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Le Victoire - 26 étages


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Hi Folks,


Well I called REDFOXCO yesterday and apparently the project is alive and well!! The person I spoke to asked if I wanted to leave a message for the sales rep and she assured me that the project will be going forward in the near future? Won't hold my breath , but hey you never know!!

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Yes, its a beautiful tower and amazing project. Unfortunately I have heard it was ruined by complete incompetence and at the moment almost every buyer in the project is currently in a class-action lawsuit against the developer and the agency involved in overseeing the release of funds. Its a big mess. Not sure how it ever came to that since I heard that 80% of the units were sold in pre-sales.


I wonder what the developer did with all the deposits. Too bad. It would have been a gem of a place

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Well it is now of official public record. The lawsuit has been filed with the courts!!! That's sad, but who can blame the buyers? They were screwed by incompetence. Not sure how anyone could have screwed this one up.


I am sure the media will pick it up soon enough. Seems like an important story for the condo industry.

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I remember going to the sales office and it was really 80% sold... There was only like 6-7 units left if I remember.


It seems the project went down when they realized the complexity and problems of the excavation perhaps? Hard to believe, but if you are going to steal money, why even bother with the demolition of the old building, while maintaining the facade at high cost and starting excavating?

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