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Tout ce qui a été posté par Cataclaw

  1. Ben, j'suis d'accord que c'est petit, mais je ne pense pas que ça sera insignifiant. Ca va avoir du charme, surtout au niveau de la rue, comme d'autres l'ont dit.
  2. Crazy 401. You've got your 18-lane highways, and then your 4-lane highways (20/15 between turcot and champlain). How about a healthy "in-between"?
  3. Niiiiiice! J'aime! Je compte 17 étages, mais peut-être que le 17ème c'est un "fake" ou mécanique ou une mez ou quelque chose.
  4. C'est vrai que c'est petit, mais si le 900 peut finir par voir le jour, je crois que ces 2 édifices ensemble vont bien remplir le lot!
  5. No, you've got it wrong, the architects for this project are Tremblay, L'écuyer. However.. i just went to their web site and it seems like they updated their projects page just recently, maybe even a day ago, because i went yesterday and there was still no rendering... SURPRISE!! LE RENDU!! J'adore!!! :highfive: J'avais telement peur que ça allait être terrible. Ouf! Quel soulagement! Gilbert: Peux-tu renommer le fil "Hotel Le Saint-Martin, 990 de Maisonneuve | 15 étages"
  6. J'ai trop peur que ce projet va resembler à ceci (mais plus mince). Un autre McMansion d'un dévelopeur qui fait rien que des McMansions.
  7. Cataclaw

    Canadiens de Montréal

    Why would it? No, certainly not. By underscoring the fact i'm Portuguese, i'm simply pointing out that my opinion of Ribs is not biased, unlike many Portuguese Montrealers who support Ribeiro solely on the basis of his nationality. Sorry Habsfan. I just don't like Ribeiro. I respect his skill on the ice, but there a lot of other good players will equal or superior skill that i'd rather be a fan of.
  8. Cataclaw

