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Tout ce qui a été posté par budgebandit

  1. Malheureusement ca serait très difficile (voire impossible) de creuser les fondations du nouveau bâtiment tout en conservant les ruines
  2. Thank you very much everyone! @franktko I had the exact same thought! But I'm also an optimist so I figure by that time there will something else exciting on the horizon I'll update the picture every 5 years haha
  3. I'm looking to buy a large, recent skyline pic of Montreal to put over my couch and was wondering if you guys could help me out. I want something similar to this picture (posted earlier): but with less of the buildings in the foreground (obviously!) and possibly a bit more of the old port Any help is appreciated!
  4. Montreal is top North American university city CTV Montreal Published Wednesday, May 9, 2018 1:34PM EDT Montreal has dropped a few rungs in a ranking of the best city in which to be a student, but it remains tops in North America according to an international ranking. London, Tokyo, and Melbourne now top the list of Best Student Cities by Quacquarelli Symonds, followed by Montreal, Paris, and Munich. Last year Montreal was ranked first worldwide. QS surveys the opinion of 50,000 students and ranks the top 100 cities in the world on the 489 university cities under study according to six criteria: the student experience, the student pool, the ranking of its universities, the desirability, the activity of the employers, as well as the cost of living and studies. Montreal ranked best overall in student experience, and best city in which to remain after graduation. Montreal, with more than 150,000 university students, has consistently ranked in the top eight cities ever since QS began its ranking system.
  5. Right-hand side looks like a bike path Left-hand side is probably one lane in each direction
  6. C'est beaucoup plus facile de couper la membrane par après que d'essayer de coordonner la position des ouvertures pendant que les travaux sont en cours
  7. $100M is a lot of money, even for a company like Broccolini or Banque Nationale Since neither could (or wanted to) buy the land themselves, they struck a deal to essentially minimize the risk and finance the purchase. BN got the land they wanted without having to put up as much money and Brocco can use the money from the sale to BN as a "down-payment" of sorts on their $100 million purchase. Business-wise, it was a very smart move
  8. Of course he does I agree with @Maisonneuve. It's the perfect spot for a mixed-use, modern development.
  9. My go to store when I wanna buy a $1500 garbage bag
  10. Y'a du béton noir à l’intérieur... pas du béton standard peinturé noir, du béton noir ! $$$$$
  11. Glycol is used in radiant heating systems, not water It has a much lower freezing point (a 50/50 mix freezes at -34C)
  12. Voici un lien pour la diffusion en direct de l’évènement qui aura lieu ce soir au SSENSE:
  13. Réception provisoire du projet hier ! L'intérieur est incroyable
  14. Another reason (besides the curved glass) for the refusal of the proposal that was shared earlier is that the floorplan for the office spaces wasn't optimal (according to BN representatives). The core wasn't centered in the building and they felt that the elevators were too far away from some of the offices.
  15. How brave of you to talk about enlarging a highway on this forum But you know what.... I agree
  16. An antenna and a spire are not the same thing. A spire is considered to be part of a building's total height. Therefore a spire would render a building "illegal" if it means the total height surpasses Mt-Royal. An antenna on the other hand is not part of a building's height, which is why CIBC is OK.
  17. There should be a spire exception to the height limit That way we could easily get to 250m
  18. Oui j'en conviens c'est cher Mais ca vaut la peine... et beaucoup, beaucoup plus agréable qu'un stationnement en surface
  19. I don't understand why some people are complaining about UNDERGROUND parking Unfortunately, it's not always possible for EVERYONE to take public transit to the Metro. In a perfect world that would be the case... but we live in the real world. Bus routes will obviously be modified in consequence of the new stations but I think the underground parking is a great idea to incentivize people to take the metro into the city instead of driving. Faut pas virer fou non plus....
  20. ^^ That's the impression I'm getting as well
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