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1111 Atwater - 38 étages


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Il y a 13 heures, Rocco a dit :

Ce stretch de Ste-Cathy... Ayoye.

Paradoxalement il faut ce genre de quadrilatère en partie déstructuré pour assurer la relève en construction dans une ville. Pour moi ce sont des réserves foncières officieuses qui n'attendent qu'un promoteur, voilà tout. Car on s'entend qu'une ville n'est jamais immobile puisque c'est un projet sans fin :yes:

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14 hours ago, Rocco said:

Not sure but at some point Westmount had ambition. Oh and some pictures of the Queen visiting Montreal on two occasions for our fellow Westmount forum visitors! Hail to the Queen!



You know, PVM has a private elevator for the very rich to go to their clubs on the top floor - I mean, god forbid if they saw poor people on their way to their clubs. I think there is a restaurant now there. There are so many visible markers in Montreal that divides the rich poor - interesting because Montreal actively pushes to be more egalitarian. PVM is a great example of it.

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il y a 16 minutes, Ashok a dit :

You know, PVM has a private elevator for the very rich to go to their clubs on the top floor - I mean, god forbid if they saw poor people on their way to their clubs. I think there is a restaurant now there. There are so many visible markers in Montreal that divides the rich poor - interesting because Montreal actively pushes to be more egalitarian. PVM is a great example of it.

@AshokAre you referring to the 737 Club ? I worked several years at PVM and often went to the 737 club for 5@7. I do not recall that it was for the "very rich" as mentioned in your last post. I saw there a lot of "not that rich" people.

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il y a 2 minutes, Ricardo100 a dit :

@AshokAre you referring to the 737 Club ? I worked several years at PVM and often went to the 737 club for 5@7. I do not recall that it was for the "very rich" as mentioned in your last post. I saw there a lot of "not that rich" people.

I concur, I've been to the 737 many times... and it was not a very rich club by any means... people dressing up for a Saturday night was common back then. Now people dress like hobos to go out and its the norm... that doesn't make people rich or poor.

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22 minutes ago, mtlurb said:

I concur, I've been to the 737 many times... and it was not a very rich club by any means... people dressing up for a Saturday night was common back then. Now people dress like hobos to go out and its the norm... that doesn't make people rich or poor.


My bad, I meant to say this is the history that happened during its construction. 737 used to be in the 60s a club for the very wealthy. This club was actually existing on the development land of PVM, it was purchased with the argument that there will be a new club on the top floor overlooking the city, and they requested that there would be elevators that go directly to that club because they did not want the patrons to meet.. commoners. I do not have the link to the history. But, it does explains well why there are private elevators going to 737.


Yes, the 737 these days is much more accessible. Beautiful views, meh food/drinks though. But the view is worth it.

Modifié par Ashok
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il y a 1 minute, Ashok a dit :


I am referring to the history that happened during its construction. 737 used to be in the 60s a club for the very wealthy. This club was actually existing on the development land of PVM, it was purchased with the argument that there will be a new club on the top floor overlooking the city, and they requested that there would be elevators that go directly to that club because they did not want the patrons to meet.. commoners. I do not have the link to the history. But, it does explains well why there are private elevators going to 737.


Yes, the 737 these days is much more accessible.

Oh ok... had no idea 737 existed back in the 60s... its possible sure. If you find more info don't hesitate sharing, I'm really curious about this too.

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