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Tout ce qui a été posté par Spike

  1. Ma crainte du projet quand ils ont demandé pour le deuxième dépôt: Est-ce qu'ils vont demandé a ceux des premiers étages (4-14) d'emménager avant que l'immeuble sois fini et que les acheteurs habite dans un champs de construction pendant des années le temps qu'ils finissent le tout??
  2. Article de ce matin publié dans
  3. J'ai essayer de chercher sur la regis du batiment (access à tous les detenteurs de permis) et Les Condominium TOM ni Les development Pandev y sont listé; par contre plusieurs tours y sont dont Le Peterson (depuis mai 2013)
  4. I was corresponding with representatives from TOM and was told that the permit should be in by the end of the week and that an announcement for the beginning of excavation should be sent by the end of the month. Only time will tell if it's true.
  5. Selon l'equipe que j'ai rejoint par courriel la semaine passer il attendait encore le permis, qu'il "devrait" recevoir d'ici 2 semaines. A toutes les fois que je leur parle, la date est changer et l'histoire change. Je crois que les ventes sont trop basse pour avoir le financement de la banque.
  6. Is that based on 13.6% sales from floors 15 to 40 (26 /190)? They had announced 40% sales on their facebook page in December 2012 so 48% over 7 months later is not great news. Their marketing and exposure is really lacking compared to other towers in the area. The tower will go up as they have apparently paid for the permits, the question is when will it start and how long will it take to build.
  7. Thanks Olivier. I've spoken to 2 different sales people and get different answers. The last I spoke to them, about 3 weeks ago, they had received their excavation permit and were negotiating with companies for the contract. Then a week later they had received the building permit but not the excavation permit. They apparently planned on construction to start in late August or September but that seems to be pushed back again. So....I'll believe it when I see it.
  8. GDS: I purchased a condo on the 4th floor, so I know first hand they are offering those owners to move to another floor. As you said though, some condos may have been blocked off and not actually sold in anticipation of this new floor layout. In my discussions with them they offered me some condos listed as sold or reserved on their website which leads me to believe to that some of those may have been set aside in anticipation of moving some owners around.
  9. Pour ceux qui sont au 4ieme et probablement ceux du 5ieme etage aussi, ils tentent de les bouger à un etage plus haut.
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