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Tout ce qui a été posté par _mtler_

  1. I wouldn't call that Toronto, more like North York.
  2. I agree with you, it is saddening. And don't get me wrong, I'm far from a being a far right capitalist, but if there's no market for it in its current form. I'm afraid there's not much else that can be done. The world we live in I suppose.
  3. I hear you, but there's no market for the hospital in it's current state. So you're proposing to leave it there? For how long?
  4. To those who are complaining: please go to the job site right now, as it is, in it's current state. Stand there for 5 minutes and stare at it. I dare you to complain afterwards! You feel shame.
  5. Indeed. The lot is quite small imo, so even a 120m would look slender.
  6. Pierrefonds : un projet immobilier suscite la controverse
  7. Montrealers would have been much better served if the parc was stuck directly against the buildings along Duke: 1) Safer for residents/tourists 2) Safer for those who work in Cite Multimedia who walk from Bonaventure/Gare Centrale. Most of the foot traffic is along Duke anyway, not Nazareth. 3) Incentive for residential/commercial construction along the east side of the parc (where the buildings are). Commercial would have included cafes/restaurants/terrasses/etc. This will be a major fail. The current configuration is super dangerous. I live right beside it and have no desire to walk around there, no matter how 'nice' the greenery will be.
  8. Received by email: We are contacting you today because you were previously a registrant for Broccolini’s L’Avenue condo project in downtown Montreal. Broccolini will soon be launching a new prestigious condominium project in Montreal, the 628 Saint-Jacques, which will be located immediately adjacent to Square Victoria, right on the border of Old Montreal and downtown. EN VENTE À L'AUTOMNE 2017
  9. That's really nice. Kudos to ACDF & Pomerleau.
  10. Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't there a 13 story wood structure going up in Quebec City? Supposed to be tallest in NA?
  11. Would someone be kind enough to remind me what Westcliff lots the author refers to in his article? Thanks in advance.
  12. And a glass of Canadian Club, neat
  13. _mtler_

    Top Cities Index

    The beggars have gotten worse on Ste-Cath, to the extent where they frequently urinate on the street, trying to hide between parked cars. I've seen this a few times this summer. It's a problem.
  14. Can we agree that it's mainly aimed to attract tourists? A tourist will pay for over priced things. We've all done it. Not sure what the big deal is.
  15. Great work Martin, you are appreciated!
  16. Nice momentum in this area, let's hope it keeps pushing East
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