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Tout ce qui a été posté par SKYMTL

  1. This should be moved into Approved. Brossard has agreed to chip in for infrastructure elements and will begin on the overpass in spring. Devimco is doing this without the involvement of Carbonleo (thank God!).
  2. Obviously promoters are running out of names.
  3. I'm not sure about the realistic nature of this project. There are several major real estate developments already approved for that area, one of which I know for certain will be built right on the land designated for the Quartier extension / overpass.
  4. In what kind of delusional fantasy of a fever dream would this site house a baseball park? The Children's site is currently ~200m x 90m or 600' x 300'. The average size of an MLB baseball field is 400'x400' and thats without the grandstands, concessionaires, ticketing offices, etc. etc. An MLB baseball stadium in this location would require the Children's site plus about another 1.5 blocks in every direction. The picture above shows the Expos' park situated between Peel, de la Montagne, Notre Dame and Sainte Jacques. For reference sake that's basically 300M X 300M. Simply put, the number of downtown sites for a baseball stadium is essentially zero unless someone has the bright idea to pop it into the old Radio Canada site....
  5. All I can say is "wow". I really hope they keep that courtyard design.
  6. There seems to be 38 floors on sale, not counting the 2-floor penthouses so 40 floors?
  7. Like Anjou needs another car dealership.....
  8. Funny how the impact study is done AFTER approval by city council. This thing smelled fishy from the getgo.
  9. I'm not saying there was NIMBY opposition to this project. In this case it was a special interest group headed by Ivanhoé Cambridge.
  10. Nothing will wake up the politicians in this city as long as there are NIMBY and special interest groups whispering sweet nothings in their ears.
  11. I know a few folks who put reserves on units on Sunday. To them it looked like - as with TDC 1- entire floors are being held in reserve for the contractors and subtrades. This boosts sales. I wouldn't be surprised to see a "25% deja vendu" sign going up this week. Saturday was filled with the sycophants fawning over Lafleur so most serious buyers avoided that day like the plague. You may notice their website is still stuck in a popup loop promoting day one sales:
  12. I pinged my sources but they couldn't come up with the files or proof of this. Can you post a link to the public documents?
  13. A TGV will never happen as there just isn't space for the tracks right now. Existing servitudes and limitations guarantee that the track would need to share space with standard traffic between the Gare Centrale and Vaudreuil.
  14. Don't expect for one second that the city's ridiculous waffling on this file won't put a serious dampener on the rest of Quartier Des Gares. Ridiculous.
  15. This is really odd. My broker has 37 floors including penthouses on this docket. If that's the case, someone's got some explaining to do!
  16. It means nothing right now since that phase of the project won't go on sale for at least another 5-6 years, if at all. The sales office is there for TDC2 for the time being. And in that case, it looks like every prediction we've made is true: ie 37 floors and no additional floors.
  17. Odd how the media has yet to pick anything up.
  18. Anyone notice the actual window sizes in the renderings don't match the actual thing in the least? The only way the renderings would work is if EVERY interior light was on at the same time without any curtains closed. Want to guess how often that will happen?
  19. This weekend will be the determining factor methinks. They will need to present their final proposal at the pre-sale event.
  20. Funny how folks forget about that particular hiccup.
  21. Montreal, VIlle UNESCO de Design* * Mais pas dans l'architechture ou l'aménagement urbain.
  22. I have a feeling this will remain an empty parcel of land for a while.
  23. Yes. However, not at $1400/month. That won't happen when there will be one and two bedroom condos in Roccabella, Avenue, etc. going for between $1000 and $1500 on the open rental market.
  24. Is there still work going on on the site? I heard through the grape vine that a major stakeholder may have pulled out.
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