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Tout ce qui a été posté par _mtler_

  1. YUL Condominiums annonce le lancement de la Phase 2 - La construction de la deuxième tour de 38 étages débutera dès cet automne et accueillera ses premiers résidents en 2020 ttp:// MONTRÉAL, le 23 mars 2017 /CNW Telbec/ - YUL Condominiums, l'un des plus importants projets résidentiels au centre-ville de Montréal, est heureux d'annoncer aujourd'hui le lancement et la mise en vente des unités de sa phase 2. La construction de la deuxième tour de 38 étages, située au 1400, boulevard René-Lévesque Ouest, près de la rue Mackay, débutera cet automne et fera partie intégrante du projet développé en partenariat par le Groupe Brivia et le Groupe Tianco. « Projet à grand déploiement architectural, YUL s'inscrit dans une vision d'avenir pour le centre-ville de Montréal. Il permettra de faire rayonner la métropole sur la scène internationale grâce à son style, à son élégance et à son caractère luxueux. La construction de la deuxième tour en blocs décalés contribuera à positionner YUL comme l'une des principales adresses de prestige à Montréal », a déclaré Kheng Ly, président et chef de la direction du Groupe Brivia et de YUL Condominiums. « Nous sommes très fiers de pouvoir démarrer si rapidement la vente de la phase 2 de YUL Condominiums. Il s'agit d'un projet important pour l'expansion internationale de notre société mère Gansu Tianqing Real Estate Group, fondée par M. Qing Han, un président visionnaire », a ajouté Steve Di Fruscia, président du Groupe Tianco. La deuxième tour sera caractérisée notamment par un vaste hall d'entrée à deux étages entièrement vitré, un lounge, 2 salles à manger pour événements, une salle de conditionnement physique multifonctionnelle et une terrasse moderne au 6e étage surplombant le jardin privé de 23,000 À l'instar de la première tour, tous les espaces communs seront meublés par Armani/Casa. Évidemment, les résidents de la Tour 2 auront accès à toutes les commodités de la phase 1 (spa, piscine intérieure et extérieure, jardin, Sky Lounge et salle de conditionnement). La deuxième tour accueillera ses premiers résident à compter de 2020. Poursuivant sur sa lancée, YUL 2 suscite déjà l'intérêt des acheteurs comme en témoigne le succès remporté lors d'une soirée organisée avant même le début officiel de sa mise en marché. Rappelons que le projet YUL comprendra deux tours résidentielles de 38 étages et 17 maisons de ville. Les deux tours offriront quelque plus de 800 unités dont des studios, des 3 ½, des 4 ½, des 5 ½ et des penthouses. Une quarantaine de modèles d'unités sont disponibles, ce qui permet de répondre aux besoins de tous les profils d'acheteur. D'ailleurs, certaines unités peuvent être entièrement personnalisées. Les premiers occupants de la première tour arriveront dès le mois de juin prochain. De plus, la première des 17 maisons de ville faisant partie du projet sera complétée d'ici le mois d'avril. La première phase du projet YUL Condominiums connait un vif succès depuis son lancement en novembre 2014. La firme d'architecture Menkès Shooner Dagenais LeTourneux a développé, en collaboration avec Stefano Domenici Architecte, un concept structural unique, qui différencie grandement le YUL de nombreux projets. YUL Condominiums est également fier de s'être s'associé avec Magil construction pour les travaux de construction. Les personnes intéressées sont invitées à profiter de tarifs préconstruction. Pour de plus amples renseignements, visitez notre site web ou rendez-vous au bureau des ventes situé au 1400 Boulevard René-Lévesque Ouest.
  2. The English version of their website actually has addresses. Not sure if that means much however.
  3. Way too much work...who has time for that? Should be a simple snap and upload. I would wager that photo uploads have decreased since tapatalk disappeared.
  4. Merci, je pensais que j'etais le seul. Ca m'ecoeure tellement, c'est du borderline trolling. Des entreprises essaient de pousser les limites humaines avec des mega skyscrapers. Et y'a du monde ici qui trippe sur du 120m, c'est trop haut? "...servi que les plus riches". Have you got no pride? Playing the victim card all the time. end rant
  5. do you want Montreal to progress with such anti-growth attitudes like that? Such small town thinking.
  6. _mtler_