    Canadiens de Montréal

    Yay, another Koivu bash-fest! No. The captain is the heart and soul of this team. I don't care what Ribeiro has to say. If Rivet spoke out against Saku then i'd listen. Ribs is a cocky arrogant dickhead... i'm saying it and i'm Portuguese!! In the meantime, let's keep on bashing Saku, forever ignoring his contributions to the team, his clutch play, his leadership on and off the ice, etc.
  9. I know that... i said that earlier. Read better
  10. Malek vient d'ouvrir une nouvelle section, alors quel est votre établissement préféré et pourquoi? Si vous avez des photos, lancez-les aussi! Le reste du post sera en anglais car mon clavier est brisé et j'ai de la difficulté à faire les accents, je dois utiliser le numpad. Lounge #1 - GoGo lounge (I love the retro look and the old school music) Bar/pub #1 - 3brasseurs (Had a lot of good times here so this chain will always be special.. some like their beer, some don't, i for one do!) #2 - Terrasse Magnétic (I love this rooftop terrasse/bar/swimming pool) #3 - McKibbins (Great ambiance and it's 100 meters from my campus) #4 - Vieux-Dublin (Great place to have a beer and enjoy some music) Full nightclub #1 - Buonanotte(This place is outstanding. I've never actually gone for the food though, so i can't comment on that. Good music, good atmosphere, beautiful people, and Habs players hang out here virtually every weekend... well until a few months ago, when they started getting in trouble for partying too much. No matter where i go on saturday night, i always end up back here for the last hour because it's that great. Drinks aren't cheap though.) #2 - Le Belmont(A casual nightclub with no dress code, this place has a kind of sports bar feel to it but it isn't run down or sleazy or anything like that. During the week if i need to unwind with some friends, this is where i'll usually go. It's got a pool table and a lot of seating too.) Other favorites, in no particular order: Rouge, Opera, Med, Seven, Globe Places that suck: Radio Lounge Dix30... jesus christ what an awful place. Any place populated with 18 year olds. Pool hall #1 - Diable Bar (In vieux-Longueuil, yes, there is actually some decent nightlife in the summer on Saint-Charles street. Owned by Patrick Huard, this place looks fantastic since it was renovated, has great atmosphere, etc.) #2 - La Bande au Coin (Downtown Saint-Lambert, near the elementary school, this place has been around for something like 20 years.. it's changed a bit through the years but it's still a great place.) #3 - Skratch (Brossard near the terminus.. place is huge!) Resto/Coffee shop #1 Tim Hortons (i'm sorry but there's nothing like a bagel with cream cheese from Tim H) #2 Modavie (Nice place in old Montreal with live music.. had many good times here so place is special for me) #3 Casa Minhota(Nice Portuguese restaurant on Saint-Laurent..) Photos: ^ 3brasseurs ^ Diable Bar ^ A GoGo Lounge ^ Modavie ^ Tim Hortons ^ Vieux-Dublin ^ Buonanotte ^ Le Belmont
  11. Je ne vois pas de problème avec l'autoroute 40 large comme elle à l'est de Repentigny. Si tu regardes sur Google, l'autoroute coupe à travers une forêt. Que les voies soient ensemble ou séparées, ça ne change pas la superficie occupée par la route. Le seul inconvénient est peut-être pour les animaux qui auront de la difficulté à traverser. Je joue l'avocat du diable car je préfère toutefois les routes plus collées ensemble.
  12. Longueuil, especially the areas near the shore, are not suburbs in the figurative sense. They are areas of high density that are closer geographically to the downtown core of Montreal than, say, Rosemont. Let me repeat that : The part of Longueuil near the shore, where the metro extension is proposed, has a higher population density and is geographically two times closer to downtown Montreal than Rosemont, which is part of the city of Montreal. Yes there's a river, but that river takes only 5 minutes to cross by car or by metro. I agree urban sprawl is a problem, and i hate to see city-dwellers move to Terrebonne or Saint-Jean-Sur-Richelieu... but this isn't the case. I suggest you open up Google Maps and take a look at Saint-Lambert, Brossard and Longueuil. Not that far off, are they. Not that sparsely populated either, are they. This persistent thing about "being on the island" is ridiculous. If you live in a single-family home on the very western tip of the island of Montreal, you're an on-island city resident?!... yet if you live in a 25 storey condo on the shore of Longueuil or Brossard you're somehow the "off-island surburban guy"?! Even though you're 5-8 minutes from downtown. Now that's just silly.
  13. Yeah, ~7000 students. Though the rankings change sometimes, CEGEP Edouard Montpetit has consistently been at the top. CEGEP du Vieux Montreal is pretty big too with its nearly ~6000 students. I'm not 100% sure about surface area, but i think it's the largest in that department as well. EDIT: Sorry just to clarify Edouard Montpetit in Longueuil is the largest french-speaking CEGEP in the province. Dawson is still larger with its 10,000 students. /went to Dawson //also went to Champlain for a year prior
  14. Yes, because obviously Longueuil is acre upon acre of farmland. ^^ Nobody lives here. Just some empty space. Certainly no high density here. ^^ Nope, just empty lots that will only promote sprawl should we build a metro station here. ^^ Nobody lives here, that's for sure. Oh and that's definitely not the largest CEGEP in the entire province.
  15. Je réréitère : patience les gars, attendons de voir en détail ce que le promotteur veut faire!
  16. Lol! L'AMT vien de copier mes idées noir-sur-blanc Au moins ça prouve que mes idées ne sont pas folles!
  17. Cataclaw

