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Tout ce qui a été posté par SameGuy

  1. Imagine ADM being able to get institutional backing right now. The Caisse would be crazy not to invest in it while its value is upside-down and a recovery is on the horizon. If the federal charter could be amended to allow it, I could see the Caisse paying for the station ($150M) and the integration costs ($450M) in exchange for an equity stake.
  2. REM will point the finger at STL, STL will point the finger at exo, exo will point the finger at REM, and the passengers will freeze and get slush in their boots.
  3. Il y a des tags sur les murales chefs-d’œuvre importantes à Montréal.
  4. La perspective est “off”? South Block et 900, ils font à peine la moitié de la hauteur du 1000?
  5. Non. Once more, it is because of the confusion and misuse of terminology in North America that we are even having this discussion, but we essentially all seem to be in agreement (thanks to the confusion). Very few places outside North America even use the term “light rail,” and those that do almost exclusively apply it to trams or tram-trains. And generally, where those systems are fully grade-separated (no street-running or level crossings), they are considered to be metros even when “light rail” is in the name (see Docklands Light Rail). As for the Blue Line here, it should indeed be considered “light metro” were it not for the fact that it is part of the entire Metro system; if it were a standalone line restricted to six cars and ten minute headways, it would indeed be “light.” But as part of the larger Metro, it isn’t distinct — just like with REM, the airport and AO branches won’t be considered distinct “light rail” lines within the system despite permanent capacity limitations. Back to REM, because it uses standard high-floor rolling stock on a fully grade-separated right of way, it is a metro, pure and simple — as we all agree. It is (for pedants) designated as “light metro,” or more accurately, “medium-capacity transit,” precisely because of the system’s designed capacity. The maximum theoretical capacity at launch — on the main trunk, at peak hours — is still fairly light. The problem doesn’t stem from geeks like us, or even the media. It is REM themselves who continue to self-identify as “light rail,” further confusing the issue. I agree that this form of self-distinction is really dumb. They should have marketed it as a metro from the start.
  6. Même Toronto avec ses hivers généralement plus doux que les nôtres a toujours de problèmes avec la glace sur le “troisième rail” (en fait, le premier et cinquième) de sa Ligne 3. Où le gel est assez souvent, il faut une façon de dégivrer le troisième rail; s’il y aura assez souvent de grands accumulations, c’est encore pire et plus difficile de garder le rail propre.
  7. It is indeed a light metro based on capacity, not vehicle design. Ça fait part des confusions en terminologie en Amérique du Nord, “heavy rail” vs “light rail.” Même REM décrive leur système comme “rail léger,” mais c’est vraiment un système de capacité moyenne. Selon l’American Public Transit Association rail lourd est un système de transit sur rails électrique qui offre une grande capacité. Les standards sont flou mais généralement léger= <15000 passagers par direction par heure; moyen= 15000 à 30000; et lourd= >30000. Ce n’est pas l’équipement, mais la capacité qui détermine le label. Donc, les trains Metropolis de Sydney, avec six voitures et passages ouverts, ont une capacité de 1100 et une fréquence maximale de 30/h, alors 33000 par direction par heure. Par contre, notre REM et ses rames de quatre voitures ont une capacité maximale théorique de 780 et lors du lancement, une fréquence maximale de 24/h que sur le tronc central, alors max 18720 par direction par heure. Si jamais la fréquence du REM est augmentée à 40/h, il entrera dans le fond de la catégorie lourde à 31200 par direction par heure.
  8. Is it just me, or do the rails still need to be straightened? If not, that’s gonna be one jiggly ride. I may need a better Mansiere.
  9. Encore une fois: ADM ne demande pas de subvention, mais un prêt à termes flexibles et favorables. Jeezus pas difficile à comprendre la différence.
  10. 🙄 Encore une fois, d’où vient ce chiffre? En plus, j’entends trop souvent ces jours, “C’est l’obligation du fédérale à cause que c’est l’aéroport et dans leur domaine.” Mais est-ce qu’on a oublié que le mandat de desservir l’aéroport était conféré à la Caisse par le gouvernement du Québec? Ruducuuule.
