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Tout ce qui a été posté par SameGuy

  1. Every idealistic urbanist wants to think that sprawling, car-dependent suburbs like most of the West Island can leap several paradigms to immediately become The 15-Minute City. That’s simply UNpossible. It would require TENS of billions of redevelopment, along with generational change and lifetimes of uprooting established habit and patterns. Sure, good bus connections should in theory negate the need for incentive parking lots at transit stations. But if this were even close to realistic, then the Fairview Mall parking lot wouldn’t be constantly full despite the large bus terminus that’s been there for decades. Yes, we can adapt bus routes to feed REM efficiently, but how do you get the people that last mile between their homes and the bus stops on arteries? As @ToxiK says above (and I said ages ago in the Grand Parc de l’Ouest thread), for half the year, it is very unpleasant or even downright perilous to walk on residential streets and then wait at a usually-unsheltered stop perhaps 20 or 30 minutes just to get to a transit station. It is doable, but there is no incentive for residents to contend with it when it’s just more comfortable to hop in the car. So the cars will be on the local streets anyway, incentive parking or not, but as said, driving is safer and more comfortable to get out of the residential area, the REM station parking intercepts the commuter, and the REM is more pleasant than contending with traffic on the highway and detours in town.
  2. SameGuy

    Odea - 25 étages

    Even close to the CBD (downtown), there is a huge variety of lot size and density or ratio in Singapore. On top of that there is some varied topography to add interest and honestly very few areas feel like “canyons.” Some of the HDB (housing) estates are a bit cookie-cutter and monotonous, but commercial and retail properties are usually much more interesting and individualistic.
  3. Les “heures de pointe de l’aéroport” ne correspondent ps tout à fait aux heures de pointe des navetteurs et banlieusards: le matin c’est entre 4h00 et 7h00, l’après midi entre 14h00 et normalement 17h00 (il y en a aussi une petite vers 19h00 pour les vols transatlantiques). Ainsi, ca marcherait assez bien comme “express” vers l’aéroport.
  4. C'est évident que le camion n’est pas “AirRide-equipped”! 😂
  5. Alors dépendant l’heure, ça se peut que les trois quais seront dédiés pour chaque terminus/direction, et les trains arrivants ne procéderont pas aux “tail tracks” ou le lave-train? J’imagine ce serait trop confondant switcher de quai à chaque couple de minutes aux hdp. ETA: No. That’s ridiculous. Trains will be staged on the tail tracks when its busy. I can’t wait to see how it works!
  6. SameGuy

    Odea - 25 étages

    That made me laugh right out loud! À chacun son pizzazzz. Or whatever.
  7. “Bassins” était censé d’être en tunnel entre les rives des Bassin Wellington/Peel avec une sortie à chaque bout, mais c’était techniquement (et financièrement) prohibitif.
  8. SameGuy

    Odea - 25 étages

    Singapore is on another level altogether. One of my favourite places in the world, absolutely. I was there again in July 2019 and always see new things, though nothing there surprises me anymore.
  9. I’d like to see the revised master plan issued in early 2017, before Fairview’s REM location was finalized. The drawing I posted in the station’s thread still shows its location closer to Simons and in the Fairview/Reno parking lot east of Avenue Fairview, and also shows train’s originally-proposed trajectory along Avenue Holiday and crossing diagonally in front of the Holiday Inn before traversing the 40. I’m pretty sure IC/CF have already filed their applications for the land development near the station and future phases of the Fairview mall’s redevelopment.
  10. Looks like pulleys and a rigging system, doesn’t look permanently affixed yet.
  11. Yes! C’est vraiment illusoire!
  12. SameGuy

    Odea - 25 étages

    Good explanation again, merci!
  13. Agree, the entrance will be fine for what I imagine will be the majority of users, but will only be convenient for shoppers in an eventual mixed use development on the west side of Avenue Fairview; it is a loooooong hike across a pretty terrible parking lot from the CF Fairview Simons end. Again, perhaps some future development of the mall into an extended, mixed-use “town centre” will result in a more pleasant access from the east side to the station, but for the foreseeable future, it’s only “Fairview” station because of the nearby street name, much like Anse-à-l’Orme down the line.
  14. Il faut résoudre le problème de l'accès restreint.
  15. SameGuy

    Odea - 25 étages

    I just got my upvotes back so I took care of it LOL people are weird
  16. We have yet to see what the elevated sections of the DM branch west of Bois-de-Liesse look like. Sunnybrooke and Pfds-Rox look massive and the trains will be high above the surrounding SFHs. I’m mildly concerned. 😉
  17. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    2017 Pink shares one thing with Barcelona (and hundreds of lines elsewhere): TBM. Lines 9/10 are trunk-and-branch through-lines with a mix of deep TBM and cut-and-cover tunnels along with ground-level and aerial guideway. I’m suggesting that perhaps, just perhaps, this new concept more closely resembles Barcelona 9/10 overall.
  18. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    Also -- and nobody here seems ready to concede this -- who said there has to be a concentration of new stations in the downtown core? A new northeast line could be aerial perhaps until some peripheral location near Radio Canada or CHUM then duck deep enough underground with a TBM, to re-emerge at Turcot/Westmount Sub with just one transfer station at GC or McGill. Wouldn't it be cool if they were in fact discussing a complete reimagining of the Pink Line, more along the style of Barna Lna 9/10? A mix of both bored and cut tunnels as well as ground and aerial guideways...
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