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Tout ce qui a été posté par SameGuy

  1. Et c’est une école privée, si son CA veut que l’école continue à agrandir, les aménagements offerts peuvent être loués ou empruntés ailleurs. J’ai fait le secondaire à Selwyn House à Westmount (avant les expansions des années 1990). À part d’un gymnase pour le basket, la lutte, etc, nos sports d’équipe se faisaient à Murray Hill Park, Westmount Park, Westmount High School, le stade Percival Molson et plusieurs autres endroits. Les écoles privées ne sont pas restreintes par les chartes des écoles publiques ni les commissions scolaires.
  2. Well, if you’re going to propose a VFM argument, then I simply request that we cease discussing the TGF, full stop.
  3. Exactement. C’est comme s’il y avait des plébiscites sur l’horizon. Oh...
  4. Cool thanks for the notes. 15 storeys would still make these among the tallest buildings west of Cavendish (until CF/IC redevelop Fairview). And it’ll be among the densest developments outside of the core. 👍🏼
  5. On devrait revisiter ce discours sous peu... I have no doubt that discussions with the MTQ and neighbouring boroughs have been going on (quietly) since last summer, and now that there’s actually light at the end of the tunnel (notwithstanding the shambolic vaccine deployment state), the pace is surely accelerating in order to get crews digging as quickly as possible in the spring. I have my fingers crossed that the Orange extension and the SJ line improvements have moved way up the PQI priority order.
  6. It has been rumoured that the development could include up to 2500 residences — think Solar Uniquartier size — in buildings as high as the flight path limit (20+ storeys).
  7. Paging @budgebandit 135,000 ft² sounds oddly small for residential. Maybe they meant 135,000 m²?
  8. Merci @Nameless_1 pour diriger le discours avec le changement d’entête. 👍🏼
  9. That’s to distract from the missing plinths 😂🤨
  10. I’m not sure a REM or metro tunnel will ever be considered there. A 25 KV tunnel would be interesting, as long as it had more than two tracks. I can’t imagine TGF trains in that tunnel with suburban or regional trains making stops. But if the SJ and Repentigny/Mascouche lines converged into that tunnel as a proto-RER system using shorter, multi-level EMU trains, I think ridership would increase, and it could be a strong relief line for the Orange.
  11. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    No I certainly know that. I’m just suggesting what I think would be a better option than “elevated on RL to somewhere near Central.” I agree with just about everyone that a tunnelled segment downtown would be better, if costlier, for several reason not the least of which would be integration with REM-A at Central (or McGill or some other weather-protected solution). Other than extending the PVM Esplanade across René-Lévesque to the (let’s face it, nondescript) façade of the Queen E and incorporating a station into it, I can’t see another way they’ll be able to sell this to the public with an election on the horizon.
  12. Oui, nous sommes quasiment tous d’accord concernant les buts de la Caisse. 🙂
  13. Lmaoooo that’s an awesome find @Rocco
  14. At that point why not just extend the Green to PAT and build a REM branch from Papineau to the northeast?
  15. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    Also curious why so many North Americans seem to blame tramways for the actions of bad drivers and careless pedestrians. Fair enough. I did a back-of-the-napkin calculation a couple of pages ago that is also based entirely on guesstimates, but is more plausible than simple “$5 billion” darts.
  16. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    I’m curious to see why so many here think a 3 km tunnel from de Lorimier to Central would add $4-5 Billion to the cost.
  17. SameGuy

    REM de l'Est

    Ah, but then the next question becomes: if a true BRT line on RL — segregated right of way down the centre, traffic signal control, NO left turns — would be acceptable, how come a tram (or the street corridor portion of a longer-distance tram-train) wouldn’t? IMO a low-floor tram-train is the best compromise for the REM-B — provided that the mistakes of OTrain don’t get repeated.
  18. Il ne me reste plus de likes, mais merci encore pour tes points très raisonnables et faciles à digérer pour un non-initié comme moi. 😁 But we can agree that it’s not a “Gare” 😂
  19. The West Island pics are still around July, 2019. 😉
  20. That’s the second time I’ve seen “Soviet” mentioned here in a couple of days. If one had travelled behind the Iron Curtain before 1990, one would realize our rather mundane designs of the past 30 years are nothing like the Khrushchoby apartment blocks, which were more similar to the Jeanne-Mance projects than any of our condo and office towers.
  21. Merci pour cette contribution, il est bénéfique et important d’avoir d’autres perspectives. C’est sur que la méthode progressiste est d’éliminer les Park-&-Ride, comme on voit (malheureusement) dans l’West Island, essentiellement enclavé par la nécessité de l’auto. Dans le cas de la “Gare” Mirabel à St-Janvier, le parking va aider certains résidents de St-Janvier qu’iront au sud ou à St-Jérôme pour le boulot ou le shopping, mais par contre ça n’aidera pas aux milliers qui viennent d’ailleurs pour travailler à Mirabel. Ceux-ci vont continuer à venir en auto maint qu’il n’y a pas de bus entre la station et le parc industriel. On verra s’ils vont ajouter des bus à l’avenir.
  22. So Gare Mirabel (no idea why it’s a “gare”) station is now “live” on Google and Transit. Unfortunately, it just highlights what we’ve been discussing in other threads. There are no buses down to the major aerospace employment centre around YMX. Not to Héroux, nor to Textron, nor Bombardier, nor Airbus Canada. If ARTM and the government are serious about transit, it’s these types of deficiencies that should be addressed during initial planning, and before any whiz-bang jumbo proposals are announced. This station was in the works for at least five years, and now that it’s open it still doesn’t help the “large city of Mirabel.”
  23. That’s really a good opportunity. With the steady progress and occupation of Milo I think this one is a sure thing after Orly begins to to take off. These appear to be good missing-middle density projects for a neighbourhood like PV, and it’s about time the area around Cartier station densifies (15 years later). I kind of get a laugh that their site promotes the Cartier TOD as being “near two suburban trains, Saint-Jérôme and Deux-Montagnes.” SJ line is a Metro ride away at Concorde, and The nearest DM station is back on the Montreal side, 7 km away (du Ruisseau or Montpellier).
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