    Expos de Montréal

    Warren Cromartie a affirmé ce matin sur les ondes de 91.9FM que le coût d'une équipe à Montréal serait de 1,3 milliard de dollars (stade + franchise) et que l'argent était prêt et disponible dans le groupe d'investisseur
  7. C'est normal...Net = 90% * Brut
  8. Opinion: Project on old Montreal Children’s Hospital site should be scaled down The company that hopes to develop the former site of the Montreal Children’s Hospital goes to some pains to assert that its proposal meets the goals of Montreal’s urban planning program. We are told that this massive redevelopment, which would include six towers, will “preserve built heritage, increase public green space, and consolidate the residential character of the district.” As an immediate neighbour, and with 8 per cent of the site lying within its borders, the City of Westmount has been asked to comment. In our view, this project turns its back on heritage, adds no real green space and does nothing to attract young families. And above all, the buildings proposed are egregiously too tall. As a passing nod to the area’s built heritage, the project would conserve the colonnaded nurses’ building built in 1919. Yet the adjacent 1931 Art Deco building is to be demolished. This project, in effect, amounts to the wholesale importation of the Griffintown formula. A smattering of heritage buildings are grudgingly preserved, stuffed in beside massive modern behemoths whose very height causes them to thumb their noses at any remaining older low-rise buildings. This project and the forest of residential towers springing up along René-Lévesque Blvd. and points south — including on the land across from the Canadian Centre for Architecture — all have the same high densities in an exclusively upward rather than outward physical expression. Whether the Montreal market is tired of this high-rise formula, only the future will reveal. Certainly, it does no service to the past. Fully 70 per cent of the floor space in this proposed project will be residential. While the increased residential property tax revenues are easy to calculate, the resulting increased demand on municipal and provincial services is not. Assuming that the people who will populate these high-rises will not just be students, singles and empty nesters, where is a primary school needed to attract young families to the district? The recent downtown condo-craze is already the cause of a dramatic increase in students at Westmount’s St-Léon primary school, with no solution in sight for its overcrowded classrooms. And children and families need places to play outside. While there may be some scraps of leftover green space in the district, there are no public parks worthy of that name, and certainly nothing resembling the playing fields and natural areas found in a proper municipal park. Mind you, no local government can claim the high ground when it comes to land-use planning. Fifty years ago, the City of Westmount generously up-zoned to permit such colossal highrise developments as the Alexis-Nihon complex and Westmount Square. And, it must be said, in our enthusiasm for such overbuilding, we condemned a hundred heritage houses to the wrecking ball. And before we are accused of wanting the repopulation of the island of Montreal to take place outside Westmount’s borders, I must point out that the City of Westmount is the most densely populated city in Quebec. Westmounters know that density does not mean that you have to renounce local schools or proper urban parks. And we also know that you don’t have to resort to freakishly tall buildings to get a reasonable population density. In fact, the highest building in the current hospital complex reaches 13 floors, with the other buildings ranging from three to 11. If you thought these hospital buildings were tall, they are Lilliputian compared with what is being proposed. The new project is overladen with a surfeit of structures that reach for the sky. One building — right next to Westmount — would rise 32 floors, or 400 feet. Even the lowest tower is 20 floors, or 215 feet. This project must be scaled down. And the whole district needs more public green space if it is to avoid making a mockery of its name, le Quartier des grands jardins. Mistakes in urban planning, once transformed into concrete reality, are irremediable. Peter F. Trent is mayor of Westmount.
  9. Seems like they are preserving the facade - it's the only thing remaining.
  10. _mtler_

