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Tout ce qui a été posté par SameGuy

  1. Ok how many people have me on “ignore”? 😂😂 I asked and answered the same! 😂😂😉
  2. Too late to rename Griffintown (à la Lucien-L’Allier)? Much more à propos.
  3. Seems like it, though the water tower at the other end of Oakwood doesn’t seem much lower.
  4. Ugh yes. I was young and cool and “street” once upon a time, and I didn’t “get” it then, still don’t get it now.
  5. Wouldn’t it be cool if Devimco and RioCan got together with Ville de Brossard and implemented an autonomous shuttle system like Navya or EasyMile through the two projects’ sectors for easy last-mile coverage? It is very clear that Dix30 was designed almost exclusively for automobiles, but it wouldn’t take much to change that and make it pedestrian- and transit-friendly. I mean, there isn’t even any really good pedestrian/bike access from the L-sector residential area!
  6. Ah! Thank you! Oh yeah, across from Costco, now I remember. Near the “tunnel” posted by @ScarletCoral not long ago.
  7. I remember the area near the former Meloche quarry as “Green Acres” but I’m unsure of the name of the hill, which probably would’ve been known as “Côte-St-Charles” before 1935. A bit to the east (of rue Ste-Anne) has been known as Thorndale since the area was developed on the seigneurial farms in the mid-20th century.
  8. Perhaps their Sorel plant isn’t set up for final assembly/accessorizing/pre-delivery inspection of full EMUs? Didn’t Alsthom also have a full shop in the old Turcot or Glen Yard?
  9. They go from Sri City, India, to Hornell, NY (instead of Sorel), before coming here? LOL GMTA (great minds think alike).
  10. We are on the same page. 🙂👍🏼
  11. It’s difficult to compare Hong Kong with anywhere in North America. That said, I agree with your general divisions. I’ve stayed in TST, Yau Ma Tei and Sheung Wan, and loved the “organized chaos.” I’ve also stayed in the relative civility of Mid-Levels and Wan Chai, and only the pub scene adjacent to Mid-Levels in south Central near the Escalator is anything near what westerners call “inviting” (I’m ignoring LKF); it’s actually quite a lot of fun on a sunny Sunday to walk from Causeway through Central when all the Pinoy ladies are out together on their one day off. But it’s still a very tall city and every part of it is busier on a human scale than almost any part of Montreal. Oh, and it’s easy to be fooled into thinking it’s a concrete jungle, when in reality it’s like Singapore, among the greenest large cities I’ve visited.
  12. To be frank, most of the stations have imperfect access. Have you seen Fairview or des Sources? Fairview is a 500m walk from the closest mall entrance across an awful parking lot; des Sources is in the middle of a desert. Anse-à-l’Orme? Middle of fricking nowhere (and don’t bother with lame arguments about “the entrance to a future park.”). Pfds-Rox is a very busy suburban train station, but now this light metro will have a station in the middle of a vast parking lot, and the borough has refused to amend the zoning bylaws to encourage tall, dense development. A40/CdL? Jeez. Yes, all evidence suggests that the stations’ locations outside the core of the main trunk (ex-DM line from Central to TMR) were dropped where they are with some future development intentions in mind, and not to serve existing populations. Will that corner of Dix30 face redevelopment? Logic would say yes.
  13. I haven’t seen any in the West Island yet, but it wouldn’t surprise me at all. Disappoint me, yes. Surprise me? No. 😒
  14. Yeah I’m not crying for banks, that’s for sure. 😏
  15. Merci pour ces hypothèses précises Merci pour ces hypothèses précises
  16. En anglais on appelle ça un “self-own.” Essentially the committee is admitting that CDPQi is going too fast and all the municipal projects are not in sync with the REM because they are bogged down in committees and studies and reviews. This is really good comedy.
  17. Wow merci pour cette mise-à-jour, @Chuck-A! Et quelle belle journée, n’est-ce pas?
  18. Deco > Postmodern > Brutalist > International Just IMHO 😁
  19. The dynamic range in those pics is craaazy
  20. Mais c’est claire que les équipes sont très bien formées à ce point, j'estime qu’ils franchent les 2.5 travées par semaine maintenant!
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