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644 maisons unifamiliales. Ouach.

"Le nouveau St-Laurent" ou le Nouveau Laval?!


et ils sont très populaires ;)


Tant qu'à garder sur les gens sur l'île, pourquoi ne pas leur donner ce qu'ils veulent vraiment? Je parie que les gens qui ont achetés là, seraient partis pour Laval ou l'ouest de l'île.

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644 maisons unifamiliales. Ouach.

"Le nouveau St-Laurent" ou le Nouveau Laval?!

Il y a 2 semaines j'ai essayé de prendre un raccourci par Bois-Franc (trèès mauvaise idée), et j'ai remarqué qu'il y avait pas mal de McMansions, bien plus que j'imaginais.

Je suppose que c'est nécessaire pour avoir une vraie "mixité sociale".




 sais pas si c'est 100% pertinent, mais voici un article qui parle de Bois-Franc, dans le contexte du Nouvel Urbanisme :



Friendly streets, Part 3: Sociable by design


By Susan Semenak, The Gazette

September 25, 2009



MONTREAL – At first, Bois Franc looks like most suburban developments.


Rows and rows of red brick houses line its streets. On a weekday afternoon, there’s not much action except for a few joggers and a promenade of Moms and tots out for a leisurely stroll.


The first hint that this St. Laurent neighbourhood isn’t run-of-the mill, though, is the absence of cars.


There are sidewalks on both sides of the street, but no cars parked at most of the curbs. No driveways in front of the houses, either, nor garages. In their place are compact front gardens planted with hydrangea and day lilies and ornamental trees. The houses sit close to the street, and most adjoin each other in tightly knit rows. Every block boasts a public square with a gurgling fountain and wrought-iron benches or a set of swings and a sandbox.


Bois Franc is a pioneering development, a neighbourhood designed to be people-friendly. It was developed in 1994 by Bombardier Inc., owner of the 20 million-square-foot terrain left vacant after the closing of the Cartierville airport.


Fifteen years after the first sod was turned, it’s still unique in Quebec, and one of only a handful of residential housing projects in Canada that have broken out of the conventional suburban prototype of sprawling single-family houses dominated by two- and four-car garages in cookie-cutter developments removed from the communities around them.


Its architect, Louis Sauer, borrowed from the principles of New Urbanism, a movement that seeks to redefine the suburbs and encourage a new culture of sustainability and community by reviving the higher-density, pedestrian-friendly street patterns of the 19th and early 20th century, before the ascension of the automobile.


In Europe, they call it the “urban village movement.”


Both aim to reduce car dependence, curb urban sprawl and tighten community ties by encouraging lively, animated street life.


Sauer sought to create a “signature town” featuring “rooms within rooms” of parks and squares based on the historic quarters of Savannah, Ga., with its genteel courtyards, and Amsterdam, with its canals and colourful row houses.


“It’s one of the most picturesque developments I’ve ever seen,” said Mireille Vilain, who bought her Bois Franc condo, which faces a park, after moving back to Montreal from Toronto two years ago. “It has a nice feeling, and there are lots of parks and plenty of green space.”


She likes that she can settle her 3-year-old son Tobias into his stroller or onto his Radio Flyer tricycle and walk to the Loblaws on Ste. Croix Blvd., the Adonis supermarket in Place Vertu or the Pharmaprix on Marcel Laurin Blvd. within 15 minutes.


“You feel like you are in a real little nook, right in the city, not far from downtown,” Vilain said.


Her neighbours are a mix of young families, older couples and senior citizens who live in two seniors’ complexes that were incorporated into the development.


On weekends and summer evenings, Vilain said, everybody who is out jogging or playing with the kids or running errands passes through La Grande Place, a large, open circular space, which is Bois Franc’s facsimile of a European piazza, complete with fountains and a café.


It doesn’t have the buzz of the Main or St. Viateur St., not even Pointe Claire Village. But on Saturday morning or Friday night, neighbours congregate here. What it lacks in Old World charm and bustle, La Grande Place makes up for in proximity. It is within a 15-minute walk of each of the almost 2,900 homes in the neighbourhood.


