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Tout ce qui a été posté par SameGuy

  1. That’s great, Mathieu Roc-côté 🙄
  2. Waiting for @IluvMTL to post this month’s CCU decisions for new things to pique our interests and satiate our acrophilia once more.
  3. Pour les hauteurs; les propos à grande portée? Y en a!
  4. Jeez sorry to hear this. Wishing you a speedy recovery!
  5. Did you walk up the PB ramp?? Awesome angles! I see you, South Block. 😉
  6. I think this station will be structurally/architecturally complete by the time Marie reaches it late next year or early 2022. Perhaps that’s the goal at both here and AO. 🤷🏻‍♂️
  7. I wonder how much a condo will cost looking directly out onto the roof of the Costco…
  8. If it’s in the middle of Taschereau it won’t be fully grade-separated. Tramways don’t have fences on either side of the tracks, neither will the SRB on Pie-IX. Also, typically street trams don’t have poles in the middle of the street between the tracks.
  9. I mean we are talking wistfully of buildings demolished 60 years ago in threads about buildings going up now, so, yeah.
  10. Yup. C’est bien un métro, à capacité légère. Un métro léger. Mais un métro de toute façon.
  11. One last time: enough with the political opinions in this thread. As explained by @danny12345 just above, and more than enough times in this thread prior to that (I’m among those who have mentioned it), ADM can’t “just borrow” the money, nor issue equity, nor bonds. The Federal government must amend the Airports Act in order to allow the not-for-profit airport authorities to receive funding of any kind that isn’t sourced from operational revenues. That is what we are all awaiting. Whether from Québec, Ottawa or even the Caisse, the parties must all collaborate on a framework that would allow the feds to amend the Act in order to benefit all Canadian airports governed under the Act, as well as any implicated parties.
  12. Hopefully the new development has real character, not a fake snow-globe chintz like Tremblant. These two perspectives above remind me of the iconic view of the Manhattan Bridge from Washington Street in downtown Brooklyn.
  13. 🤦🏻‍♂️ Maybe the Québec government should just completely abandon the construction and infrastructure business. They built the dalle in 2017, “on time and within budget,” and it was immediately found to have structural defects?? 🤦🏻‍♂️
  14. SameGuy

    Expos de Montréal

    Who knows, maybe with any luck André-Philippe Gagnon will come and serenade @Rocco at the opening ceremony of the new stadium...
  15. Just a quick drive-by. While LG-Anne is indeed parked for the season about seven spans east of the first (westbound) Ste-Marie overpass, work is continuing full-speed at the two West Island stations that were started this summer. I didn’t get pictures at Anse-à-l’Orme but the berm ramp that brings the guideway to ground level is almost complete and most of the foundation work and slabs for the various structures are getting close to done as well. At Fairview-Pointe-Claire station, work is progressing on the steel structure of the entire station, and the protective winter Tempo for the eastbound platform structure is now in place; the westbound platform’s Tempo should be ready next week.
  16. SameGuy

    Expos de Montréal

    ...Conveniently ignoring that the Expos were at Jarry Park Stadium for only eight seasons, and the baseball stadium itself was only there for 20 years (and just 12 with “major leagues” capacity) before its conversion to a tennis stadium. Stadium come stadium go. Bfd. Rather, I’d like someone to explain why we will be spending the equivalent of a whole new stadium just to fix the roof on a terrible old stadium that doesn’t even have a tenant.
  17. Every time @MontréalMartin posts old pics here or on Twitter I remember how gross and dirty every surface used to be thanks to the mazoute boilers used for heating. Just look at Gesù in that aerial shot above!
  18. Maybe @Rocco can get the drone up without anybody noticing... 😉
  19. “All parties,” just like the Dorval extension. 😉 It should be noted that in today’s world a dedicated “active transport” overpass would likely need to be accessible, adding to complexity and cost.
  20. I can’t believe people are only scratching their heads now, four years later, and saying, “Oh my God, how can there be no link to the south side of the 40?” Pedestrian walkway proposal to Fairview REM station a 'no-brainer' Without an elevated walkway, pedestrians trying to access the REM station from south of Highway 40 face a difficult and dangerous 2-km walk. Author of the article: John Meagher • Montreal Gazette Some local businesses have put forth a proposal for a north-south pedestrian walkway over Highway 40 in Pointe-Claire that would facilitate safe access to the future REM station next to the Fairview shopping centre. “We are trying to convince CDPQ-Infra to consider incorporating a pedestrian connection over Highway 40 linking the new station to this sector,” said Robert Libman, an architect employed by Olymbec, which owns a business property at 7600 Trans-Canada Highway, directly across from where the new REM station is to be built. Pedestrian walkway proposal to Fairview REM station a 'no-brainer' “Otherwise, instead of being a stone’s throw away, users of this station will have a very long and dangerous walk every day,” Libman said. Without an elevated walkway, pedestrians trying to access the REM station from the south side of Highway 40 must walk east to St-Jean Blvd., cross over the highway overpass, and then head back west. Access is not any safer for cyclists in the immediate area. “Access for pedestrians to and from the new station via St-Jean is a very difficult two-kilometre walk and extremely dangerous with the configuration of the intersections and the Highway 40 ramps,” Libman said “There are many points of potential conflict between pedestrian and fast-moving vehicles.” He said the south side of Highway 40 includes an industrial/commercial sector, as well as Kuper Academy school and recreational facilities. A letter proposing a pedestrian walkway was sent to CDPQ-Infra, builders of the REM, on Oct. 26. It was signed by representatives from Olymbec, Future Electronics and Capcium Inc. Derek Stern is owner of Olymbec, which owns and operates industrial, office, retail and residential properties. He said he would be willing to sell a portion of company property in Pointe-Claire as an access point to an overhead pedestrian walkway. “If you build it, they will come,” Stern said. Libman said a walkway “a no-brainer in many ways. It would really link that station directly. It would be a direct pipeline to so many people and it’s certainly a lot safer than what is likely to result right now.” Libman has also reached out to local politicians. “I’ve spoken to Pointe-Claire Mayor John Belvedere and he’s favourable to it. But there is a question of who assumes the cost of that infrastructure, and who becomes responsible for it. I think the safety and security issue is paramount here and that should certainly trump other factors.” Libman, a former politician, said he is concerned the walkway proposal could get bogged down in government bureaucracy. “I’m concerned it might become a jurisdictional battle as to who becomes responsible. Is it municipal, federal or provincial? Often these jurisdictional debates paralyze things ever further when they shouldn’t be.” Belvedere said the idea of a crossing over Highway 40 was being discussed even before the REM project. “More so now, I’ve made representations to the CDPQ, and representations to Montreal about it. We’re all in agreement because we need some type of pedestrian/ bike crossover. Who’ll pay for it? That has to be determined. Who’ll be responsible for it? To be determined.” Belvedere said the best location for a walkway has yet to be decided. “We have many options. Stillview (Ave.) is another project. That’s one possibility. The other one is closer to (St-Jean), towards Fairview,” he said. “We have to look at them all, and Montreal does, too, because it might be (considered a Montreal) agglo expense.” If a future walkway offers direct access to the REM station, it should be paid for by the CDPQ, Belvedere said. “They should be considering how they’re going to get people from the south side to the north side. That’s the argument I’ve had with them since Day 1.” In a statement, the CDPQ said it was working “with partners and local authorities to provide a tailor-made solution for each scenario. The reference project of the REM does not include any overpass infrastructure that crosses Highway 40. “We will support the authorities that wish to undertake such projects to make sure they are integrated with the REM offering,” the CDPQ added.
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