    Le Réveil de Montréal

    Google confirms the buzz around Montreal: City selected as one of its new cloud regions ONTRÉAL, March 9, 2017 /PRNewswire/ - Hydro-Québec welcomes with great pleasure Google's announcement that Montréal is selected as one of its new Cloud Regions. Google made the announcement today as part of Next, an annual event aimed at building the future of the cloud. After Microsoft and Amazon, this decision by Google again confirms the enormous benefits the data center industry will enjoy by choosing Québec. "Hydro-Québec is open for business, says Éric Martel, President and Chief Executive Officer of Hydro-Québec. Data centers in Montréal are clean data centers. We have the best electricity rates in North America, plenty of energy available and a very competitive business environment. It's a no-brainer." Clean energy More than 99% of the electricity produced by Hydro-Québec comes from renewable resources, the vast majority of which are hydraulic. Québec hydropower is a clean energy source with very low greenhouse gas emissions, representing only a fiftieth of thermal energy derived from natural gas, a fifth of photovoltaic solar power, and about the same as wind power. Cheap energy At the same time, the electricity rates available to data centers in Montréal are extremely competitive. For instance, they are about 4 times lower than those in California and 30% lower than those in Virginia. Not only are Hydro-Québec's electricity rates exceptionally low, Montréal's climate favors the optimized use of cooling systems, which cuts operating costs. Highly qualified workforce in information technology (IT) Montréal is well known in the international arena for its diversity of businesses, its innovative environment, its concentration of expertise and high-quality infrastructure, and its highly skilled workforce. The information and communications technology (ITC) industry in Montréal is a global pole of excellence and a pillar of economic development in the region. The Montréal ITC sector has several leading companies in key niche markets, including computer science, telecommunications, special motion picture software, artificial intelligence / deep learning and technology entertainment (Ubisoft, Electronic Arts, Eidos, A2M, Cyanide, EA Mobile). Data centers in Montréal therefore have access to a pool of highly skilled labor. Add to that one of world's most advanced telecommunications networks and the choice is clear. Privacy The Québec legislative environment pays particular attention to privacy laws under both federal and provincial legislation. For a company committed to this issue, the province of Québec is therefore one of the most ideal locations in the world to set up a data center.
  11. Pour reduire l'effet cloture, il faut de la hauteur entre RL et Ste-Cath, et pas des petites crottes à la Centra et cie. Le Drummond est un bel la phase 1 était empiller sur la phase 2
  12. I think the picket fence look will always exist as long as you have height restrictions/zoning created along RL. Take the Icone/Roccabella2/TDC1 for example in the pic from Samysoza. It's 3 sizable buildings, one behind the other, but it looks like a fence nonetheless. That's not the impression you have when you're live on the street. That's the main criticism I have wrt zoning - makes for a weird looking skyline, even though the intent is exactly the opposite. Quite counter-intuitive.:mtl: So even with TDC 2-3, Icône 2 et le projet Lucien-L'Allier/De la Montagne, the fence look will remain, it will just look like a bigger/thicker fence.
  13. Great news. As a side note, it's crazy how train tracks cause such an urban divide, a division that is both physical and mental, hopefully soon to be broken by TDC2.
  14. potential for so many towers along Viger! it's parking lot central
  15. i don't have any inside info, but i often see them working at night. it doesn't look it, but the building is actually massive, maybe that's why you feel that way
  16. _mtler_

    Le Réveil de Montréal

    keep em coming Hikvision to Establish R&D Centre in Montreal and Research Institute in Silicon Valley Jeffrey He, president of Hikvision USA Inc., and Hikvision Canada Inc., called Montreal the "ideal location for the new R&D Centre," lauding the city's "excellent talent pool and business-friendly environment." The headquarters for Hikvision Canada is also located in Montreal. Likewise, He said, the high tech hub of Silicon Valley is the logical location for the Hikvision Research Institute.
  17. _mtler_

    Le Réveil de Montréal

    Next step: how to retain foreign students! :mtl: Montreal Replaces Paris as World's Best Student City /PR Newswire India/ RANK 2017 RANK 2016 CITY 1 7 Montreal 2 1 Paris 3 5 London 4 10 Seoul 5 2 Melbourne 6 9 Berlin 7 3 Tokyo 8 13 Boston 9 11 Munich 10 13 Vancouver
  18. _mtler_

    Le Réveil de Montréal

    this does not help our case for the BIC to be in mtl... Un ex-PDG de Teachers a la tete de la Banque d'infrastructure du Canada | Canada
  19. _mtler_

    L'Économie du Québec

    do you guys agree? I think there's a real opportunity here and we can't let it slip. This is the future and it's at our fingertips! To lure tech talent, Quebec should cut taxes - The Globe and Mail
  20. Drove by today and there were two construction vehicles onsite (stationary). There seems to be some sort of demolition work being done on the Saint-Jacques side. Anyone have more details?
  21. _mtler_

    Le Réveil de Montréal

    Des entreprises émergentes de Montréal s'exportent « Il y a définitivement un mouvement qui se passe à Montréal, que ça soit des entreprises en technologie en général, et aussi des entreprises [qui se concentrent sur] tout ce qui est ville intelligente », dit M. Hodder.
  22. 50% occupation = 50% allumée
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