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900 Saint-Antoine Ouest - 64 étages


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Quite interesting that the height limit is 120 m - did I read that correctly? Perhaps a great affordable housing policy is to re-zone the area to allow for much greater height for integrating affordable housing. For example, a developer can built up to 120 m without any addition of affordable housing, but can built 20% higher, if say they include 15% affordable housing. I am unaware of the zoning policies related to encouraging affordable housing in Montreal. But this is critical - as real estate markets around Canada becomes hyper-saturated, investment is pouring into Montreal and we have a clear opportunity to learn from the mistakes of other Canadian cities and better integrate affordable housing policies to ensure a equitable future for all. 


Additionally,  the Bonaventure expressway, along with the rail not only take up prime real estate space in downtown, but acts as an axis that divides the city - in short, an urban planning S**t-show. Why not let developers built over the expressway?  As the downtown core moves southwards, and Griffin Town nearly fully developed, it makes sense to ease the transition between the old cores of the city with the newer ones.


Modifié par Ashok
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Again. Why the hell would a developer build affordable housing if the Quebec government doesnt allow the funds to built it? If I would be a developer I would say "Go to Hell". Stop the madness already, we know the subventions are not coming anytime soon so affordable housing will always be a dream. Its great on paper, unpractical in real life. Better find a job and spruce up your life instead of waiting your "hole" life for a 250$/month 2 bedroom for you and your 3 dogs and 4 cats. Geez.

il y a 4 minutes, anjou a dit :

Quelqu'un sait pourquoi il y a un couloir entre les deux zones 120m+ ? 

Rue Ste-Catherine. Et c'est pas "deux zones 120m+", c'est une zone 120m au nord de Ste-Cath et l'autre 120m+ au sud.

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5 minutes ago, anjou said:

Quelqu'un sait pourquoi il y a un couloir entre les deux zones 120m+ ? 

Si tu parlais des terrains de CF, c'est parce qu'il s'agit d'une nouvelle zone. (Bonne nouvelle pour eux, qui pourraient bâtir une 200 m au 750 Peel, plutôt que 2 x max 120m.)

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il y a 4 minutes, Rocco a dit :

Again. Why the hell would a developer build affordable housing if the Quebec government doesnt allow the funds to built it? If I would be a developer I would say "Go to Hell". Stop the madness already, we know the subventions are not coming anytime soon so affordable housing will always be a dream. Its great on paper, unpractical in real life. Better find a job and spruce up your life instead of waiting your "hole" life for a 250$/month 2 bedroom for you and your 3 dogs and 4 cats. Geez.

Rue Ste-Catherine. Et c'est pas "deux zones 120m+", c'est une zone 120m au nord de Ste-Cath et l'autre 120m+ au sud.


il y a 3 minutes, FrancSoisD a dit :

Si tu parlais des terrains de CF, c'est parce qu'il s'agit d'une nouvelle zone. (Bonne nouvelle pour eux, qui pourraient bâtir une 200 m au 750 Peel, plutôt que 2 x max 120m.)

Merci pour les réponses je comprends maintenant ! 

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