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Tout ce qui a été posté par SameGuy

  1. Man so much hyperbole and hysteria in this thread. It’s not “pathetic” or “a disgrace.” Ok so it doesn’t appeal to you; move along. IMO it’s actually not too bad, maybe even a bit intriguing. I’ll wait to see the final renders before hammering nails in its coffin.
  2. Ce serait cool si leur carte montrerait aussi les bâtisses souterraines.
  3. I’m looking forward to how they restore the pizzeria (old station head house) to give the entire square a unified look.
  4. Perhaps why we are “importing” from North Carolina for REM...
  5. Fantastic post. The Katy and Québec City examples are perfect. I drive a small car and I live in a very car-dependent suburb with very ordinary WalkScore, and when I’m in traffic I curse the traffic for a while then I remember...
  6. Si jamais on se rend en Southern California, on peut voir comment ils gérent les entrés à deux voies avec leur trafic étouffant. Ça marche assez bien pour eux autres, mais ici c’est l’anarchie derrière le volant — faut juste essayer de traverser la rue au centre ville de Montréal sans être écrasé, même avec le signal pour piétons! La plupart des entrés double à Los Angeles on des feux de circulation alternant pour chaque voie, un “ramp meter,” pour régler les “fusion-glissière” (zipper-merge). À Toronto on utilise un système assez similaire, mais ce n’est pas partout comme à Los Angeles.
  7. Lol someone really doesn’t like reality-checks; both you and I got downvoted for presenting the simple truth about induced demand. Oh well. 🤷🏻‍♂️
  8. Ne devrait-ce pas être placé dans la section STM?
  9. Edit: LOL just realized how big my Memoji looks on here omg
  10. They are, among other things, pulling numbers out of their arses. The airport station’s price tag isn’t $600M, but that sum is now necessary to integrate the station into the existing airport infrastructure, as all of that was supposed to be part of the major landside redevelopment project that has now been shelved due to the disappearance of revenue. The actual station itself has always been pegged at $200-250M of the greater redevelopment project’s $2.5B total. Where are they deriving their ridership numbers? Are they guessing that when the crisis has passed that Canadians/Québécois/Montrealers will simply not travel again? That’s simply ridiculous. How did they arrive at $500M for the 3.5 km tunnel? Canada's taxes on jet fuel are already among the highest in the world, but they think levying more taxes would raise ticket prices “by hundreds of dollars”? Do they seriously believe that travellers will schlep their bags all the way to Les Jardins Dorval, wait in the snow for a tramway, then ride 50+ minutes and 40 stops to get downtown, with few connection nodes to the greater metropolis? Finally, as @champdemars said, it’s not a public expenditure of $600M, but a loan with favourable conditions, much as the CIB already dedicated to CDPQi as the Fed’s participation in the rest of the REM project. The REM tunnel is coming to the airport whether the station is ready or not; delaying these loans will only delay the station, not stop the project in its tracks.
  11. Coffrage panel lines unless I’m not seeing what you’re seeing.
  12. Je vais faire confiance à ce que le posteur avant moi avait dit. 😁😉
  13. Unless they go even faster, I think we can expect Marie to meet it early next construction season!
  14. SameGuy

    Odea - 25 étages

    I think Trespa “Denver Oak” is just a cladding with a fake wood appliqué. But it should look good, I agree. Only the wider columns of the facade appear to be “white concrete”; the balance is either clear glass, “Denver Oak” cladding, or black aluminum.
  15. Est-ce qu’il y a d’oies domestiquées?
  16. It’s an interesting discussion for sure, but not what I was asking (about electrostatic discharge while installing the unpowered cable). I got my answer from @bad_monday though. Carry on.
  17. I understand how catenaries function, I’m just wondering about ESD while the workers are installing it. On a windy, rainy day it must build up some potential for sure. Aircraft aren’t actively electrified but they can develop a potential of 100,000 to 200,000 V while in flight that is safely discharged, mostly through the static wicks on the trailing edges of the wings and tail.
  18. SameGuy

    Odea - 25 étages

    I like the "Tetris effect" of the balcony pattern contrasted with the scallop on the corner of Ottawa & RB. It's definitely novel in this city, and a very subtle nod to First peoples.
  19. SameGuy

    Odea - 25 étages

    Again, 100% d'accord. Il y a de la place pour un peu d'impertinence en design d'une bâtisse, même ici dans une ville plutôt sobre, mais sans qu'elle apparaisse dissonant dans son environnement.
  20. If it's windy and perhaps raining or snowing does the potential build up in the bare wire and connected parts? Does anybody know?
  21. SameGuy

    Odea - 25 étages

    A building doesn’t need to be outlandish or garish to be a good design. Ok so it’s not shaped like a cigar (or pickle or drill bit or candy cane or surfboard or pagoda or bottle opener) but it is a good solid design with the right proportions for its location. Westmount Square is a “box” with similar proportions and it remains a classic and stands the test of time.
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