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Membres prolifiques

Il y a 4 heures, acpnc a dit :


Il y a effectivement des gens qui n'ont rien d'autre à faire que de downvoter mesquinement les réponses des autres même quand c'est totalement impertinent. Depuis quelques semaines quelqu'un, dont j'ai une petite idée, s'acharne aussi sur mon cas. Quelle plaie ces annotations négatives, si t'aimes pas, verbalise tes objections au lieu de te cacher puérilement dans l'anonymat ou passe au commentaire suivant ou ignore-moi tout simplement.

De mon côté j'essaie moi aussi quand je peux et qu'il me reste à donner des annotations, corriger celles qui m'apparaissent les plus abusives. Car nous sommes là pour encourager la participation, pas le contraire.  :yes:

La dernière photo comme vue serait assez désolante. En espérant qu'un jour pas trop lointain on fasse un vrai ménage dans ces ruines qui enlaidissent cette partie du littoral fluvial, en nous aménageant une vraie fenêtre sur le St-Laurent.

Moi aussi j'ai remarqué que tu te faisais downvoté depuis quelques temps, même si tes commentaires sont très pertinents.

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Probably gonna get a waterfall of down votes (personally I don't care lol) but I find this building just overly imposing on the boulevard. Two towers of different heights would've been better. Just a personal opinion. But I think it makes the area very *caged in*.. Hopefully they'll have some creative lighting at least.. (also, I think this city needs some standards imposed on new buildings. Right now it looks like a free for all resulting in max building to land ratio.. Fine, that's the look of Griffintown but now it's eating into the old port.. A girl can dream 🙄

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1 hour ago, BLM.tank said:

Probably gonna get a waterfall of down votes (personally I don't care lol) but I find this building just overly imposing on the boulevard. Two towers of different heights would've been better. Just a personal opinion. But I think it makes the area very *caged in*.. Hopefully they'll have some creative lighting at least.. (also, I think this city needs some standards imposed on new buildings. Right now it looks like a free for all resulting in max building to land ratio.. Fine, that's the look of Griffintown but now it's eating into the old port.. A girl can dream 🙄

The problem is that the rules in place lack any flexibility unless you want to go the route of a demande for a derogation, which can be long and is not guaranteed to work.

We can not blame devs for building to max density, they are there to make money. We can blame the city though for not having provisions in place for concessions for increased hight (for example setbacks for more height, green space for more height.)

As Montreal continues to develop, the plateaus of the city zoning will become ever more apparent.

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16 hours ago, Mondo_Grosso said:

The problem is that the rules in place lack any flexibility unless you want to go the route of a demande for a derogation, which can be long and is not guaranteed to work.

We can not blame devs for building to max density, they are there to make money. We can blame the city though for not having provisions in place for concessions for increased hight (for example setbacks for more height, green space for more height.)

As Montreal continues to develop, the plateaus of the city zoning will become ever more apparent.

Merci énormément de m'avoir appris ceci. 


I was talking to a friend in Singapore. They also build relatively boxy buildings but they find ways to make it interesting. Just hope we can do the same with some lighting or perhaps a nice "crown" structure to beautify it. 









Modifié par BLM.tank
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1 hour ago, BLM.tank said:

Merci énormément de m'avoir appris ceci. 


I was talking to a friend in Singapore. They also build relatively boxy buildings but they find ways to make it interesting. Just hope we can do the same with some lighting or perhaps a nice "crown" structure to beautify it. 









Ce sont des exemples très intéressants, mais la plupart nécessitent des grandes terrains, ce que le centre-ville de Montréal n'a pas. Ce serait de bons projects de remplacement pour les stationnements des centres commerciaux, mais là encore, la ville déteste les grands projets en dehors du centre ville (voir Royalmount et Voltige).

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