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600 Peel (tour résidentielle) - ?? étages


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Et que dire du terrain voisin du 1000, immédiatement au sud de Place Bonaventure à l'ouest du viaduc?

En passant il faut arrêter de prêter des intentions mal avisées à la nouvelle administration, sous prétexte qu'ils sont anti-affaires. Avoir un préjugé favorable pour la dimension sociale de la ville n'est pas en contradiction avec le développement du centre des affaires, du commerce, ni de la construction de tours élevées à condos ou autres.

Les vrais gens d'affaires qu'ils soient de Montréal, Toronto ou d'ailleurs dans le monde, savent qu'il y a un prix à toute chose et qu'on demande toujours plus pour s'assurer d'avoir un minimum acceptable. On appelle cela négocier. 

Je crois aussi que le manque d'expérience ne veut pas dire manque de jugement. Alors je vois bien PM constituer un fond à partir des demandes particulières de promoteurs, en guise de compromis, afin de subventionner en partie son programme d'habitation. Tout cela en respectant l'idée générale du PPU avec des amendements limités selon les besoins.

J'ajouterais en terminant que c'est la responsabilité de l'administration municipale de s'assurer de l'accessibilité du logement dans l'ensemble des quartiers centraux, incluant le centre-ville, pour éviter justement que les montréalais soient évincées du coeur de la ville au profit des mieux nantis comme c'est arrivé à Toronto et Vancouver.

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Il y a 1 heure, vivreenrégion a dit :

La ville veut aussi que le 1000 reste la pièce centrale du centre-ville. Je crois pas qu'ils veulent que le 1000 soit caché par une tour plus haute devant elle, et probablement plus laide.

D'où tiens-tu cette information, par curiosité? 

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3 hours ago, Djentmaster001 said:

Do you know that part of the 750 Peel lot is zoned at 170M as well right? other than that, I agree with you. It's a lot of competition, you have to allow developers to build up the maximum, nothing less. The city has asked for a 200M residential tower and a new building. 

Yes, I knew.  CF knew it too- that's why they applied for 210 meters;-)

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3 hours ago, MartinMtl said:

The Canadians' Tower was NEVER submitted to the OCPM. Fake news.

It is easy to find the OCPM website which has been submitted for public consultation.

No 210-meter tower under the name of 750 Peel has also been subject to public consultation. Fake news. 

The results of this paper are submitted to the OCPM by the CF. They were Rounds 2 and 3 of the Canadian and what they wanted, that is, an increase from the limit of 120 to 170.

Do not tell anything. 

These articles support what I was saying. You are correct- it was for TDC Towers 2 and 3 that was requested. I expressly wrote:  (TDC 2 and 3 will be 166 meters) in my post you quoted. Links 1 & 3 mention the OCPM by name. 


1. The Cadillac Fairview towers submitted to the OCPM:

2. A promoter wants to build higher


In the 3rd link it reads; CF and its partners - Canderel, the QFL Real Estate Fund and the Canadian Hockey Club - seem ready to move quickly. The consortium has already submitted to the Montreal Public Advisory Office (OCPM) an alternative scenario, which includes two 47-storey and 170-meter towers south of the Bell Center

The article below went into detail about the request for 210 meters (to the OCPM) for 750 Peel:


If the 210 meter zone is already there, Cadillac Fairview will have the ability to accommodate the future. - Brian Fahey, president of Cadillac Fairview-mandated urban planning firm ....

Unfortunately, the link is now broken.  

FAKE NEWS? You got 4-likes and 4-thank you saying I put up fake news. How is it fake?

I do not have anything to do with the American press writing "fake news" about Donald Trump or putting fake news on this site.

CF got 170 for TDC 2 and 3- but they wanted more- and the request was made to the OCPM as per the article. Show me the fake news.

The request for 210 for 750 Peel was made to the OCPM (only a part of the link remains). I did not make that up.


Modifié par newyorkontario
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21 minutes ago, Fortier said:

TDC1 (167m) and Deloitte (133m) in the max height zone.

That's when it was 60m and CF wanted to build 120m. This derogation was accepted.

1 year later, they have another request to go from 120 to 170m. This derogation was also accepted.

As far as I know, CF still has not made a formal request to increase the price for the 600 and 750 Peel, or it's not yet public.

Just read the full articles and the threads before you say anything.

The 170 was compromised ... they did not get what they originally wanted. The article says that.

44 minutes ago, Fortier said:

Even though they had 2 derogations for TDC 2 and 3. Passage of 60 to 120m at first, then second at 170m in the wake of the PPU.

MTLURB is a serious site where serious people give serious information. This is not the first time you are absolutely everything and it is very frankly very unpleasant.

This attitude is just making everyone waste time.

Take it or leave it

That's when it was 60m and CF wanted to build 120m.  This derogation was accepted.

1 year later, they made another request to go from 120 to 170m.  This derogation was also accepted.

As far as I know, CF still has not made a formal request to increase the height for the 600 and 750 Peel, or it's not yet public.

Just read the full articles and the threads before you say anything.

So when the title of the article says it was submitted to the OCPM ... that's fake news?

I never said a request was made (formal or otherwise) for 600 Peel.

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