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Tout ce qui a été posté par wellz

  1. Lets be honest. Both are bland but at least the previous render had some height.
  2. Is it only in Quebec that construction workers take a full 3 weeks off during the Christmas holidays or is it in all provinces???
  3. Buddy, your rants about forumers you dont like is getting tiresome. Just ignore it and stick to commenting on the subject at hand.
  4. Phase 1 is 54% sold according to the floors plans from the website. Have a look and count for yourselves.
  5. What are you talking about?? From the looks of it, the site has reached street level.
  6. Is the height limit on this lot only 8 floors??
  7. There will be much more of this kind of grey just down the street to the left in the coming years :thumbsup:
  8. I count 38 + mechanical floor. Thus, 39 floors. There must be a mistake with the rendering or the promoter is horrible with math.
  9. I dont get the rationale with having townhouses right in front of the Bell Center. Kind of intrusive, no?? With the amount of traffic that goes on around this area, commercial space would've been a better choice in my opinion. But I guess if people are willing to buy, then why not.
  10. Jesus Christ! A lot of thin skinned members on this board. If you cant handle a little negative criticism then leave this forum and go post on a christian church board if it makes you less depressed. You babies are starting to sound Trump-esque with all the crying!!
  11. Looks like they will be installing a 3rd crane on the site.
  12. eeek!! What a mess. The windows look plastic.
  13. From Champlain Bridge construction website
  14. The greyer and boxier the better i guess. A la Montreal!
  15. Exactly what I was thinking for awhile now. This building is being completed at a snails pace.
  16. Babylone and Univers are dead. The promoters of these projects missed the boat and will have to wait until the market evens out before jumping back in. Right now there is just too much supply on the market to justify re-entry unless they switch their plans to rental units or mixte.
  17. Hope Brocolini has more projects in the works.
  18. The construction boom continues!
  19. A second crane is being installed on the site.
  20. Apart from the glass hotel, all I see is grey, grey, and more grey. My expectations were bang on!!! Can we ever incorporate other shapes then just square boxes in this town?!?!?
  21. Good!! Now why wait. Bring on TDC3!!! My estimate is that they will announce plans and design in spring 2017 and launch sales sometime in fall 2017.
  22. You can almost guarantee that the 6 towers will be grey or beige square boxes "a la 60's design" so that it matches the rest of the new buildings going up in that area. Anybody want to place bets???
  23. TDC1 is hideous and looks dated already. Unbelievable how cadillac fairview approved this prefab monster instead of glass. The tower screams 60's design!! smh
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