être inauguré l'année prochaine, logé entre l'aéroport international et Miami Beach, selon le développeur malaisien Genting.


Il couvrira près de cinq kilomètres de côte, remplissant ses cinq hectares de nombreux gratte-ciel au design futuriste.


Ce sera le plus grand chantier jamais réalisé à Miami, l'une des destinations de vacances les plus prisées des États-Unis. Il comprendra quatre hôtels, 5200 chambres, ainsi que de nombreux immeubles résidentiels.


À l'ombre des gratte-ciel, un bâtiment de huit étages accueillera plus de 50 restaurants, bars et boîtes de nuit.


Genting a aussi confirmé qu'il prévoyait la construction d'un casino, mais attend l'aval des autorités de Floride.


Sur le toit du bâtiment de huit étages, un lagon de un hectare et ses plages permettront aux clients de nager sur près de 300 mètres de longueur.


Genting a déjà conçu le Resorts World Sentosa de Singapour, qui, tout comme le Marina Bay Sands, était le premier complexe véritablement intégré jamais conçu.






WOW thats crazy. It seems people still have faith in Miami, even though the market there was one of the hardest hit during the credit crunch of 2008. In all honesty, they should really put in a casino.


The Genting Group released development plans for its recent acquisition of prized waterfront land. Resorts World Miami will be a destination resort featuring iconic skyscrapers inspired by a coral reef. When finished the project will be the centerpiece of a new three-mile Baywalk and will total approximately 10 million square feet of mixed-use development at an expected investment of around $3 billion.


"Resorts World Miami will accelerate Florida’s evolution as a global destination at the crossroads of the Americas," said Mr. KT Lim, Chairman and Chief Executive of Genting. "Most importantly, Resorts World Miami will boost confidence in Florida’s economy, creating 15,000 direct and indirect construction jobs and 30,000 permanent positions on an ongoing basis, attracting more inbound investment, and substantially increasing the tax base for the city, county and state."


A subsidiary of Genting acquired 13.9 acres of waterfront land on the Biscayne Bay currently home to the Miami Herald for $236 million. The company then tapped local developer Arquitectonica as master plan architect for the project. (Click the links above to read more.)


The final plans call for a series of four hotels - a super-luxury hotel, a contemporary hotel, a convention center hotel, and a family hotel - with a total of 5,200 rooms along with two residential towers featuring 1,000 units. The towers will be uniquely designed to take on sculptural forms that change with different perspectives, and outside balconies will circle the towers providing unobstructed views of the bay waterfront, Miami Beach and downtown. The towers sit atop an eight-story podium complete with a two-story, 250,000-square-foot luxury retail galleria with more than 50 restaurants, lounges, bars and nightclubs, entertainment, more than 700,000 square feet of convention and meeting area space, three levels of underground parking, and a 200,000-square-foot ballroom. The podium's rooftop will feature a 3.6-acre, 1,000-foot-long outdoor lagoon complete with natural sand beaches, and each hotel will have its own swimming pool.


"Resorts World Miami introduces a new vocabulary of architecture to Florida, one that is inspired by the ocean and Florida’s coral reefs," said Bernardo Fort-Brescia, Co-Founder and Principal of Arquitectonica, the world-renown architecture firm based in Miami. "At Resorts World Miami, building designs echo familiar forms that are part of our identity, including tropical fish and seashells. When you describe Miami and Florida, you inevitably come back to the water. We have captured that relationship with Resorts World Miami’s design."


The project will be designed and constructed with local zoning codes and regulations, and with an emphasis on sustainability and LEED-certified solutions. The project will create thousands of temporary construction jobs and permanent service and retail jobs in the area.


The Genting Group has also acquired all outstanding mortgages at the adjacent Omni Center, which will allow it to gain control of the center in the coming months. The site is currently home to a 650,000-square-foot shopping mall, 350,000 square feet of office space, a 525-room Hilton hotel and a 2,300-space parking garage on approximately 12 acres. The company, which has also bought up several other parcels, has amassed a contiguous, 30-acre waterfront site overlooking Biscayne Bay in downtown Miami. The Omni Center will comprise Phase I of the development, and if the Florida legislature and governor pass the pending Destination Resort legislation, the shopping mall will be redeveloped into a world class casino.


The Genting Group has been investing in the US for more than 25 years, including a 50% stake in Norwegian Cruise Line and a partnership with Universal Studios to open the $5.5 billion Resorts World Sentosa in Singapore. The company and its subsidiaries are the world's largest destination resort operator with properties in Malaysia, Manila, New York and the United Kingdom along with other assets around the world.$3-Billion-Master-Plan-for-Resorts-World-Miami/132189


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