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Tour des Canadiens 2 - 53 étages (2019)


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il y a 3 minutes, Rusty a dit :

On s'est peut etre croisé mtlman

Sauf que je suis en retard, je les ai prises la semaine dernière....?

PS: kessé le problème avec mes smileys? Ils apparaissent noir et blanc tous moches.........

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Le 2018-05-14 à 11:42, mark_ac a dit :

So either we say yes to private developers that are willing to build on their terms, or we become a banana republic where governments builds housing projects. You can't have it both ways.

Let me use an airline analogy, you want Singapore Airlines/Cathay Pacific to fly to Montreal but are only willing to put Air Transat prices. Just doesn't add up. 

So if you were a private developers, you would put your own hard worked money and potentially making a project unviable because a few outside stakeholders with no skin in the game are complaining about architectural rigour?

I bet you would walk away.

Fortunately, some people, even private developers, have a vision. You're describing it as an either situation, as if every possibilities were encompassed in your two choices, but life's a little more complex than that. You can ask more from private developers.

It's their building, but not their city.

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13 hours ago, mark_ac said:

I agree - but developers need to make profit greater than their cost of capital. Montreal is just not a high yield market that justifies top architecture. I would rather celebrate that investors from outside Quebec came to our city and created economic benefit for the local population. This speaks volumes.

Not true, it all scales according to market. Yes condos are sold for less here than in say Toronto, but land, materials, cost of living/wages are much more expensive there. In essence it would cost a lot more to make a clone of TDC2 in Toronto, as such CF would charge more.

Cadillac Fairview isn't doing our market a favor by selling condos cheaper, that's just the price range to make a similar profit that they do in other cities. 


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5 minutes ago, mark_ac said:

I doubt this to be true. From a revenue perspective, the Per Sq Ft in Toronto is at least 1.5/2x of Montreal. Building costs don't vary materially.

The contractor cost here in Montreal is substantially less than in TO.  That accounts for a large chunk of any project budget.  

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Dans tous les cas, vous discutez ici de l'aspect financier du développement urbain. C'est parfaitement correct d'en jaser et d'expliquer certaines choses à d'autres.

Ceci dit, ça n'a rien à voir avec l'aspect architectural ou urbanistique du développement urbain. On peut bien critiquer l'architecture et l'impact urbanistique d'un projet sans remettre en question l'investissement ou sans avoir nous même 100M à investir.  

Si vous voulez qu'on respecte vos champs de compétence, respectez ceux des autres. ;) 

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20 minutes ago, mark_ac said:

I doubt this to be true. From a revenue perspective, the Per Sq Ft in Toronto is at least 1.5/2x of Montreal. Building costs don't vary materially.

Here is an excellent article about the rising costs of building materials  and labour in the GTA, as well as shrinking profit margins.


Some quotes:

"There’s no single price for concrete and glass, but some industry insiders describe price hikes greater than 20 per cent from 2016, others suggest quoted prices for windows has been going up every month in 2018."

"Labour is in scarce supply; if you had 10 contractors available today to frame up your new house, you’d get a very good deal. If you can’t even get a contractor to give you a quote for the things you want to do, then you know the price is up.”

"[...]even though developers in 2018 can sell new condos in parts of Toronto for more than $1,000 per square foot, that increase doesn’t end up as profit in their pocket. “What’s followed suit is as soon as the trades understand you’re getting $200 more a square foot than you were getting two years ago, they are taking $50 right off the top" "

Modifié par Mondo_Grosso
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Il y a 5 heures, UrbMtl a dit :

Dans tous les cas, vous discutez ici de l'aspect financier du développement urbain. C'est parfaitement correct d'en jaser et d'expliquer certaines choses à d'autres.

Ceci dit, ça n'a rien à voir avec l'aspect architectural ou urbanistique du développement urbain. On peut bien critiquer l'architecture et l'impact urbanistique d'un projet sans remettre en question l'investissement ou sans avoir nous même 100M à investir.  

Si vous voulez qu'on respecte vos champs de compétence, respectez ceux des autres. ;) 

Je ne peux rien dire d'autre que : BINGO!?

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