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Tout ce qui a été posté par wellz

  1. ​"The people here are very angry, disappointed and scared something is going to happen to this building." ... Give me a break eh!!
  2. The woman is thinking "why am i living here??" and the man is thinking "FML!!!!" Great concept indeed...
  3. Mediocrity knows nothing higher then itself... Cmon acpnc!! Enough with the long boring drivel. This design is tiresome and a complete joke and you know it!
  4. Very sad that this sort of styling is still used. Have we not evolved????
  5. You really think the city is that petty to make them tear down structure just because its a few meters over the height limit?? Give me a break!! I think they are more reasonable then that.
  6. Then how do you explain the Holiday Inn being taller then 120m?? Its obviously taller then the CCE by much more then 1 or 2 meters.
  7. The tower is topped out by the way. There are no additional floors.
  8. The city probably gives developers 5 to 10 meters of flexibility over the height limit. Just because the limit says 120m does not mean the building can't pass it slightly. It has to stay within the range.
  9. Probably the best looking tower in the country!
  10. So this confirms that Place Bell really is 120m. Thank you!
  11. hmmmm. Is the Bell tower really 134m?? Does not seem to be. More like 120m to me. If Manulife is stated to be 114m, you be the judge. There is no apparent 20m difference in height here.
  12. The crane was raised. This one will end up being taller then originally expected. If the Bell tower is 134m, then from the looks of the core, this tower has to be at least 120 to 125m.
  13. Reason why its going up slow is because they are still pouring cement with a bucket and not the pump.
  14. Chances are good. It shouldn't take more then 4 months to dig a hole that deep and install a crane.
  15. There are no underground floors. Parking levels are above ground.
  16. Its not even finished yet. Let's wait until its complete to pass judgment. Sent from my SM-G920W8 using Tapatalk
  17. 15 floors to go for the Holiday Inn! Sent from my SM-G920W8 using Tapatalk
  18. From this pic, it looks to be the same height as the Montreal Trust building.
  19. Isn't the height limit for this area 30 floors?? Sent from my SM-G920W8 using Tapatalk
  20. Topped out by summer 2017 Sent from my SM-G920W8 using Tapatalk
  21. Prepping for phase 2. Sent from my SM-G920W8 using Tapatalk
  22. wellz

    Evolo S - 25 étages

    It was increased to 27 awhile ago. Sent from my SM-G920W8 using Tapatalk
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