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Tout ce qui a été posté par SameGuy

  1. Alors avec une rame qui départ à chaque 10 minutes on trouvera jamais un banc à la station DM pour le trajet au CV? Pardonne-moi, mais là ça me confond ton propos. C’est quoi le problème alors? Que les bancs soient longitudinaux? Pour ma part je trouve très incommode les bancs en T du métro, être vraiment dans l’espace des étrangers, et eux dans le mien.
  2. Cet argument de «confort» ressemble à celui dont le candidat NPD pour Nelligan, Leslie Éric Murphy, n'arrêtait pas de se chiâler après l'annonce du REM. La ligne DM ne sera jamais encore une ligne pour navetteurs aux heures de pointe, mais là va devenir un métro “show up and go” - pas besoin de connaître ou suivre l’horaire des trains.
  3. Vous n’adressez pas mes points qui expliquent exactement pourquoi?
  4. But... it’s a metro. Just because they made it go to all the way to DM doesn’t mean it’s designed as an “RER,” because Bigras-Ste Do-Moulin-DM were only included when they were able to acquire the main infrastructure for mere pennies on the dollar of its actual value. But with 10-minute headways on the DM branch, those departing to or from the off-island stations will always have seats for all (or most) of the journey, just like on any other longer metro journey.
  5. Why are we still demanding that a metro act like (and be like) a suburban train? Chambly, Sté-Julie, Mirabel, St-Jean — all places where trips to and from Montréal would be adequately and appropriately served by suburban trains or express (feeder) buses.
  6. Un métro jusqu'à Ste-Julie? Here we go again. 🙄
  7. L’aviation ne changera jamais non plus: les termes spécifiques relatives aux aéronefs (ailerons, empennage, fuselage, etc) et communications (“m’aider,” “panne-panne,” etc) sont en français depuis le vol de Blériot, mais les mesures sont (et demeureront) en Anglais (Américain) (feet, miles, pounds, inHg, etc).
  8. “Massive” is a relative term. 😂
  9. In four years there'll be so many more rich people to mug downtown
  10. Et pas avant 2023! Beaucoup d’ingénieurie et ouvrages à compléter!
  11. Omg yeah Budge was pretty much the same as my street. When I was underemployed just before the mergers I helped my neighbour who owned a small driveway-plow company with three tractors and 600 driveways. The roads were definitely better plowed by Ville de Pierrefonds back then, but the path was not much wider than now after the first few snows, which by late January are the narrowest sneckdowns and these days not even wide enough for two cars to pass. We’d plow the driveways once before the city came by back then. The same company still does my driveway to this day, though my neighbour sold it to the YU brothers a few years ago, and they often pass at least twice before the city makes its first pass, often late in the day (then my guys have to go around yet again). Explains why contract prices have more than doubled in the past ten years even though diesel is 30% cheaper!
  12. SameGuy

    Montreal's Future Skyline

    Same. BNC and VSLP so close together is a wall. A skinny 900 not far away might also have some effect, though probably less that the cluster of 150s around the Molson Bell Centre. And yeah, 1SqP and Maestria will draw the eye as well.
  13. SameGuy

    Montreal's Future Skyline

    It's crazy to imagine that CIBC, 1PVM and TDLB will once and for all no longer be the stars of the show. Yes, 1000DLG and 1250 were prominent for more than two decades, but they did not steal the show.
  14. LOL Pour ma part, mon voisin de coté a un entrepreneur de déneigement pour son entrée, comme moi, mais ensuite il sort pour nettoyer les bords et son porche, et pousse toute la neige dans la rue devant ma propriété, après le passage des chasse-neige de la ville ... c'est contre les lois de Pfds-Rox de le faire, mais il est un ancien commandant à la retraite du SPVM ... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  15. We talked about rue Meloche in another thread, on peut la voir dans mon clip comme la route transversale (l'auto qui croisait), qui est plus ou moins bien entretenue l'hiver... le long du Parc Grier où il y a un trottoir d'un côté. À mon bout il n'y a pas de trottoir est c'est dangereux marcher dans le chemin, surtout l'hiver. Oui, avec un trottoir ici, ça s'peut qu'on pourrait aménager une ligne d'autobus en provenance du boulevard de Pierrefonds en empruntant la rue Grier, le long de Meloche et Château-Pierrefonds jusqu'à la station Kirkland. Espérons que oui, les authorités vont vraiment bonifier l'offre, mais aussi les autres services civiques.
  16. Again, I'm looking forward to REM in the West Island, and I'm definitely a booster. But I'm also not shy to criticize any of the shortcomings in the plan or any ancillary effects it may cause. I'll certainly try to use transit or bike/scooter for last-mile to/from the REM station as much as possible, but they will have to figure out how to fix a mountain of problems to get West Islanders to leave their cars at home. There's a reason why the incentive lots on exo lines are always overflowing by 8 am. Umm... where did my "edit" button go?
  17. Oh yeah true I forgot! Plus drôle: le maire de Pfds-Rox, M. Jim Beis, est un cycliste très passionné, un vrai “Lycra-bro,” et même lui est en maudit. He rides his bicycle from his home in Pfds to the Montreal Municipal Council and the Agglomeration Council every session, and rides “centuries” (100km rides) on the weekends, but isn’t part of the Bike Paths Über-Alles clique at city hall. He understands what his citizens prioritize. I don’t like every plank in his platform, and I really don’t think he is in favour of real density (or the area around Pfds-Rox station would’ve been planned for high-rises long ago), but he understands how his constituents commute. Thinks in the suburbs tumbled off a cliff after the mergers, with the slogan One Island, One Snowplow.
  18. LOL I just watched that for the first time since the day I recorded it. I’m asking all the Plateau and MHM and Rosemont people who think we don’t need our cars to get to the REM to tell me again how I’m expected to walk almost a kilometre on that twice a day, every weekday all winter long just to use a bus on Antoine-Faucon that may or may not show up on time because of the crazy traffic...
  19. Il y a une bonne différence entre des rue “marchables” et celles sans trottoir (ou même sans égouts et bords), surtout l’hiver. À Kirkland, Pointe-Claire et Dollard, avec beaucoup de rues résidentielles mal-conçues comme ça, ça va inviter plus de problèmes qu’il y’en ont déjà.
  20. The hours, days, weeks, months seem to be blending together in 2020
  21. I still curse like a dock worker when appropriate, but I've become much more attentive to my use of language over the last five years or so, including throwing around epithets that marginalize groups (even unintentionally). So... LIKE LIKE
  22. True, il n’y a pas trop d’espace libre pour développer, mais les centres commerciaux archaïques, qui ont atteint leur apogée dans les années 1970, sont des candidats de premier choix pour être entièrement convertis en TOD modernes et polyvalents. Place Vertu, Les Galéries St-Laurent, Galéries des Sources, Les Jardins Dorval, Fairview, Centre RioCan Kirkland: des centaines d’hectares de parkings, vieilles bâtisses inefficaces, et la plupart très près d’un nœud de TEC important (ou qui vont l’être). De l’espace pour des milliers d’unités d’habitation,
  23. Quite frankly, that reminds me of driving along Cook Street (NY-374) in Dannemora, NY, along the ramparts of the maximum security prisons. But I thought Once Upon A Time In Hollywood was utter crap and didn't deserve all the Oscar nominations, so what do I know about anything?
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