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6610 avenue Victoria (logements abordables coin Barclay) - 8 étages


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L'article est vieux, mais je passe par ce coin en rentrant chez moi et les excavations ont commencé il y a quelque temps.



New social housing on Victoria Ave.

Photo: Marie Cicchini


The 4 Seasons depanneur will be demolished.



The CDN-NDG borough plans to begin a social housing project on Victoria Ave. at the corner of Barclay Ave. in the fall of 2012.


At the March 5 borough council meeting notice was given of a motion to approve higher-density housing at 6610 Victoria Ave. in Côte-des-Neiges.


Since the attribution of social housing is within the domain of Montreal’s agglomeration council, CDN-NDG council adopted a motion requesting authorization for the construction of a residential building reserved for residents in need, with space for community activities.


The land belongs to Rouge Condominiums. The construction of new social housing units is part of the compensation that developer Devmont must offer in return for the construction of new condo units in the Triangle.


The promoter for the 66 affordable units will be l’Office municipal d’habitation de Montréal (OMHM). The Côte-des-Neiges technical resources group involved in the project will be le Regroupement des organismes du Montréal ethnique pour le logement (R.O.M.E.L.), and will receive financial support from AccèsLogis.


“Montreal holds 87% of the votes at Montreal’s agglomeration council. With projects that we launch thanks to the compensation that we secure from the developers, we have very good arguments for a social housing project in our borough,” said Snowdon Councillor Marvin Rotrand.


The 4 Seasons depanneur that currently occupies the site will be demolished to make way for the building. It will be eight stories high, like the neighbouring building, which requires a minor variance from the current three-story limit.


This project will further the work undertaken to revitalize the commercial sector along Victoria Ave. for which Rotrand secured $3M worth of funding three years ago. “It made possible the renovation of the sidewalks, new street furniture and resurfacing the street,” said Rotrand.


Rotrand added that the project goes back to the time when CDN-NDG Mayor Michael Applebaum was responsible for housing. “It was his file and he worked very hard on it.”


The Direction de l’aménagement urbain et des services aux entreprises (urban planning and business services department) thinks that the project meshes well with the City of Montreal’s policy directions.


In addition to revitalizing and densifying the neighbourhood that needs new construction, the project is located in an area where most of the population is comprised of single-parent families and young people, with lots of immigrants and low-income residents who spend more than 30% of their income on rent and have an urgent need for affordable housing. Many people are on the waiting list for help. The building would include 775 m2 of community space in the basement and on the ground and first floors.


Construction is expected to start in the spring.

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  • 2 années plus tard...

Le projet que l'on parle ici est celui de la première photo et il est assez affreux merci. Le seul bon coté c'est qu'il a de la densité relative.


Par contre j'en profite pour mettre deux photos de l'immeuble voisin, juste en face qui est soit en construction ou en rénovation mais ce que je trouve intéressant c'est qu'il est au dessus d'une station de métro.


Projet terminé


Avenur Victoria2.jpg

6610 avenue Victoria.jpg

Avenue Victoria.jpg

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