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Ça fait vraiment plusieurs fois dans ce fil que les deux hauteurs sont évoquées. C’est plutôt drôle, j’ai comme l’impression que quelqu’un va finir par faire un « pool » pour déterminer qui a raison. Je ne pense pas avoir vu autant de confusion dans d’autres projets dernièrement sur MtlUrb. 

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Je trouve ça bizarre que des architectes évoquent la hauteur de l'édifice par rapport au niveau de la mer (fleuve) plutôt que par rapport au sol. Pcq, entre le niveau de l'eau et celui de la base de l'immeuble, il y a plusieurs mètres. Et ils compteraient ça comme faisant partie de la hauteur de l'immeuble?

Ça me semble manquer de rigueur intellectuelle. 

PS: Le down voter devrait avoir assez de courage pour expliquer la raison de son action. Qu'y a-t-il dans ce questionnement (oui, un simple questionnement) qui mérite ça? J'imagine que c'est trop forçant de formuler une réponse sensée dans des phrases complètes.....

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1 hour ago, MtlMan said:

Je trouve ça bizarre que des architectes évoquent la hauteur de l'édifice par rapport au niveau de la mer (fleuve) plutôt que par rapport au sol. Pcq, entre le niveau de l'eau et celui de la base de l'immeuble, il y a plusieurs mètres. Et ils compteraient ça comme faisant partie de la hauteur de l'immeuble?

Ça me semble manquer de rigueur intellectuelle. 

PS: Le down voter devrait avoir assez de courage pour expliquer la raison de son action. Qu'y a-t-il dans ce questionnement (oui, un simple questionnement) qui mérite ça? J'imagine que c'est trop forçant de formuler une réponse sensée dans des phrases complètes.....

I'm not the one who downvoted you, but perhaps I can shed some light as to why geodetic heights are used on architectural drawings.

Typically, when going through the planning and approval stages for a project, you'll need to go through site plan approval with the city and various related authorities. They will need to see the project's site plan relating to a survey. Surveys typically provide site levels measured with respect to a datum - "0," which is sea level, and is fairly universal. This helps avoid confusion. If you can establish the level of your building with respect to a universally recognized datum, then you can easily extrapolate the building height from it. I wouldn't say that this practice is lacking in rigor. It's very much the standard. Other disciplines (civil engineers etc.) will also typically use this information. It makes coordination between disciplines that contribute to designing a building much, much easier. It's also important to realize that sites are very rarely flat, so the building will in fact have multiple different heights, and they need to relate back to the original "0" datum. 

I can't comment on the confusion with respect to this project, but the above is my two cents based on my experience in architectural practice. 

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il y a une heure, rufus96 a dit :

I'm not the one who downvoted you, but perhaps I can shed some light as to why geodetic heights are used on architectural drawings.

Typically, when going through the planning and approval stages for a project, you'll need to go through site plan approval with the city and various related authorities. They will need to see the project's site plan relating to a survey. Surveys typically provide site levels measured with respect to a datum - "0," which is sea level, and is fairly universal. This helps avoid confusion. If you can establish the level of your building with respect to a universally recognized datum, then you can easily extrapolate the building height from it. I wouldn't say that this practice is lacking in rigor. It's very much the standard. Other disciplines (civil engineers etc.) will also typically use this information. It makes coordination between disciplines that contribute to designing a building much, much easier. It's also important to realize that sites are very rarely flat, so the building will in fact have multiple different heights, and they need to relate back to the original "0" datum. 

I can't comment on the confusion with respect to this project, but the above is my two cents based on my experience in architectural practice. 

This is a welcome contribution from you, thank you. Much preferable to a superficial and too easy downvote. I understand better, and happily stand corrected on this.


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