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Tout ce qui a été posté par SameGuy

  1. That’s really cool. Ça me rappelle les anciennes écluses du Canal Rideau. Also, notice the area is clean and free of tags and graffiti, despite the troubled economy and large schisms between the haves and have-nots. This is a great example of what could be done with the Wellington swing bridge and lift bridge, and the switch house tower, along with other installations along both sides of the canal.
  2. It’s already seven years ago that I first saw fast-charging buses in Shanghai and Shenzhen that would raise a pantograph for a minute or so at key interchange stops and termini. I can only imagine that the battery (or super-capacitor) technology has improved significantly since then and either the batteries are smaller, or more powerful, or have greater range between top-ups. Likely it’s a combination of all three. Notice there are also trolley wires over the street.
  3. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    “If you like... Anglophones pronouncing French place names, consider subscribing.” 😂👍🏼
  4. I don’t disagree. Perhaps not Soviet, but similar to the HDBs (government-subsidized housing) in Singapore.
  5. LOL d’accord. J'espère que personne n'avertit @Fortier de cette tangente! Oups
  6. In a private corporation, Philippe Schnobb and Craig Sauvé would've been canned a LONG time ago. STM should've grabbed Andy "Train Daddy" Byford when he resigned from the NYCTA (after Governor Andrew Cuomo hamstrung him and his office with the MTA reorganization in late 2019). For executive-officer positions, French language abilities aren't usually given a thought; the fact that UK-citizen Byford speaks French fluently (and is married to an Ottawa native) should've made STM's attempts to lure him a no-brainer.
  7. Blocked off for NouvLR use but that doesn’t mean they’ll control it permanently. Either they need to space to park equipment or for storage, or they will be doing some technical work on the viaduct and need the area.
  8. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    Mein Gott the graffiti and tags on the walls, columns and beams of the 15/720/136 in every direction are a fricking pox. Pretty sure we have more of that crap per capita than the Five Boroughs.
  9. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    I drove from La Prairie to 10/30 to MUHC today and while the constructions are impressive, it’s the smaller things they got wrong that stick out like a sore thumb. Those transitions from concrete beams to steel, back to concrete are horrendous. The average Joe-Blo won’t really notice or care, but once you visit other world cities that take the time and put in the effort to get those small embellishments right... what they’ve done here is shameful. I have no idea how CDPQi is using this as a “model” to market their expertise to potential client cities around the world, unless they’re using it as a model of the lowest-cost, entry-level system. They’ll show pictures of Montreal’s Ford Fiesta, then slap down the renderings of the Jaguar F-Type they could have for “just a little bit more money.”
  10. Trois ans, max. Ça ne fait même pas part de leur look d’aujourd’hui. Les nouveaux locaux de BEG ne semblent pas à c’te ruine des années 80. Les anciennes propriétés de BEG valent trop pour les garder pour le shopping à grande surface.
  11. The render certainly makes it look taller than 30 storeys...
  12. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    Puis-je voir tes calculs Charmin? 😁 On the A25 routing you and I agree. Cependant, je ne pense pas qu’aucune des propositions REM-B remplace une véritable ligne “de relève” pour l’Orange, tout comme je ne pense pas que trop d’utilisateurs de l’Orange opteront pour un transfert à JT suivi d’un transfert à EM, tous les deux à la fois plus complexes et plus longs que ce que les autorités tentent de nous faire croire.
  13. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    Fully half, 33 km, of REM-A is new alignment, with new structures and a new, 3km bored tunnel. And the other half is completely rehabilitated, from the ballast to the poles to the entirely new stations to the completely refurbished MR tunnel. The only thing re-used is the 33 km right of way, and as far as we’ve seen, REM-B will also partially make use of an existing alignment.
  14. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    I just did. I asked where you came up with “$4 billion... car qu’on n’aime pas ça en aérien.”
  15. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    As my math teacher used to repeat: “Please show your work.” Let’s say the cost for a tunnel is somewhere in between the Laval Orange extension’s (2020 dollars) $180M/km and the Blue extension’s ridiculous $800M/km. So $500M/km. How many kilometres do you expect need to be tunnelled? Mansfield to de Lorimier is 3km. Now subtract the amount for the elevated structure of this 3km section, we’ll say $160M/km. I come up with a conservative $1 Billion extra “because nobody likes an elevated structure.” TLM nous insiste que la Ligne Rose coûtera $20G.
  16. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    Le Métro et déjà capable d’être automatisé au complet, ayant déjà le système de contrôle qui permet ATO/UTO (GoA 4), alors pourquoi pas dépenser l’argent pour les portes-palières et l’uniformisation du parc de trains (MPM-10), le prix total de ce projet à environ $2.5G. Ajoutons un autre $1.5G pour une cloison entre les voies, et les Azur pourraient rouler à chaque 75 secondes. Oh yeah. Faudra ajouter encore $500M pour licencier les “chauffeurs” syndiqués. 😉 Pourtant, à moins de $5G c’est un projet d’envergure qui relancera l’économie du Québec et qui améliorera la vie de centaines de milliers de montréalais(es).
  17. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    I really hope the CAQ and the Caisse aren’t married to the proposal as presented, and spend the next couple of years (before an election haha!) doing proper studies and diligence, and exploring every possibility for east end service. While it still escapes me how they’ve already predicted $10B for almost exactly the same amount of infrastructure the as REM-A’s new infrastructure — that will end up somewhere around $7.5B including not only the new infra but also the full rehabilitation of all the inherited infra, along with incidental expenses and incurred pandemic-related costs — I’m certain that the public would accept a higher total project cost for REM-B if it means getting a significantly better project. To me, “better” would mean a downtown tunnel and future-proofing a continuation to the southwest.
  18. The renovation of the Ste-Hélène Presbytery appears to have been successfully done, and as it’s directly across from the Rodier Building, I don’t see how the school wouldn’t be fully integrated into any new high-rise on the site. I don’t think the lobbyist registration above sheds light on the actual lot numbers being targeted, but I’m assuming it will be the entire block including the garage on St-Paul.
  19. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    If it’s viable, I could certainly see that as an option east of Papineau. But for René-Lévesque the options are somewhat limited to: elevated (expensive if well-integrated), underground (just plain expensive), or segregated street-running tram in the downtown core then grade-separated tram-train out to the east end (by far the cheapest and least difficult option). I didn’t know the Spadina Line car still used a trolley instead of pantograph.
  20. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    It seems in the case of Ottawa, the trench was constructed in a manner that amplifies the sound, including — but not limited to — embedding the sleepers in concrete (like in tunnels and elevated guideways) instead of ballast. The harmonics created are then forced to reverberate up the vertical trench walls with no sound dampening devices. Right now I live about 1.75 km (as the crow flies) from the 40 and I can often hear trucks go by at night; I can always hear the freight trains along the Lakeshore lines as well, some 4 km away. But I have also lived next to Décarie (corner Jacques-Grenier) for a short time, and nothing compares to the constant, loud din erupting out of it.
  21. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    Ask people in expensive condos near the OTrain trenches what they think of the SNC-led lowest-bidder system.
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