  11. Parts of it match our 55-year-old Métro entrances, with brutalist concrete walls. It would fit right in at Pie-IX and Pierre-de-Coubertin!
  12. And any kind of cladding to cover the urethane foam.
  13. I believe I was one of the 1st people in Canada to get it when it came out in 2004. It was a horrible car at that. I had so many transmission issues. [off topic] LOL yeah. Least reliable car I’ve owned, and I’ve owned a classic Alfa Romeo! My wife has always hated it. My neighbour was the service department foreman at MB West Island so I managed to maximize the warranty, but it needed repairs several times a year. I ended up buying a clone MB Star machine and learning to do all my own work on it if possible, but now it needs a fuel pump and turbo and I just can’t afford spending more. It’s been parked for two years. But when it’s running, it sure is fun. I don’t the think I’d have ever bought it without the cabrio option though. Also, back on topic, I expect all mall owners will eventually look at redevelopment of their properties into multipurpose communities, it only makes sense. Every time I drive by a sad little shopping centre or strip mall, I consider its location and transit access, and envision what it might be like in the future.
  14. I find looking out the window over the head of someone more than two metres away is much more comfortable and less intrusive than turning my head to the side and gazing across the person right next to me. In our Metro there’s nothing to look at other than butts, but an above-ground metro is like a tour bus!
  15. Is it? I haven’t seen that but it would make sense. Anse will be similar, and I imagine they’d do that at DM. It bemuses me that a major transfer station - Bois-Franc - is side-platforms only. So if I’m going from Kirkland to YUL, and airport train gets to BF when mine does, I’ll miss it and wait another ten minutes. So a trip that takes me <20 minutes by car (my driveway to a my parking spot which is closer to my office than the Aéroport station will be) will take me 12 minute bike ride to Kirkland, wait as many as 10 minutes for a train, 14 minutes to BF, cross under the tracks, wait as many as 10 minutes, 9 minutes to Aéroport, then a brisk 12 minute walk to my office near gate 84. Total? Anywhere from 49 to 69 minutes and some sweat equity. 😐
  16. Hi Reece that was great, thank you. Could you repost in the “Materiel Roulant” (Rolling Stock) section?
  17. It’s still not clear to me why the stations with lots of space have side platforms instead of island (centre) platforms.
  18. Mais tout cela dit, ça demeure impératif que la Ville de Pointe-Claire (en concert avec la MTQ) bâtît quelque sorte d’aménagement pour que les piétons et cyclistes puissent traverser la 40 en sécurité pour atteindre Fairview (leur futur Centre-Ville) et le REM.
  19. Same. Et le bord ouest de la propriété est à exactement 1 km de la pointe est de la station Fairview, donc sans redevances à la Caisse! FWIW it’s a pretty dead mall. Home Depot is always busy but they have plenty of their own parking; Zellers/Kmart/Target all failed there and the Walmart isn’t very successful compared to the one five kilometres west on the 40; Pennington’s failed and closed down. All that’s left is a sleepy L’Équipeur.
  20. LOL was just thinking they’re already bitching about a single 10-storey at Fairview Lincoln (Mazda)... this will go over really well. 😂
  21. LOL la smatte n’existe plus. 😎 (proprio d’une cabrio 2006 depuis 14 ans)
  22. Do we know for sure that this has received an “Avis favorable”? Or will we find out about this week’s deliberations in three weeks like usual?
  23. South Block Lands include both corners of PB (the parking on the southeast as well as the bus terminus on the southwest) plus the air over the tracks, but as far as I know only the bus terminus plot is being seriously considered for a tall.
  24. I usually stop reading any time I see anti-globalist statements with zero reasoning. In other words, when I read anything that questions, “Indian trains?? They should’ve been Bombardier trains built in Quebec!” Never an actual reason other than nationalism. If REM had decided that these trains would be built in France, we would have surely never heard complaints. But INDIA OMFGJHGFHHNNYYVFBJJ.
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