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Canadiens de Montréal


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Tant qu'à moi, le pire là dedans c'est Komisarek. Gainey lui aurait offert 4M par année pour 5 ans. Pour 500 000$, s'il préférait vraiment passer à notre plus grand rival... aussi bien qu'il soit parti, car il n'avait pas autant le CH à coeur que j'aurais pu le croire.

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10 000$/année : pauvre

50 000$/année : correct


1 000 000$/année : riche

10 000 000$/année : riche

100 000 000$/année : riche


Bref, selon moi, après un certain point, t'es riche, point finale. 500 000$ de plus ou de moins ça change pas grand chose. Si tu nous quittes pour ça, tu es victime de l'avarice, pur et simple.


I've lost all respect for Komisarek. Thanks for the good times, but that's over now. Now he is the enemy.

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Malek a raison. 500,000 par années sur 5 années, c'est 2.5 millions. Sans compter le fait qu,il va probablement lui rester un autre 250,000 à 300,000$ de plus dans ses poches à chaque année(taxes moins élevés) ça fait une différence de 750,000$ par année pendant 5 ans!! C'est prèsque 4 millions$.


Would you spit on 4 million$...i seriously doubt it!


Let's not forget that By not negotiating with anyone during the regular season, Bob pissed off alot of players., Including Komisarek, who would most likely have signed last year, had Bob made him an offer.


Bob dropped the Ball on this one!

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One thing bob did mention was the fact that Komisarek never came back with a number he was aiming for, or a counter offer, and went directly to the team that offered him .5M more... that says a lot about his willingness to stay in Montreal.

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I do not think Bob is over because we definitely need size up front and a big defencemen.

I am not thrilled withthe Gomez deal because we were in a position of strength on that deal and we through in a 1st round pick in MacDonough. That hurts as well as his 8 mil he will be making this year. The money the Rangers saved on Gomez they went in and picked up Gaborik. That one is still stinging.

However, I do like the signings of Camalerri and Gionta despite their sizes, they can put the puck in the net. Hal Gill had a decent playoff with the penguins only because he was very well insulated in Pittsburg. He will not have that luxury in Montreal and I feel he will be exposed big time. He's not quick that's for sure. Spacek will stabilize the power play and will put up 35 points but than again he's 35 yrs old and is on the decline of his career. All these transactions had also a purpose and that's to clear the stench in the locker room with Kovy, Koivu, Tanguay and friends.

Beauchemin's unsigning is somewhat still a mystery to me. Is he still injured? Did he nix on the habs offer...we don"t know. I hope not. The next transaction will probably be dealt with via trades... I can see Sergei K, Plekanics and or perhaps Halak packaged in a deal to get us a big centreman...perhaps Shane Doan in Phoenix who needs to change address.

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Les rumeurs disent que le départ de Tanguay est officiel. Koivu à venir et seul Kovalev resterait.


Vraiment dommage pour Tanguay.


Il aurait certainement plus fait la job que Gionta sur la ligne


Tanguays walking papers were signed when the habs played the bruins in the playoffs. He refused a cortisone shot at the consent of the team doctors who gave him the green light to do so and he didn't do it because he was a Free agent and what to test the market. Tanguay is not Bob Gainey's type of player nor 80% of the GM's out there. The guy has no heart, let him go.

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