“It’s like a hangout here. At night, students come with their laptops to study; at lunch time, there are the seniors who come for a bowl of soup and a sandwich,” said Raffi Keuleyan, who owns the Café Depot in the square. “People around here call it Pleasantville.”


In these New Urbanist neighbourhoods – among them Bois Franc, Markham Centre, on the outskirts of Toronto, and Vancouver’s False Creek North – garages are relegated to laneways behind the homes or in underground garages accessed by a shared driveway at the end of the block.


The streets are set out in simple grid-like patterns instead of winding crescents and cul de sacs, which make getting from one street to another like navigating a maze.


The lots are also smaller than conventional suburban properties, and the homes are set closer to the sidewalk. And there’s a mix of housing types, from rental apartments to condos, which start at $170,000, to rowhouses at $420,000 and semi-detached prestige townhouses selling for more than $700,000.


In this version of suburbia, the developer has allotted nearly 30 per cent of the project’s surface to green space, compared with the 10 per cent that is required by most municipalities.


There’s a small square with benches or a children’s playground on virtually every block and a large, lush park surrounding an artificial lake at its centre, where wild grasses grow and ducks bob about.


Ray Tomalty is an urban- planning professor at McGill University’s School of Urban Planning and a researcher who recently completed a study for the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation comparing Bois Franc and neighbouring Nouveau St. Laurent to assess how physical design characteristics affect daily travel, sense of community and quality of life. They were two of eight neighbourhoods across Canada that Tomalty’s consulting firm, Smart Cities Research Services, examined. The study is to be published in November.


The survey of 2,000 people asked how many times a week they meet and greet people on their street; how many of their neighbours they know by name; how many local organizations they belong to and how many community events they attend. Do they find their neighbourhood pleasant? Do they feel safe?


Twice as many Bois Franc residents as Nouveau St. Laurent residents answered that they feel “attached to their community.”


They are also three and a half times more likely than their Nouveau St. Laurent neighbours to get on their bikes or walk. They know their neighbours better and they attend more local events and join more neighbourhood groups. And more of them perceive their community as pleasant and safe.


Guylaine Rivest says it’s just this sense of community that she and her husband were after when they decided to move here after selling their condo near Atwater Market. She liked that neighbourhood well enough – until they had children.


“We couldn’t see ourselves in the suburbs, but we wanted something family-friendly,” noted Rivest, as her daughters Samuelle and Justine sailed and kicked and laughed on the swings in the little park outside their townhouse.


Here, she and her husband ride the commuter train to and from work, and the whole family stops at the park for half an hour every day on the way home. “A park right outside your door! I love whoever thought of that,” she smiles. These are radical departures from the way suburbs across North America have been developed ever since the period immediately after the Second World War, when a severe housing shortfall sparked an unprecedented housing boom and a taste for so-called “McMansions.” The typical suburban house in, say, Kirkland’s Timberlea sector, or in Blainville or Laval des Rapides, features a single-family home of 2,000 square feet or more on a lot of 8,000 square feet or larger.


By contrast, in Bois Franc, rowhouses of 1,450 square feet are positioned on lots measuring 2,100 square feet.


“The closer the buildings are to one another, and the nearer to the sidewalk, the more likely neighbours are to stop and chat,” explained Tomalty. “Density is a key factor in engendering livability in a neighbourhood. It brings people closer together and generates more frequent interactions between them.


“It also means more people watching out for each other and each other’s property, what’s known in urban planning terms as “eyes on the street.”


Density also provides a market for nearby businesses such as cafés, bakeries and dry cleaners that residents can get to without getting into their cars.


Renata Sipols, who rents an apartment in Bois Franc, finds the architecture a little monotone compared with the old central neighbourhoods of Munich, from where she emigrated.


But she likes Bois Franc’s network of parks and pathways, and the way her neighbours sit around on their balconies all summer, barbecuing, talking, lingering.