    Fox News s'excuse

    This isn't about bias or political viewpoints. This is about quality of reporting and quality of interviewing. I despise Fox not because of its bias, i despise it for their lackluster reporting and the fact they try to pass off their bias as "fair and balanced". At least MSNBC and the likes of Olbermann make no attempts at pretending to be "fair and balanced". I don't like MSNBC either, because it has an obvious bias. I like CNN for its centrist generally neutral point-of-view. Don't make me pull up any one of the hundreds if not thousands of youtube videos depicting hideous moments at Fox news. From terrorist fist jabbing to spamming away "B. Hussein Obama" and making false claims and so on. The bottom line is, it isn't about the conservative viewpoint. I cherish the conservative viewpoint because it challenges my views. What i don't like about Fox is their style of reporting, their low-class methods and their total lack of morals when it comes to journalism. As a conservative it's only natural to have a favorable opinion of a network that preaches to the choir, but try to set that aside for a moment and look at their quality of reporting from an objetive point of view. It's god awful, is what it is. Yeah MSNBC isn't great either, but i never said i was a fan either. So yes, i do firmly believe Fox news isn't for objective people that want to actually get informed, and yes i do believe when it comes to current events you'd have to be an idiot to get your news from Fox.
  18. J'ai écouté l'entrevue et je suis d'accord. Enfin un peu de bon sens!
  19. Cataclaw

    Fox News s'excuse

    You'd have to be an idiot to watch Fox, period.
  20. Écoutes, je suis d'accord avec toi à 100%.. et ça serait vraiment triste de voir ce quartier ruiné par des commerces pas rapport. Quoique, si il y a un nouveau magasin d'électronique qui ouvre, et que celui-ci est 24H... j'aurais peut-être moins de misère avec ça. Je pense surtout au magasin Virgin à Times Square, New York, qui est ouvert 24H ou presque. Voici une idée: Peut-être que la ville devrait imposer une restriction -- si tu veux ouvrir un commerce, il doit rester ouvert jusqu'à 3h00 minimum. Il y aurait des incitatifs pour les commerces qui sont ouverts 24H. Comme ça, seuls les bars, clubs, etc. voudront s'installer là, à moins qu'un magasin X veut être ouvert tard comme le Virgin Store à Times Square.
  21. Je ne suis pas en désaccord avec toi! En effet c'est stupide d'avoir un magasin d'électronique au coin Sainte-Catherine et Saint-Laurent. Je réitère : attendons de voir les plans avant de se prononcer!
  22. Là tu mets des mots dans ma bouche et tu fais des insinuations erronées; je ne veux aucunement un coin Sainte-Catherine--Saint-Laurent mort à partir de 18h00. Je voulais simplement souligner que contrairement à ce que tu disais, Sainte-Catherine et Saint-Laurent n'est pas unique en termes de "nightlife". Je sors à chaque semaine, crois moi que je veux voir le "nightlife" à Montréal grandir et continuer à vivre sa prospérité.
  23. Sainte-Catherine et Crescent, c'est le centre-ville et il y a plus de monde là à 3h00 que Sainte-Catherine et Saint-Laurent.
  24. Ma blonde et moi avons commencé un nouveau "jeu" il y a 5 mois de faire chaque club qui existe à Montréal d'ici l'été, un différent à chaque samedi soir. (On aime la varieté) À date nous avons fait à peu prêt la moitié et je peux seconder ce que Gilbert dit et confirmer que le nightlife est partout. "Build it and they will come". C'est pour ça que je ne suis pas inquiet pour cette partie de la ville. S'ils font quelque chose de raisonable, on n'a pas à s'inquieter. Je vais attendre de voir des plans détaillés...
  25. Maglev is the future. Maglev trains can currently reach 600kph, float above the track so they are quieter and more efficient, etc. They're more expensive, but that'll change as technology improves. With magnetic levitation, a train could potentially reach speeds upwards of 6,000kph in a vacuum. Outside of a vacuum, some are predicting maglevs that travel at 1,000kph safely and efficiently. That's Montreal-Quebec in less than 15 minutes. Now can you imagine if they created an underwater vacuum tube that would permit for a Maglev to travel without friction at over 6,000kph... you could do NYC-Paris in less than an hour. You could live in New York and work in Paris and commute daily. Insanity. Yet it might just be reality in the next 100 years...
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