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750 Peel (Trifecta) - 36 étages


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Well, for one, if they dont consider that there is enough demand for office space, thats fair enough. Its their prerogative to analyse the market and make an informed decision based on that. However, I doubt that they could get a professional opinion saying that the condos market isnt hot right now in Montréal. A think a mixed use project could very well be a low risk/high reward venture. 

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Il y a 2 heures, _mtler_ a dit :

How are they making a mistake?

I think an higher building can bring more value than two smaller buildings.  Those top floors can be rented (or sold if they do a mix use) at an higher price.

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Il y a 19 heures, rufus96 a dit :

Yes, no doubt true Banque Nationale is planning to build a new head office - but keep in mind they will be vacating their current premises. It's not as if the market is absorbing an additional 1,000,000 sf of office space here. My post is simply to point out the reasons why (and why not) CF is opting for a safer, less ambitious proposal. Agree or disagree?

Their current premises certainly won't be completely empty, and not for very long. In a sense, yes, mtl will be absorbing 1000 000 sf of office space. Juste not A+ space. Nuance.

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20 hours ago, ToxiK said:

I think an higher building can bring more value than two smaller buildings.  Those top floors can be rented (or sold if they do a mix use) at an higher price.

Don’t you think they have done their due diligence?

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Il y a 2 heures, _mtler_ a dit :

Don’t you think they have done their due diligence?

Maybe, but I still think they are wasting a good opportunity.  It is like the first Urbania project in Laval;  they buildt 5 floors on their buildings because they didn't believed their land was more valuable then that.  The new phases aer much higher.  I m sure Urbania 1 still made money, but they could have made much more with a little vision.

It is like the first Star Wars movie.  Fox still made money with it but they didn't believe in it so they all left the rights of merchandising to George Lucas.  Do you know how much money Fox left on the table?

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1- Pas d'impact sur la vue au 1000 DLG à partir de Robert Bourrassa : Comment est-ce que ces deux tours, qui sont à l'ouest du 1000, peut venir cacher celui-ci à partir d'un point de vue émanant du sud est?

2 - Impact moyen sur la vue à la tour Deloitte à partir de Robert Bourrassa : Même la vue à la tour Deloitte est possible grâce à la faible hauteur de l’îlot se situant au sud de la Place du Canada et la configuration NO/SE des tours du 750 Peel sur son îlot.

3 - Des développements futurs sur des terrains zoné max (terminus Mansfield et stationnement au sud de St-Jacques) peuvent venir complètement cacher la vue du 1000 DLG à partir de Robert Bourrassa. La même chose se produit avec les projets du nouveau HQ de la BNC et du VSLP qui viennent cacher la Tour de la Bourse. Regrette t-on ces nouvelles tours pour autant?

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