Avi Friedman, a professor at McGill University’s School of Architecture who has written extensively on affordable, sustainable housing, is a big fan of Bois Franc, where he takes his students on walking tours to point out the features of New Urbanist design. Friedman says neighbourhoods like Bois Franc offer an example for how cities should tackle urban sprawl by developing the so-called “middle landscape,” which is neither downtown not suburban, but falls within easy access of the city centre.


He likes Bois Franc’s smaller lot sizes, its network of parks and paths and squares and the builders’ use of long-lasting, quality materials, such as stone and brick instead of vinyl siding. He likes its whimsical touches, too, like the bronze turtles in a fountain or the quote from the artist Paul Gaugin etched into a paving stone.


Critics say New Urbanist developments are too often sterile and “artificial,” and they are often too expensive for average homebuyers.


David Hanna, urban planning professor at the Université du Québec à Montréal, for one, says he’d rather look to older neighbourhoods such as Le Plateau Mont-Royal or Mile End as models of sustainability and livability. These new developments offer pleasant streets to walk on, but nowhere particularly interesting to walk to.


“Life on a street is greatly enhanced when people are out walking and biking and going back and forth,” says Hanna. “But they need somewhere interesting to go, and those busy commercial streets like Mont Royal Ave. and Masson St. and Wellington St. in Verdun offer that.”


Or as Halifax architecture and planning professor Jill Hunt put it in her book Planning the Good Community: “People either love New Urbanism or hate it. Some find compact new neighbourhoods of brownstone rowhouses, elegant mansions or country cottages delightful. Others see these urban villages as upgraded suburbs mired in the aesthetics of another time and place – cloyingly nostalgic anachronisms for affluent elites.”


But Friedman thinks Bois Franc, with its solid brick and stone exteriors, integrated architectural designs where the scale of the buildings and the streets and the trees and plantings are harmoniously sized and spaced as well as the generous landscaping, will age well. Its streets, narrower than conventional suburban streets, will one day be shaded by a canopy of trees planted on both sides.


“Le Plateau was new 100 years ago, but with time it grew rusticated, the buildings took on patina and colour as people painted the brick and changed the front doors and added their own marks of individuality,” he said.


© Copyright © The Montreal Gazette

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L'article est trompeur puisqu'ils interviewent une couple de gens qui marchent pour faire l'épicierie... ce qui est réellement pas la norme dans ce quartier très spécial et similaire à n'importe quelle banlieue (moins la personnalisation qu'on peut apporter à sa demeure).


Pour y être allé plusieurs fois, le quartier semble sortir tout droit d'un "cookie cutter" au contraire de ce que l'auteur affirme. Oui les maisons sont plus élégantes, mais ils coutent aussi beaucoup plus cher, dans le temps c'était à partir de 600k!!! Je n'imagine pas les prix maintenant.


Tous mes amis détestent ce quartier puisqu'il est beaucoup trop morne, moi je trouve ça ok rien de plus.



“Le Plateau was new 100 years ago, but with time it grew rusticated, the buildings took on patina and colour as people painted the brick and changed the front doors and added their own marks of individuality,” he said.


Dans ce cas-ci, dans 100 ans le quartier sera exactement pareil qu'aujourd'hui, les proprios ne peuvent rien changer à leur propriétés qui sort de la brique qu'est le livre de réglements qui viens avec. Les histoires que j'ai entendu d'un collègue qui y habite me laisse froid. Un espèce de quartier à la 1984 ou un il y a toujours un voisin ou qqun mandaté par Bombardier qui surveille vos faits et gestes.

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  • 2 semaines plus tard...

Petit update :


Le long du boulevard Henri-Bourassa, à l'ouest du boulevard Cavendish, la construction des Grands Palais sur le Lac a débuté, dans la troisième (et dernière) phase du secteur Nouveau Saint-Laurent. Les grues s'activent depuis le mois d'août pour bâtir le premier de huit immeubles en copropriété de six étages. La construction d'un deuxième édifice devrait débuter à la fin du mois.


