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TOM Condos - 42 étages (2019)


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Bonne nouvelles pour le TOM. Si le promotteur est allé chercher son permit de construction, c'est qu'il est sérieux. En plus, ils sont rendus à 48% de vendu, ce qui est bien.


POur ce qui est de la tour Point Zé serai très surpris si jamais elle monte. Ils sont trop "cheap"!

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Invité Olivier2160

Mise à jour en provenance de SSP (Frenchcanadian3) :


went to the sales office today. Sales have passed the 45% mark and construction will start mid-october. Should be finished by 3rd semester 2015.

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Thanks Olivier. I've spoken to 2 different sales people and get different answers. The last I spoke to them, about 3 weeks ago, they had received their excavation permit and were negotiating with companies for the contract. Then a week later they had received the building permit but not the excavation permit. They apparently planned on construction to start in late August or September but that seems to be pushed back again.


So....I'll believe it when I see it.

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Invité Olivier2160
So....I'll believe it when I see it.


Smart decision :-) Something's telling me though that even they have some troubles selling the upper floors condos, the tower will go up....

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Smart decision :-) Something's telling me though that even they have some troubles selling the upper floors condos, the tower will go up....


45% Sold is not a lot in pre-construction for a building like that.. Building with less than 50% sold in a slowing market and high competition is a recipe for disaster.


Montreal is doing fine because there is a lot of offer (buildings in plan/construction), but minimal supply (buildings completed). This is why building with 70% sold and selling remaining units during construction is good... supply is never really increased. The developers should never increase the supply...

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Smart decision :-) Something's telling me though that even they have some troubles selling the upper floors condos, the tower will go up....


Is that based on 13.6% sales from floors 15 to 40 (26 /190)? They had announced 40% sales on their facebook page in December 2012 so 48% over 7 months later is not great news. Their marketing and exposure is really lacking compared to other towers in the area. The tower will go up as they have apparently paid for the permits, the question is when will it start and how long will it take to build.

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Le problème avec Tom, c'est qu'on sait pas trop dans quelle gamme se situe les condos... C'es-tu du haut de gamme, moyen de gamme?... Les autres projets ont bien ciblé leur marché mais Tom sait pas trop à qui il s'adresse. Bummer!

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Qwerty a raison: une fois bâti, en général, y'a des ventes qui se font mieux, car c'est dispo immédiatement. Je suis convaincu que cet emplacement est très bon, une fois la tour plus visible elle sera mieux courue.

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