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Tout ce qui a été posté par SameGuy

  1. Agree. These are more constructive ideas than “why didn’t they get a derogation to go 220m high?!” 😁😉 Imagine maintenant si les quelques terrains “friches” restant seraient développés avec du “missing middle” multifonctionnel pour amorcer la réimagination des habitudes locales.
  2. Yeah it’s nuts around here. My wife and I have a car each plus I have a “toy” car that rarely leaves the driveway, but we never, ever park in the street... meanwhile virtually every neighbour leaves their driveway empty (and never parks in their garages). 🤷🏻‍♂️ So parked cars on both sides, and one driving lane up the middle... but I’m going to walk in that lane to get to the bus on Antoine-Faucon or boulevard de Pierrefonds? That’s the problem. So again, next rebuild they must put sidewalks on both sides of each main street in the neighbourhood, and a ban on street parking — many of the minor streets around here don’t even have curbs and storm sewers, still just ditches and culverts. That discourages walking at rush hours. Some of us DO it, but...
  3. The only sidewalk on Meloche is only in the 30 zone in front of St-Anthony School and the adjacent park. But I agree, a quick fix would be to ban on street parking which would at least make it a bit safer, both for pedestrians (and cyclists on the useless sharrows) and for residents backing out of their driveways. But streets like Meloche haven’t been rebuilt in 20 to 30 years, and will eventually make it into the public works plan. That would be the ideal time to rethink purposes, like they attempted with Antoine-Faucon over the last couple of years (I think they missed the mark with the layout of the painted bike and parking lanes).
  4. One thing I can say is that when rue Antoine-Faucon (Tony Hawk street!) was being rebuilt two years ago and the buses were rerouted north to rue Meloche it was a pleasant surprise but also a shock to many. A bus would be really handy to have on a street that runs through the middle of a residential area, but those LFSes are way too big even for one of the main streets in the area. Without sidewalks, it’s simply a bad idea overall. Perhaps the next time it’s rebuilt they can install sidewalks and LED lighting, and ban on-street parking... Again, the type of useful upgrade that might change many residents’ habits, but at what cost when applied all over the West Island?
  5. Perfect time to do this. Traffic is significantly lighter right now, with almost no airport users on the road, and many industries from Dorval to TMR also with reduced workforces.
  6. Too bad the Victoria STOLport never got off the ground, so to speak. Imagine hopping on REM at McGill to the (eventual) Bassin station, taking a two minute shuttle to STOLport, then grabbing that Porter flight to Billy Bishop? That’s a business traveller's dream. Come to think of it, if there were an airport where Tata and Mels now reside, there might have been a REM station built right there. Oy.
  7. Consensus is still “one floor per week”? At that rate you won’t be able to see the Borg Cube at 740 NDO by the end of January!🤞🏼
  8. Wow perfect, thanks. Je me demandais comment elle pouvait “sursauter” les équipes qui font des ouvrages d’installation de rails, électrique, etc. 😄
  9. Almost three months later, I’m actually growing confident that Anne will indeed reach the westbound Chemin Ste-Marie overpass (just east of Kirkland station) by the time launching gantry operations suspend for winter. There are currently 19 spans to go before the overpass and they have been averaging almost three spans per week. I think conservatively they will reach it by the end of November even with some scheduled or unscheduled pauses. Maybe with good weather it can keep going past? Last year things stopped in the middle of December.
  10. Once LG-Marie arrives at Fairview, I wonder how long it will take to crawl all the way back to the split at Douglas-B.-Floreani to build the airport branch. 🤔
  11. Je suppose que le nombre de stations dépendra le résultat des poursuites et des expropriations impliquant CF/IC? 😉
  12. Doigts croisés que l’RMVR va bonifier l’offre de TEC à La Priarie
  13. Ordres de magnitude plus cher?
  14. Come to think of it, invoking Solar Uniquartier in a discussion about urban sprawl is kind of hilarious. It’s the epitome of sprawl.
  15. The last two segments at the station are under tension now as the epoxy and shims cure together around the final three station columns, then Marie will be reattached to her front legs and be on her way!
  16. As we’re seeing in California and Texas, HSR on this continent is around $100M/km, so just Montreal-Toronto would be ~$55B. Add QC and Ottawa and it’s more than double that.
  17. That was actually interesting, but I couldn’t help thinking he sounds like Chest-Bras! 😂😂
  18. If you don’t love here you can’t possibly think it’s “simple.” Buses don’t fit on residential streets here, there are zero sidewalks here, the plows pass last here, and they do not remove the snow to dump it in the river until the end of February. I would LOVE it if it were as simple as every ideologue insists. I do plan to take REM to get to work and to get around town, but I fear it won’t be easy or safe in winter or after dark, and will definitely add an enormous time penalty to my personal commute (which is around 20 minutes in off-peak traffic but would apparently now be closer to 45 minutes by bicycle and REM — 33 minutes from Kirkland to the airport? Ça’alors!).
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