La troisième phase du NouveauSaint-Laurent, baptisée Challenger Ouest, sera construite sur une partie du terrain de golf temporaire Challenger. Longtemps propriété de Bombardier Services Immobilier (promoteur jusqu'à récemment du quartier Bois-Franc), le terrain a été vendu à Rodimax, le promoteur du Nouveau Saint-Laurent. Le Challenger Ouest en deviendra la prolongation naturelle.


En tout, 1200 logements devraient y être construits : environ 900 appartements en copropriété, 150 maisons en rangée adossées et 130 maisons unifamiliales haut de gamme. Les immeubles du complexe Les Grands Palais sur le Lac compteront chacun 45 unités à des prix variant entre 142 000 et plus de 400 000 $ (taxes et une place dans le stationnement souterrain inclus). Une salle d'exercice, un salon communautaire et une terrasse seront aménagés sur les toits.


Le mois prochain, les premières maisons en rangée jumelées seront mises en vente et leur construction devrait débuter au printemps 2010. Treize des immeubles de huit logements prendront forme en bordure du boulevard Henri-Bourassa.



«Il y aura une plus forte densité le long des boulevards Henri-Bourassa et Cavendish, de façon à minimiser la circulation à l'intérieur du projet et optimiser l'utilisation du transport en commun, explique Éric Paquet, chef de la planification et de la gestion du territoire à l'arrondissement de Saint-Laurent. La phase III du Nouveau Saint-Laurent s'inscrit en continuité avec ce qui a été fait jusqu'à maintenant.»


Le secteur, déjà riche en parcs et espaces verts, gagnera trois parcs supplémentaires et deux bassins de rétention d'eau, qui récupéreront l'eau de pluie et formeront deux lacs. Une nouvelle piste cyclable complétera le réseau vert existant et mènera aux quartiers environnants.


«Le secteur est sans pareil, indique fièrement Rocco Di Zazzo, président de Rodimax. Nous avons voulu dès le départ qu'il soit prestigieux et il l'est demeuré.»


L'arrondissement de Saint-Laurent, qui encourage les promoteurs à être de plus en plus verts, veut hausser la barre en termes de développement durable. Remettant en question certaines de ses propres pratiques, pour minimiser les effets sur l'environnement, il a signé une entente avec le promoteur pour travailler en parallèle à l'atteinte des mêmes objectifs.


«Il faut mutuellement développer de nouvelles expertises, précise M. Paquet. Nous y allons par étapes.»




Source :

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Finis, les cadeaux aux promoteurs immobiliers?

Mise à jour : 10/11/2009 20h58


Les promoteurs qui construisent des bassins de rétention doivent dorénavant payer la facture, la Ville de Montréal ayant modifié son règlement municipal lui permettant d’assumer la totalité des frais.


Lundi, TVA rapportait que les promoteurs d’un luxueux quartier résidentiel de l’arrondissement de Pierrefonds-Roxboro n’avaient pas eu à débourser un sou pour un bassin de rétention destiné à protéger les imposantes résidences des eaux de pluie. Coût de l’opération: 2,5 millions $. Une facture payée à même les impôts de tous les Montréalais.


La mairesse de l’arrondissement, Monique Worth, explique qu’au moment où les ententes avec les promoteurs ont été signées, le règlement stipulait que la ville-centre payait les frais.


Or, depuis 2006, la Ville de Montréal a modifié ce règlement, plaçant du coup le fardeau sur les épaules des promoteurs de projets immobiliers.


Cette modification vient corriger ce qui semble être une anomalie, du moins selon ce que constate une avocate spécialisée en droit municipal.


«C'est plutôt rare que ce soit l'ensemble des citoyens qui payent pour le développement d'un secteur d'une municipalité ou d'une ville au Québec», a laissé tomber Me Johanne Côté, ajoutant qu’elle n’avait pas vu de cas semblable au cours des dernières années.

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