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J'ai intégré une portion du High Line de New York derrière Molson pour avoir une meilleure impression de la construction d'une promenade élevée aménagée avec des plantations. Cette portion du High Line rentre merveilleusement bien et il est à l’échelle. Puisque plusieurs personnes connaissent bien cette promenade, c'est plus facile d'imaginer un parcours semblable à cet endroit.


Avec le départ possible de Molson, et leur décision attendue cette année, ça sera une grosse échec de la part de la Société du Vieux-Port de ne pas entamer des discussions avec eux, et même de ne pas considérer la prolongation éventuelle du Vieux-Port vers l'est sur les quais, ou bien juste une promenade, dans leur rapport préliminaire attendu en automne.


Secteur_Pied_du_Courant_Version Consult Vieux-Port 28_janvier_2016 High Line.jpg


Secteur_Pied_du_Courant_Version Consult Vieux-Port 28_janvier_2016 High Line 2.jpg

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Je partage le rêve de Geoff Molson.


Capture reve de Geoff Molson.JPG


Une promenade élevée entre le pont Jacques-Cartier et le Vieux-Port me semble possible, s'ils quittent ou s'ils modernisent.


Cela ne prendra qu'une lanière de terrain sur le périmètre sud... La consultation sur l'avenir du Vieux-Port va publier leur plan préliminaire cet automne. À la veille de célébrations pour notre 375e, ça sera le moment parfait pour dévoiler une annonce.


Prom Molson  Arbre.jpg

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  • 2 mois plus tard...


Montreal Is Opening A New Farmer’s Market In The Old Port

Joshua McRae · April 18, 2016


With summer just around the corner, the city is gearing up for many outdoor activities, including the availability of fresh local food. Put the two together, and you get a Farmer’s Market, and you can never have too many of those.


So when we heard about the opening of a new farmer’s market in the Old Port that delivers not only on the “things to do” aspect but that of “fresh local food” as well, we were more than a little excited.


Located at 400 de la Commune Ouest corner McGill, Marché des Éclusiers will feature both local farmers and local businesses. Vendors will serve up Quebec-sourced, and more importantly, sustainable produce.


The market officially opens on May 1, and will run until the end of November, seven days a week from sunrise to sunset!


Check out their official website here and their Instagram here.




Will you be going to check Marché des Éclusiers out this summer?


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  • 1 mois plus tard...

New market brings fresh food to Montreal's Old Port

Marché des Éclusiers aims to diversify food options in condo-heavy, tourist friendly neighbourhood

By Kamila Hinkson, CBC News Posted: Jun 04, 2016 2:16 PM ET Last Updated: Jun 04, 2016 2:16 PM ET


The Old Port is known for a lot of things — cobblestone roads, heritage sites, general old-timey charm — but being a place to pick up fresh fruit, vegetables and other locally-made goodies isn't necessarily one of its claims to fame.


But a new market is trying to change that. Marché des Éclusiers, on de la Commune Street at the intersection of McGill Street, officially opened to the public last week.


Founder Devin De Sousa partnered with 10 independent businesses to create a space that offers fresh food options for people who live in the area.


The market is set up like a smaller version of the Jean-Talon Market.


Bio Locaux sells fresh, locally-grown fruit and vegetables, Boucherie Lawrence sells meat and charcuterie and there are baked goods from La Petite Boulangerie, fish and other seafood as well as a café and restaurants.


Great location

The market is right along the water. Those who can't wait until they get home to dig in to their haul can have a seat and enjoy while taking in the Old Port atmosphere.


The idea is to provide a service to all Montrealers, but especially to those who live in Old Montreal. The neighbourhood counts many condo dwellers among its residents, and while there are a lot of restaurants and dépanneurs in the area, there aren't as many options for fresh food, De Sousa said.


De Sousa owns Fabergé Restaurant on Fairmount Avenue in the Mile End neighbourhood and says he's interested in encouraging people to buy local and cut down on food waste.


"What we're trying to do is create awareness in terms of waste and compost and the future, what we need to do to save ourselves and be alive in the next hundred years," he said.


New rift on an old theme



The area where the market is set up sat empty for many years, but decades ago it was where port workers lived and worked.


They were called "éclusiers" and their job was to open and close the port for ships and businesses. Since De Sousa's goal was to, in a sense, open up the Old Port to a new way of eating, he decided to name his market after those port workers.


It's run like a co-op — the vendors pay rent and there is no government funding or sponsors, yet.


The market is open every day. The café opens at 8 a.m., the market at 10 a.m. and restaurants around 11 a.m.





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