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Tout ce qui a été posté par SameGuy

  1. That’s the first time I’ve seen a figure mentioned. 2500 on that size plot means fairly tall (for the West Island). For perspective, Kubik on Donegani will have two 6-storey buildings and two of 10 storeys sitting compactly on 4 acres, totaling 320 units. A mixed-use development on 32 acres that includes commercial and office space will surely have residential high rises.
  2. Also the highway tunnel on the West Coast? Portland or Seattle, if memory serves?
  3. Which is a pity, because I really like the last version they showed... if only the project weren’t exactly where it is at Quinze40!
  4. Jeez I never said they are equivalent! I’m just incapable of wrapping my head around estimates of close to A BILLION DOLLARS PER KILOMETRE before one shovel is even in the ground. REM was originally estimated to cost substantially less than where it's at right now. It happens. So if they are estimating $4.5B right now for a proposed — and as yet not-fully-designed — 5.8 km extension of a line that already exists, it boggles the mind.
  5. I would LOVE some explanations. Ce n’est pas le tunnel MR qui aide à couper les coûts du REM. L’extension de la Bleue - si ça serait construit enfin - va terminer par coûter tout à fait la même somme que le REM. À ce point-ci un extension à un milliard par km c’est pire que bizarre.
  6. Par contre, la structure aérienne, soit celle aux voussoirs dans l’ouest, soit aux poutres dans le Point, semble beaucoup moins massive que les similaires du SkyTrain. 🤷🏻‍♂️
  7. It is extremely difficult to imagine “deep boring” the ~5km Blue extension could possibly make the job any more expensive than the currently discussed cost. Think about it for a second: the tunnel under the airport for REM — that will be almost as long as the Blue project, with two stations — will be only a small part of a project with an incredibly complex dig on Mt Royal, 20 km of elevated guideways, new bridges and viaducts, new power and comms infrastructure, maintenance facilities and the conversion of a 32 km line to modern rapid transit... an entirely new system 14 times as long will cost perhaps 1½ times as much. Something is broken.
  8. Are they going to rent this pit out to James Cameron to film some new outer space thriller?? Holy crap it's huge.
  9. Until the rumours are backed up by cited sources (or the contributors are known to be "privy" but unable to share more info), I'll lean towards the word of the developers themselves until such time as any other confirmations emerge.
  10. The fluorange lines of the temporary snow netting along REM's PSC zigzag just keep grabbing my attention in all of these shots taken from SdC; what a great collection of archival images. 👍🏼👍🏼
  11. As long as Red Moon stays away from it I think we are safe
  12. Also demonstrates just how easily and efficiently they could build a similar-length bridge less than a kilometre upriver for pedestrians and cyclists, connecting eastern Île-Bizard with the Ste-Dorothée near the REM station, along the A440 right of way. Heck, even the northernmost neighbourhoods of Pierrefonds would be less than a kilometre from Île-Bigras station if the centenary bridge gets repurposed for active transport.
  13. Very exciting (for us transit geeks)!👍🏼 I can’t wait to see them start being installed on the Metro. No news from Craig Sauvé recently on the Orange line retro project, so I wonder if we’ll see them first on the Blue extension...
  14. Les travées entre les colonnes des stations prennent pas mal plus de temps que les autres travées.
  15. TBMs are rented along with the expertise (wet leased), just like the launching gantries for REM.
  16. Barna Ln 9 is partly bored by a large-diameter TBM and hosts two tracks stacked vertically. If the station vaults for the Blue line are headed conventionally, there are plenty of TBMs wide enough for two tracks, especially with our narrow trains. But wouldn't it be wiser to bore twin tunnels for all future Metro lines and extensions (unless adopting the BCN design)?
  17. Omg that’s the final colour? 🤢 Il ne s’harmonise pas du tout avec son environnement. No, seriously, I thought for sure that was just the primer. I would expect when they renovate the hundred year old bridge, it will not be painted rust-colour!
  18. SameGuy

    Quinzecent - 37 étages

    LOL je me demandais 😄
  19. Arrivées par RAIL! 😮 Ah chute! Trop tard!
  20. The Broadway extension will be in twin-bored tunnels. As discussed before, there is something truly amiss with the Blue Line extension. Costs approaching those of the MTA’s 2nd Avenue Subway boondoggle, before the project even launches?? And while I don’t have a cadastral map and register, five hundred expropriations — a hundred per kilometre?? Most of the route is under existing streets... WTF are they doing???
  21. Just wanted to add some shots of the tree saplings planted alongside Chemin Ste-Marie just west of the terminal station on this branch.
  22. Yeah I wish they’d have built REM the old way
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